Worth the tweaks?

edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So I decided a few things today

A. I will hang up a 12 month calendar and track my daily and weekly progress. good food and excercise days get a smiley , iffy days get a nuetral face, and bad days get a big ol X.

B. I will try cutting out most meat from my daytime diet. that way on the weekends if i feel like I did good I will reward myself with some chicken or turkey instead of the usual "treats".

C. If I am craving tuna I will not get it from work where there is a **** ton of mayonnaise in it. I will make my own damn tuna and it will be amazing!

D. I will try and keep my calories consumed to 1200 daily. On the weekends I will allow 1600 but ONLY if I have at least 3 smiley faces on that calendar.

What do you guys think? Are these reasonable goals? Will they help?


  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    I really like your calendar idea....I think I might steal it! :)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    The calendar idea is nice. however, it's hard to answer your question re: the calories without knowing your current height and weight, and your goal weight. I am betting that the 1,200 is not going to be enough for you daily.
  • I am 5'8 , 187 lbs...I am thinking it would be fabulous if I could lose 30lbs by the time I am 30 in 11 weeks.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    The 1600 calories is already a reduced amount of calories, made so that you can loose weight at a healthy pace. I wouldnt suggest that you eat 1200 instead.

    Mayo is way bad, so def dont get that **** from work! To high in calories to be using ALOT of it. I use a tablespoon in my tuna for homemade sandwichs. its enough to hold it together and not be too bad. ;-) ive tried without mayo and i still like the taste but it crumbles apart more and its harder to eat. I have tuna on whole wheat crackers too.. mmm I had tuna for breakfast this morning.

    I think the calendar is a great idea, and i might just steal ur idea, however i love meat and wouldnt know what to include in my meals if it werent for meat so i wont choose that as my reward. i think my reward should be for no x's means i can go out for dinner with my boyfriend (but only if i still remain under my calories by doing so).
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i retract what i said... cuz i thought ur daily goal was 1600, but the number i was looking at included ur excercise.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    if ur goal says u need to be eating 1200 a day in order to lose ur 2lbs a week, dont let urself go to 1600 a day or two a week, u wont loose your goal.
    however, if u excercise those days a 400calorie overage wont hurt as long as ur calories remain in the green and dont start turning red to bad.

    having mozzarella chicken with parmesan taters and a veggie like garlic asparagus is under 300, a turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese on wheat and lettuce with a side of carrots is under 225, an egg white with a piece of wheat toast, a slice of bacon, and .5oz of cheese is under 150, all meals include meat, and all together is under 700calories, and then add in 2 snacks for 250 each, or 3snacks for 170calories each, and youd have your 1200... and that doesnt even include any excercise you might do to burn off and gain calories...
    Just a thought, in case ur cutting meat to gain calories, u can eat meat and still remain under your calories.. I couldnt cut meat im a meat lover <3

    if u find the right cominations of foods, you can eat a whole lot, never go over, and always feel full.
  • sounds like a good plan to me lady , i enjoy your humor as well how can we get through such a horrid thing as not eating the worlds most delicious morels without a little humor :)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I am 5'8 , 187 lbs...I am thinking it would be fabulous if I could lose 30lbs by the time I am 30 in 11 weeks.

    I think losing 30 pounds in 11 weeks is too ambitious. Don't ever go below 1,200/day NET calories. Always eat back your exercise calories. There are many, many posts in these forums that can explan why (it's too much to re-type, but it's all legit). Please don't starve yourself.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    1. 30 pounds in 11 weeks is probably a little too ambitious for someone your size. I'd suggest 1 pound per week, but do whatever makes you happy. If your weight loss stalls or fails to get off the ground, the reason could be you're not eating enough. If it doesn't, good for you

    2. I don't understand why you're cutting meat out of your daytime diet and using it as a treat. Honestly I'm really confused by that whole statement. What's the purpose? Keep in mind you shouldn't have all your protein for the day in one sitting, because you won't be able to absorb it all.

    3. I like your calendar idea, but I'm curious how you'll define a good day or a bad day. A day over your caloric goal could be useful to keep your metabolism high as long as it's reasonable.
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