To fast or not to fast...

Shofie_1910 Posts: 39
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Opinions please! I'm back and forward as to whether or not this would be worth doing once a month, or once a week? Am also slightly worried that it will do more bad then good!


  • crebbe
    crebbe Posts: 18
    Everyone has different levels of self control but....When I try to fast I have in my mind a count down until I am finished. This makes me eat way more than I should when the fast is over.

    My opinion: Eat in moderation along the way, don't fast.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    personally I don't do it
  • Sambloid
    Sambloid Posts: 12
    I've heard a lot more bad things about fasting than good things. I wouldn't. What I do is eat small snacks every 2.5-3 hours throughout the day.
  • cherrie660
    cherrie660 Posts: 1 Member
    Just eat normally but still do excerise? thats what im doing :) - but just dont eat doughnuts cookies etc - maybe just once a week for a treat :)?xxx
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Hundreds of millions of people around the world fast -- there's nothing wrong with it.

    I do it whenever I feel like I need to reconnect my mind and body and to detox. So I drink only water for 24 hours maybe once or twice a month. I know my body well enough that if I was in NEED of food, I could stop the fast anytime I wanted, but that's after learning that a slight tummy rumble because a hockey game is on is not NEED.

    If you do decide to fast, plan to run it from, say, 6pm the night before to 6pm the day of your fast (so you don't go an entire day without food). Also, have your extra calories the day before your fast (since you'll be consuming less calories the day of the fast) so if you're on a 1200 calorie plan, have 1800 the day before (plus exercise calories) and 600 the day of. Also, try to avoid cardio, but do strength training and work all your different muscle groups.

    I just finished an 18 hour one today -- just because I had a huge lunch yesterday and needed to stop eating for a while to get centred again.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    There are some advocates of daily fasting that will probably rapidly find this thread to sell you on it. Occasional fasting has been practiced for millennia for religious reasons, and is generally harmless. In general, it’s not considered a weight-loss plan. There are plenty of benefits to feeding your body regularly with nourishing food, and doing so creates a lifestyle change that most people can stick with. However, there are always exceptions, and just because I don’t advocate it doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of people who swear by its effectiveness.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    personally, it is something I try to incorporate into my weekly routine but in a modified way. Sometimes I will eat healthy vibrant and often raw fruits and veggies and a lean protein or diary for breakfast, snack 1 and lunch, and then fast from 3pm until 9am the next day. usually do this once a week or so, especially if I am feeling the effects of bad food choices, or just need a chance to recharge. About once a month I will scale down to a fast. Meaning, I wont eat 1500 or 2000 calories one day and nothing the next. I am on a 1250 plan and so I will do a cycle like this: Day 1: 1200 calories, A citrus in the morning, fruit concentrated into the first half of the day, light dinner, dairy allowed. Day 2: 800-1000 calories, no dairy, fruits concentrated in the first half of the day, veggies, limited to no processed food. Day 3: on citrus in the am, then fast until 7am the following day. then I reverse the plan back up to 1200 and eat normally. I dont do it often, but I find it easier to ease in and out of a fast than to just stop eating for 24 hours and then start again. Fasting IS something that people around the world and throughout history have done, it can be done healthfully and safely, and it can give you clarity of mind that is found in no other way. The key is to do it when you are ready...if you know you have binge tendencies, then a fast is probably not a good idea. you really dont want to stop eating, and then as soon as you start again eat a bunch of crap.People will give you advice both ways, take it all into account and then make the best decision for you.
  • Thank you for all your answers =] I think perhaps i'll try a juice detox rather then a full on fast, not sure i have the will power just yet =]
  • Suebepinkydoo
    Suebepinkydoo Posts: 32 Member
    The first time you fast is the hardest. After that it does get easier, I tend to do a 24 - 36 hour fast once a week. Just make sure drink plenty of fluids.

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