I am feeling stressed over my "calorie limit" .. Help! Pleas

Insomniak2 Posts: 61
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Ok - so I am not sure if its MFP or something else or this is really the way its supposed to be, but - MFP has my maximum allotted calories at 1900 daily.

To me that seemed a little on the low side for a 29 year old 5'8 185lb Active male - When I put all my info in MFP I said I was 190, worked out 4 days a week, had a semi-active job and said I wanted to lose 5 lbs. 1900 is the number it gave me.

I have realized that MFP is more geared towards losing weight, then anything else - So - My question is this, I am on my 4th day of this 1900 calorie restriction and I am starting to feel really sluggish, and I am going to bed hungry and just feeling hunger throughout the day.

I don't want to lose weight, and I don't want to gain weight, I am 185 lbs of muscle that used to be hard, but now needs toned after 6-8 months off from the gym. Gaining muscle weight isn't an issue, but not a goal, but I definitely don't want to lose weight.

I was told by another guy, that a guy with my build with my schedule, and how I plan on working out shouldn't be any less then 2300-2400 calories per day just to maintain, this sounds more realistic - but I am not sure.

Anyone offer any info?

Thanks Daniel


  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    Youshould set it to not lose weight at all. You can do maintainence on this website also so adjust your goals to not lose weight and your calories should go up.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Ok - so I am not sure if its MFP or something else or this is really the way its supposed to be, but - MFP has my maximum allotted calories at 1900 daily.

    To me that seemed a little on the low side for a 29 year old 5'8 185lb Active male - When I put all my info in MFP I said I was 190, worked out 4 days a week, had a semi-active job and said I wanted to lose 5 lbs. 1900 is the number it gave me.

    I have realized that MFP is more geared towards losing weight, then anything else - So - My question is this, I am on my 4th day of this 1900 calorie restriction and I am starting to feel really sluggish, and I am going to bed hungry and just feeling hunger throughout the day.

    I don't want to lose weight, and I don't want to gain weight, I am 185 lbs of muscle that used to be hard, but now needs toned after 6-8 months off from the gym. Gaining muscle weight isn't an issue, but not a goal, but I definitely don't want to lose weight.

    I was told by another guy, that a guy with my build with my schedule, and how I plan on working out shouldn't be any less then 2300-2400 calories per day just to maintain, this sounds more realistic - but I am not sure.

    Anyone offer any info?

    Thanks Daniel

    I think you are misunderstanding how MFP works.

    MFP calculated your BMR (the calories you need if you never got out of bed.)

    To that, it added a calorie allowance for your workday. These were determined when you set your activity level.

    From the total of your BMR calories and your 'workday' calories, MFP subtracts caolries in order to create a calorie deficit. A 500 calorie deficit if you want to lose 1 pound per week, a 1000 calorie deficit if you want to lose 2 pounds per week. Or no deficit if you want to maintain.

    Here is where I think you got confused....

    When you work out or perform purposeful exercise, you MUST log it into MFP. MFP will add those calories to your calorie goal for that day. This keeps your deficit or your maintenance calories constant.

    So if your calorie goal was 1900 calories, and you performed a 500 calorie workout, MFP would adjust your goal to be 2400 for that day.

    Does that help?
  • I just did that, and it bumped it up to 2400 - which is odd that's what my friend said too. Will this allow me to still lose the belly fat? It's not a lot just average. Even when I was at my fittest I was 185 lbs - mu current weight, I just want to tone the belly fat and muscles again.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Have you checked any other info online? My limit is 1200, but I have a hard time staying under that except on days when I work out and I'm given a few more hundred calories from exercise. So far, that's actually worked for me, but I was 5'4: around 126 when I started, now around 116 or 117. Do you eat often enough? I eat less at a time but I eat pretty often now and I'm ok. I am not really sure what someone your weight and height should have.
  • Ok - so I am not sure if its MFP or something else or this is really the way its supposed to be, but - MFP has my maximum allotted calories at 1900 daily.

    To me that seemed a little on the low side for a 29 year old 5'8 185lb Active male - When I put all my info in MFP I said I was 190, worked out 4 days a week, had a semi-active job and said I wanted to lose 5 lbs. 1900 is the number it gave me.

    I have realized that MFP is more geared towards losing weight, then anything else - So - My question is this, I am on my 4th day of this 1900 calorie restriction and I am starting to feel really sluggish, and I am going to bed hungry and just feeling hunger throughout the day.

    I don't want to lose weight, and I don't want to gain weight, I am 185 lbs of muscle that used to be hard, but now needs toned after 6-8 months off from the gym. Gaining muscle weight isn't an issue, but not a goal, but I definitely don't want to lose weight.

    I was told by another guy, that a guy with my build with my schedule, and how I plan on working out shouldn't be any less then 2300-2400 calories per day just to maintain, this sounds more realistic - but I am not sure.

    Anyone offer any info?

    Thanks Daniel

    I think you are misunderstanding how MFP works.

    MFP calculated your BMR (the calories you need if you never got out of bed.)

    To that, it added a calorie allowance for your workday. These were determined when you set your activity level.

    From the total of your BMR calories and your 'workday' calories, MFP subtracts caolries in order to create a calorie deficit. A 500 calorie deficit if you want to lose 1 pound per week, a 1000 calorie deficit if you want to lose 2 pounds per week. Or no deficit if you want to maintain.

    Here is where I think you got confused....

    When you work out or perform purposeful exercise, you MUST log it into MFP. MFP will add those calories to your calorie goal for that day. This keeps your deficit or your maintenance calories constant.

    So if your calorie goal was 1900 calories, and you performed a 500 calorie workout, MFP would adjust your goal to be 2400 for that day.

    Does that help?

    It does help and I have been doing that - but on a day like today where I took a rest day, and didn't log in any calories burn excercies, I went to work and consumed 1600 calories by 6pm (which if you check my diary, are good clean calories) - according to MFP I only had 300 more calories to go, and I feel like I am starving myself for the last 3 hours.
  • I felt hungry all the time for the first week or so until my body adjusted. Now I have to actually make sure I am eating enought calories. Also, if you are only trying to lose five pounds than set your diet to maintain. Between maintaing a set amount of calories and consistently working out you should lose the five pounds and be overall in a healthier place. Do you go to a gym? If so, ask one of the health professionals there for tips.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I just did that, and it bumped it up to 2400 - which is odd that's what my friend said too. Will this allow me to still lose the belly fat? It's not a lot just average. Even when I was at my fittest I was 185 lbs - mu current weight, I just want to tone the belly fat and muscles again.


    Losing the belly fat has more to do with WHAT you're eating than with how much you're eating or how much you exercise. If you stick to a carb heavy diet, that belly fat will be very hard to lose.

    MFP automatically gives everyone a 60% carb goal (way too high) and a ridiculously low protein goal. If you are working out, you should be aiming for at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi, my husband is 31, 205 lbs but everything else pretty much matches up with you, he doesn`t want to get below 200 lbs and his alloted cals before exercise 2810 a day. I think MFP somehow messed up your daily limit. Hope this helps!!
  • I just did that, and it bumped it up to 2400 - which is odd that's what my friend said too. Will this allow me to still lose the belly fat? It's not a lot just average. Even when I was at my fittest I was 185 lbs - mu current weight, I just want to tone the belly fat and muscles again.


    Losing the belly fat has more to do with WHAT you're eating than with how much you're eating or how much you exercise. If you stick to a carb heavy diet, that belly fat will be very hard to lose.

    MFP automatically gives everyone a 60% carb goal (way too high) and a ridiculously low protein goal. If you are working out, you should be aiming for at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

    I already strive for the Protein goal, what would be a good carb goal?
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    It does help and I have been doing that - but on a day like today where I took a rest day, and didn't log in any calories burn excercies, I went to work and consumed 1600 calories by 6pm (which if you check my diary, are good clean calories) - according to MFP I only had 300 more calories to go, and I feel like I am starving myself for the last 3 hours.

    I have this same issue. Just eat the 2400 on off days. Your muscles are repairing themselves on those days as well. You'll be a little over and see those big scary red numbers, but don't take them to heart. You'll still see progress, I think.
  • bump
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    How much weight did you aim to lose weekly? Depending on what you put for that, it will give you how much calories you can consume and lose your desired amount of weight on a weekly basis. My calorie goals were set to 1720 (it adjusted them due to me losing too much weight in a certain amount of time). But when I added that I wanted to lose two pounds per week, it adjusted the calories back down to 1220.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I started using MFP the same week I started taking the OxyElite Pro pills. I'm 6'2" and 225 pounds and my calorie goal is 1800 to lose 1.5 a week. I haven't been hungry this entire time thanks to the pills. If you just need to tone up and lose a few pounds on the belly like me I would recommend just 1 bottle of these pills and by the time the pills are gone you'll probably be at your weight goal and can start eating more calories.
  • bump, No more supplements please.
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