
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm in for the challenge to loose 10 lbs. I am down 19 and love challenges to help with making loosing weight fun!

    I'm down 19lbs too and would LOVE to be at or near 30 by the end of April. Count me in!!
  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    I'm in! Always up for friends too!
  • I am totally in.
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I'm in!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Anyone feel free to add me too:) This is my first joined challenge...usually I start them!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I would give anything to!! Im in..will give it my best shot...this will be my last 10-15...so I may have a little bit of trouble....hope not!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I'm definently in! My eating has gotten on point, I have no more weekend disasters (hopefully it will stay this way), and I've increased my exercising. I am fired up!

    Don't know if it was mentioned already, but what day is check in?
  • schoon82
    schoon82 Posts: 14
    yes yes yes. I need to lose 55lbs for my first goal. I am 225 and that would bring me to 170. I really want to be around 145 though.
    I need a challenge. :)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Definitely count me in! It looks like I won't make my 10 lb. goal for March, but my body fat % went down 4% and I've lost 12 1/4" total in five weeks. I'll take that any day :-) I'd really like to start shedding the pounds in April though!
  • sunfit
    sunfit Posts: 14
    I'm totally in!
  • Debs1981
    Debs1981 Posts: 9
    I'm in too
  • Ts13
    Ts13 Posts: 8 Member
    I'll try that one!! Although must say I'm only 5'5 and weigh more than u.
    Good luck though stay motivated :)
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    Im totally in! i think im about 180 right now i havent weighed in for a couple weeks. me and my roommate decided not to go out to eat or weigh ourselves until her birthday which is april 26th so this would be perfect i would love to see the scale down to 170 when i finally wiegh in!! i restarted 30 day shred yesterday! and have been tracking my food very well! :bigsmile: oh also i am 5'7"
  • cuteek
    cuteek Posts: 33
    Seeing as I've just joined I'm going to jump right in too! 10lbs is 4.55kilos according to the converter I just used so

    Let's go!!! woohoo

    p.s I'm 5,3" :)
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in but with some slight modifications, I don't have quite 10 pounds to lose sooo goal weight it is! I'm 5'8" and want to weigh in at 135 so I've got about 7 pounds to go, the hardest 7 pounds to go..
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    I'm so in =)
    CW: 181
    GW -end of april: 171!

    ...jeeze at that rate I'm scared to buy a grad dress! who knows if it will fit me by the end of may! :P -corsetted dress here I come (that way if i do lose inches i can just tie the back tighter :P )
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My current weight is 206.5
    My goal weight for the end of april is 196.5
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    There's already an April 10lb challenge thread going on here :)

  • weighing for the first day

    sw 217
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