feeling discouraged

I began to slack off and exercise less about a week ago. I gave myself one "okay" day for prom, but never got back on track. Now I am finding it difficult to get back onboard and eat right and exercise.
I would really appreciate any encouragement or stories about your struggle/ success.
Thanks. <3


  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I have been there too! Actually this past weekend I did not stick to my diet at all then I went shopping for clothes - that was the motivation I needed. I hate the size I am in and not being able to find anything I think I look good in. So, I left that store and went grocery shopping. I know I have to make the change and that shopping trip did it for me! Unless you are fully committed to changing then you will never get the motivation you need - you have to motivate yourself with encouragement from us!!!!! Good luck!
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    Three weeks ago I was feeling discouraged and on a bad plateau. I have an idea to get you back in the game of being inspired: make a list of at least 20 or more reasons of why you want to be thin. These can be reasons that you want for yourself, or are inspired by others. Anything positive or negative reasons. Just reasons about why you started your weight loss process in the first place.
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    I have this very same problem. Its normal to feel how you are feeling. the only thing you can do is just DO IT. stop thinking about it and just do it. You will find that the good healthy habits will come back right away....
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Girl, we've all been there. You just have to set your jaw and focus. Find something that you want to improve, and then be determined enough to do whatever it takes to get there. A lot easier if you set some "smaller" or "mini" goals.... Then it will just snowball from there.

    Good luck!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You know what you have to do - you've already lost 11 pounds! You said yourself - eat right and exercise. Just make it happen. What's stopping you? Not enough healthy food at home? Plan a few days' worth of meals and go grocery shopping. Not "feeling" the gym (or however you workout)? Make an appointment in your schedule for a workout and consider it as non-negotiable as a doctor's appointment or work. Just do it and you'll feel better, and find your groove again.
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    I went away to a wedding for the weekend and ate and drank too much all weekend! Then Monday I was really tired and ate lots of chocolate after lunch AND after dinner. Now it's Tuesday and I'm trying to focus on my tropical beach holiday in a few weeks time - need to get back to healthy eating and exercise fast if I want to look hot in my bikini!
    I don't really have any tips though would appreciate some too!
    Good luck!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Gosh I totally understand. There are some days when I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, let alone try to work out. So I tell myself, just do 20 minutes. That's all. I do something mindless, like a wii free run (running in place), which usually wakes me up and gets me jazzed to do something else that takes a bit more concentration. 40 minutes later I've got my second wind and I'm good for another six hours or so of functioning before bed. And hey, if I still want to stop after 20 minutes, so be it. Even 20 minutes will make me feel like I've accomplished something so I won't feel like such a failure and get caught in that vicious cycle.

    And don't we all feel better after we work out?

    C'mon, you can do 20 minutes. I know you can!
  • smarti4910k
    I just started the program about a week ago and what keeps me motivated is being able to walk in to a boutique and be able to try ANYTHING in there on!
  • judy02
    judy02 Posts: 19
    I know the feeling. I keep falling out of track as well. But i keep setting short term goals until yesterday i saw my self in the mirror and didn't like what i saw so, i imagine how i wanted to be and the kind of clothing i would be able to wear.

    Long story short....I decided to set a 3 month goal. At the end of that time, there will be a gift for my success.

    You should try it, just set a realistic short and long term goals and have incentives or treat your self to something that motivate you to get that goal accomplished

    what ever you do just don't give up. keep trying. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Hey so I actually was sick for two weeks about a week ago and I didn't do ANYTHING! Sometimes the body needs a rest period. I found it easiest to get back into the swing if I workout with my friends. But don't beat yourself up about it, that will just make it worse. I believe we can do anything if we really dedicate ourselves. So jump right in and don't look back! :flowerforyou:
  • Futbol14
    Futbol14 Posts: 5,302 Member
    I have been there too, like many of the other ladies and gentlemen that are in these page. But I have learned something very important these past week that can apply to dieting and to anything else in life even.
    First of all You need to sit down and ask Yourself for Whom, for what and Why you are dieting, hopefully your answer will be somewhere along the line that You are doing it for You, the what would be to feel better and be healthier, and why can be really anything in my case is because I am an image of God, He created me and He love me for whom I am and I need to love me and accept me and be a better me.
    I was told that the best thing to do after that is to look at yourself in the mirror and to repeat to Your self that You are Beautiful, You are Worthed, You are loved and You are unique and that God have give You talents that You need to used.
    Then go and drink 32 oz (4) glasses of water and wait for 45 min. before you eat is better in th morning and in that 45 min. try to exercise.
    I also was told that depend on what we eat we get depressed faster, that is important to eat everything on balance and the right amount.
    It's hard, but it take practice like anything else and You will notice the change, it's a slow process but it is permanent or at least that's what I was told and I want to believe it.
    Be Positive in all you do, Be Happy and Love Yourself :o)