craving something sweet



  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Cinnamon Graham crackers (2 crackers for about 120 - depending on brand)
    Rold Gold Honey Wheat Braided Twists - 8 for 110 cals
    Yoplait dessert yogurts (kewi lime, coffee, chocolate mousse, cherry jubilee, etc - they're all yummy - and healthy!)
    Any fruit - banana & honey crisp apples are my favorites.
    Any high quality dark chocolate - usually if in bar form, 2 squares (roughly) is about 80 cals I think and has calcium, iron & protein.
    Skinny Cow light ice cream (the small cups) I think there's about 80 cals per serving (the whole cup I think?)

    With almost any of these, you really feel like you're cheating but you're not. Oh and believe it or not, a s'more doesn't have that many cals either considering what's in it! 1 full-sized marshmallow: 25 cals, 1 graham cracker: approx. 50 cals (brand dependent), 2 squares hershey milk chocolate I think is about 50 cals for a total of 125 calories for so much sugar it makes your teeth hurt. :D

    Hope this helps!
  • alicial3
    alicial3 Posts: 10 Member
    Jello's Mousse Temptations are really good and they are only 60 calories. I also just discovered a treat at Trader Joe's. It's called Gone Bananas and its individual slices of frozen banana dipped in chocolate. 6 slices is 120 calories. I usually only have 2 at a time, they are a super yummy little treat!
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    Blue Diamond Natural Oven Roasted Almonds - Mint Dark Chocolate, 1 oz ( 24 nuts) calories 160- carb 9- fat 13- protein 5

    These things aren't very sweet but they help w the craving and has become my favorite "healthy" snacks. I LOVE sweets so it's AMAZING that I have found a "heathly" treat that I really do like!
  • gymmgirl
    gymmgirl Posts: 7 Member
    I love mini Dove Bars for that craving. They're 60 calories each and oh so yummy!
  • johnny51981
    If I have plenty of calories left for the day...I'll go balls to the wall and have me a bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup. If not, I'll have a pudding cup. They typically run around 140 or so calories.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    i just had 3 snickers minis :(
  • KevKidd
    KevKidd Posts: 26 Member
    Blueberries and Green grapes here. One cup of seedless grapes is 120 calories. We also buy the hostess, Keebler and weight watchers 100 calorie cookies and cakes for those times we want sweets like that.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Blue Bunny Banana pops. 35 calories per bar.
    Sugar free jello cups, only 10 calories per cup
    Lemon tea with a tsp of honey, about 60 calories

    I use these when my limit is close, and I'm not about to binge.
  • TheEnd10
    TheEnd10 Posts: 20 Member
    All natural frozen fruit bars - no sugar added - they're around 25 calories each!
  • SugaDumplin
    I just had a blow pop. The bubble gum keeps my jaws moving, so I think that I am still eating something....L0L:laugh:
  • ksharon22
    ksharon22 Posts: 111
    I like the Special K Chocolatey Preztel cereal bars. Candy bar sized with sweet and salty together but just 90 calories!
  • Marm1954
    Marm1954 Posts: 5 Member
    I like the chocoate pieces like we got on the ship. Dark chocolate is better for you than milk. Also, you can get soft peppermints that are only 20 calories each at Sam's or even CVS. Don't know if you have CVS out there. Of course both are sugar!
  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    Darn it I have some of those choclate pieces from the ship still and I didn't even think of that. I will next time.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    My low cal sweet snack at the moment is homemade icey poles.

    I blend up a mango, some low fat milk/yoghurt, and maybe some other fruit (kiwi's good, or berries, banana, peach) and then freeze them into icey pole moulds.

    Each one is only 25ish calories and they taste lovely
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I eat apples if I am craving sugar.
  • TennisLoveGirl
    TennisLoveGirl Posts: 30 Member
    I sometimes have a chocolate fudgicle by "Fudgesicle" for 60 calories. It's frozen so it takes a while to eat and is so chocolatey! Kills my craving, thank god.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    *honey nut cheerios with or without milk
    *skinny cow
    or any frozen dessert with 40 to 100 calories
    *chocolate mousse from Jell-o
    *banana with peanut butter or
    *jam with no sugar added with 2-5 choc chips
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    all sounds great!
  • katemarjoram
    I find the best fix for a sugar craving, and it has virtually no calories, is black adder licorice tea. It is really sweet and I love to have it in the evening.
  • arbartarv
    arbartarv Posts: 1 Member
    if you want chocolate, jello sugar free chocolate pudding is only 60 calories, also frozen red grapes is a good sweet treat