Jillians 30 day Shred, need opinions

JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
So I've been seriously thinking of getting Jillians 30 day Shred from Walmart (it's so super cheap there) and I'm curious about the reviews on it.

I've heard mixed reviews and I'm just wondering what my MFP peeps think about it. What are you likes and dislikes about it? Is it a super long workout like some of the P90X videos or are you done in around 30min?

Is it something you can pair with running easily, I'm hoping to start C25K this week and I don't want to work my body into the ground. Thanks so much! :flowerforyou:


  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    I bought it last month, and use it in addition to what I already do (running, strength training with trainer, etc). I like it! I LOVE that it's 24 minutes long (and then some cool down period), so when my alarm goes off at 5:00am, I'm not dreading a 60 minute workout so early. Very doable with my schedule.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Do it! It's 20 minutes a day and all you need is a pair of hand weights (3-5lbs will do just fine) - it is a great workout, and you could definitely supplement it with some running!
  • kabullard
    kabullard Posts: 41
    I love it! Just finished day 4...it takes a total of about 22 minutes. 2 min warm-up, 18 minute work-out (3 cycles of 3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min abs), then a 2 minute cool-down. I am dead by the end of it, but then feel fine later. It's normally not until half way through the next day that I feel the pain of muscles!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    That's so good to hear that it's not a super long workout. I loved when I did the P90X videos but some of the workouts I dreaded becasue they were so long. Good to know I can do it and still do my treadmill for 30 mins either after or later in the day.
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    It's the best workout DVD ever!!!! get it. you will see results if you stick by it.
  • Tcasillas
    Tcasillas Posts: 30
    tried it for the first time today cuz i got it free on demand with direct tv. I loved it. it was pretty intense but she has one girl that does the modified version for beginners and the other do it like a pro. its 20 mins long so its quick and your burn almost 400 calories. depending on the person. definetly try it out. im going to buy it as well.
  • dnpamorgan
    dnpamorgan Posts: 29 Member
    Love that it's not a super long video and it works! I've definitely noticed some changes since I started!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    You will love it but be ready to feel the pain the next day!
  • flutterqueen04
    Got it. Love it. I did the 30 day stretch (mostly on L1 and L2) and lost 7lbs and a total of 4 inches. My endurance level definitely improved!! Now I am doing her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and I still do L3 of the Shred on the days I don't do BFBM. It is a good quick workout. And yes, you can do running/walking with it for added cardio :) I usually did it afterward and found I had more energy to go longer on the treadmill.
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I love it. As has already been said, it's a short workout, but you stay damn busy during those few minutes and work up a good sweat. And you're always changing what you're doing every 30-60 seconds, so it doesn't get too boring. I recommend it.
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I love it too. I do it with my other workouts, walking, Leslie Sanson videos. It wasn't easy for me at first, but it gets a lot easier the more you do it. It's only around 10 bucks, 20 minutes a day. You really should try it!
  • donnareschke
    donnareschke Posts: 9 Member
    I really like it. Not too long and can squeeze it in any time of the day. I actually only do it twice a week right now and I still notice a change in my body. I run MWF and do 30 Day Shred on Tues and Thurs. Sometimes I'll do it on Saturday too if I can. I am on Level 2 now and I LOVE it.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I am doing it. Just finished Day 10 (Level one -Anita (beginners).

    I start Level 2 in the AM. I am doing it 10 10 10 and when done I will do another 10 10 10 - Natalie (Advanced).

    I also walk 30-60 mins five or six times a week and I see results. Cant wait to see how things have changed at the end of my 30 :-)
  • amybalza
    amybalza Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing 30 day shred with Couch 2 5K (3 days/week each) and have had GREAT results! It's a good idea to do strength training along with running because it keeps your body from breaking down muscle for fuel during your runs. Jillians workouts are really challenging, I always joke that she makes me look forward to my running days :wink:
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    It's a great workout!
    I am on day 5 level 1....kicks you in the butt!
    I currently do Zumba on M,W,F & the Shred T, TH, Sat
    I also walk or run a mix of days too.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i love it, actually. but if you're looking for a high calorie burn, this isn't it - the strength training and the ab work leave time for your heart rate to go down. but it's gonna hurt, no matter what kind of shape you're in, cuz it's really easy to find ways to push yourself with each move. i actually think it's a great compliment to C25K. but i don't suggest trying to do both in the same hour. i tried that yesterday and, uh. . .yeah, just don't.

    the only downside i saw was that she has a deep love for high-impact cardio (at least in level 1), so you may have to modify a couple of the moves if your knees have issues.
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I highly recommend it! After my first 10 days I lost 4 lbs and 2.5 inches total. I just started level 2 yesterday and I can't wait to see more results!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Oh, and btw, I only took measurements of my hips, waist and bust.....so I'm sure I lost more than just 2.5 if you add in arms and such.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    10 minute trainer! I love that! Tony Horton. Less intense but more of a calorie burn. I have an HRM so I compared. You can chose which workout you rather do. It gives you 3 workouts for each day but if you only have short amount of time you can chose one. One cardio session burn more than what Jillain michaels gave me. And you dont feel like your repeating all over and over.
  • kcphilly
    kcphilly Posts: 71
    I have it and liking it so far, 5 days at level 1. Honestly though I don't get sore at all from it though. First time I took it a little easy cause I read some reviews that scared me about everything aching...but even pushing it I feel fine the next day. Not to say I don't feel it while I'm doing it, especially the last circuit, whew! I also picked up one of her other DVDs at the same time, No More Trouble Zones, and I like that one a lot, it's longer (almost an hour with warm up and cool down) but you can also pick and choose which circuits want to do if you want to make it shorter.