MFP Runners Club 10/19

Hey! I couldn't find a club entry for today, so I made one. :bigsmile:

Today I ran 6 miles with my bf. We ran on the Huckleberry Trail, a 6 mile asphalt trail with bbeaaaauuutiful scenery and gentle hills. It was sunny and 58 degrees out.

The best part is....we talked the WHOLE time! It took about 80 minutes, but we did indeed jog the whole distance. We decided to try talking to pace ourselves and also train without music since the HM coming up doesn't allow headphones. When I read about marathoners talking during the races, I though, "OMG, how do they do that? I'm so out of breath!" But it is totally possible and makes it so much more enjoyable. We were surprised at how the time flew by.

I hope everyone else's day went so well! :flowerforyou:


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey! I couldn't find a club entry for today, so I made one. :bigsmile:

    Today I ran 6 miles with my bf. We ran on the Huckleberry Trail, a 6 mile asphalt trail with bbeaaaauuutiful scenery and gentle hills. It was sunny and 58 degrees out.

    The best part is....we talked the WHOLE time! It took about 80 minutes, but we did indeed jog the whole distance. We decided to try talking to pace ourselves and also train without music since the HM coming up doesn't allow headphones. When I read about marathoners talking during the races, I though, "OMG, how do they do that? I'm so out of breath!" But it is totally possible and makes it so much more enjoyable. We were surprised at how the time flew by.

    I hope everyone else's day went so well! :flowerforyou:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I was just going to post, so I'm glad that I refreshed the page!! Great job, Songbyrd!!!

    I biked 12 miles this morning in 38*!! BRRRR! Still resting my tendon from running. I did use the elliptical and swam Friday morning, and y'day I did Legs & Back. Busy weekend, hadn't had a chance to post yet!

  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    no runing today but I participated in a walkathon. Dr tomorrow to check on this knee... wish me luck!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Sounds like an awesome run, Songbyrd! I ran a little over seven today @ a 9-minute pace. I was supposed to do 12, but din't quite have the time or energy today for that kind of craziness. :blushing:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Wow hessie, that is great! Our pace was about 14:00 hehe....we epitomize slow and steady. :bigsmile: It was great to talk though, it was actual quality time. :smooched:

    tweety, hope your knee is okay! My patellar tendon has been acting up when I go up hills, I know it's a shoe issue. :grumble:

    jess, you deserve some hot cocoa after that!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    Great job songbyrd.

    I did 13 and change miles today. I hit a wall about 12 miles, but pushed through. It took me just longer than a 10 minute pace, but I wasn't in a hurry. And the good news is that while I'm exhausted, it seems the worst that is going on is a blister and some chafing. I might just consider not giving up running after all.

    I realized at about 7 miles that if running was easy, then everyone would do it. I realized about mile 10 that it was SUPPOSED to hurt, and that's why not everyone runs marathons or half marathons. I'm not sure how I'm going to add another 12 miles to my pace so I can feel trained for a marathon (which I'd like to try and run in 7 weeks), but I'd still like to try.

    Good luck to all the other runners that haven't checked in yet.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,395 Member
    Today was our day! My relay team did the Des Moines Marathon this morning. I did the 6.2 mile stretch at 1 hour and 48 seconds! My goal was 1 hour, so I was off a few seconds, but my pace was under 10 minute miles. So YAY!!! My team joined in around the last 6 blocks or so and we finished together. It was amazing! Our total time was 4 hr. 17 minutes.

    It was a beautiful weather day, and the relay style was way fun! I would encourage people to try it! We felt kind of like Amazing Racers :laugh:

    Wow, some of your times always amaze me!! Firegirl: I agree, finding the time to train for long events can get tricky.

    Songbyrd: my Dh came out and ran close to the last mile with me. I loved having his encouragement.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Great job songbyrd.

    I did 13 and change miles today. I hit a wall about 12 miles, but pushed through. It took me just longer than a 10 minute pace, but I wasn't in a hurry. And the good news is that while I'm exhausted, it seems the worst that is going on is a blister and some chafing. I might just consider not giving up running after all.

    I realized at about 7 miles that if running was easy, then everyone would do it. I realized about mile 10 that it was SUPPOSED to hurt, and that's why not everyone runs marathons or half marathons. I'm not sure how I'm going to add another 12 miles to my pace so I can feel trained for a marathon (which I'd like to try and run in 7 weeks), but I'd still like to try.

    Good luck to all the other runners that haven't checked in yet.

    Awesome job! I can't wait until I'm up to 13 miles. Our longest run before the HM will be a 20 miler...right now I can't even fathom running that long. But today I felt fine, like I could've done another 3-4 miles. I didn't bonk at all.

    I used to have problems with chafing, but I haven't yet, which is odd. I did buy tighter sports bras, so that might help. In the past I used band-aids to protect myself. :laugh:

    Are you using a program for your training or gradually adding mileage? I am using the RW Rookie Training Plan and extended the first few weeks so it lasts an extra 8 weeks. I am sort of worried about adding mileage too because I run so slow, but as long as I can get up to 13.1, I'll feel prepared for the HM. It's going to be about 1500 miles closer to sea level and FLAT, woohoo :bigsmile: Do you have a certain marathon you're going to?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Today was our day! My relay team did the Des Moines Marathon this morning. I did the 6.2 mile stretch at 1 hour and 48 seconds! My goal was 1 hour, so I was off a few seconds, but my pace was under 10 minute miles. So YAY!!! My team joined in around the last 6 blocks or so and we finished together. It was amazing! Our total time was 4 hr. 17 minutes.

    It was a beautiful weather day, and the relay style was way fun! I would encourage people to try it! We felt kind of like Amazing Racers :laugh:

    Wow, some of your times always amaze me!! Firegirl: I agree, finding the time to train for long events can get tricky.

    Songbyrd: my Dh came out and ran close to the last mile with me. I loved having his encouragement.

    Awesome! I would be SO happy with your pace. The relay sounds cool, how do you set that up?

    That's so sweet your hubby ran with you! I like running with my bf, having a partner keeps me going and keeps my mind off the work.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Today was our day! My relay team did the Des Moines Marathon this morning. I did the 6.2 mile stretch at 1 hour and 48 seconds! My goal was 1 hour, so I was off a few seconds, but my pace was under 10 minute miles. So YAY!!! My team joined in around the last 6 blocks or so and we finished together. It was amazing! Our total time was 4 hr. 17 minutes.

    It was a beautiful weather day, and the relay style was way fun! I would encourage people to try it! We felt kind of like Amazing Racers :laugh:

    Wow, some of your times always amaze me!! Firegirl: I agree, finding the time to train for long events can get tricky.

    Songbyrd: my Dh came out and ran close to the last mile with me. I loved having his encouragement.

    Yeah!! I was hoping you posted a report! Great run and you should be proud of your time!!

  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    Today was our day! My relay team did the Des Moines Marathon this morning. I did the 6.2 mile stretch at 1 hour and 48 seconds! My goal was 1 hour, so I was off a few seconds, but my pace was under 10 minute miles. So YAY!!! My team joined in around the last 6 blocks or so and we finished together. It was amazing! Our total time was 4 hr. 17 minutes.

    It was a beautiful weather day, and the relay style was way fun! I would encourage people to try it! We felt kind of like Amazing Racers :laugh:

    Wow, some of your times always amaze me!! Firegirl: I agree, finding the time to train for long events can get tricky.

    Songbyrd: my Dh came out and ran close to the last mile with me. I loved having his encouragement.

    That is WONDERFUL!! I love the relay style idea....I might have to get me one of those!! You should be very proud of yourselves...:drinker: :drinker:

    I just finished 3.5 miles tonight...right after eating dinner... UGH! I still can not get over this stupid broncitus ( do you spell that??) So running feels like I am breathing through a straw. I told my partner tonight that I have turned into the worst running partner ever. Our last big run was the 1/2 marathon about 6 weeks ago and I have dogged ever since. I can not wait until I feel 100% again and shake this breathing crap:mad: :mad:

    Happy Running!!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member

    Look around the site. I used to run "long distance" as it appears this is what my body was built for, but I'm still using the novice program. I highly recommend reading what he has to say. He advocates walking through the aid stations-and of all people, I think you are the most likely to see the brilliance in this (ATP and oxygen recovery).

    There is a marathon in december-The "Decker something or other." But I just want to run one.

    I wish I could say the chafing was in my armpits- that might have hurt less. My poor husband won't be able to get near me.....

    Anyone got any suggestions? And no, body glide hasn't worked for me.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,395 Member
    Just touching base on the relay style marathon. It was an option here at the Des Moines IMT Marathon. Each team had 5 runners. The route was divided into 5 mile stretches for the first 4 runners. The fifth runner did 6.2. We got descriptions of each leg and chose a leg that appealed to each runner. For example, one leg had several hills, one traveled over a narrow path. My leg wound through two parks, around a lake and over a bridge-quite beautiful. (Teams were allowed and encouraged to jump in and finish together-way cool!). Each team also had a driver. We all went to the starting line and watched the beginning of our race. Amazing, by the way, so many people. Then the 4 team members not running and the driver went to the car and drove to the first transition area. We all got out and watched the runners, until we spotted our team member. We high-fived to transition. Then repeat for each leg of the race.

    It was such a fun way to do the marathon. I would like to do a half someday, don't really ever see a full marathon in my future, but this was amazing in and of itself.

    (A funny note: Our first runner came up a huge hill to the first transition area. We could see him walking. As soon as he saw his wife (another, very competitive team member) he started running again. We'll never let him live that down :laugh: )
  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    way to go on the relay!! how are all the MFP runners doing?!! I am down and out for right now:sad: Feeling VERY down about it. The knee is really acting up... doc did an MRI said NO runing for now... waiting to hear the results. I can ride the stationary bike so I rode 12 miles tonight. Really feel the difference.. but its not my run!!!:cry: Keep it up all you runners!! Make me proud!:drinker:
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    Tweety my doc has said no to running too and its not easy....