excersises to do at home with a child

hi im new to this page and is wanting advice on at home excersies i can do. i have a 1 year old and so im not workin and therfore money is tight

I have access to a crosstrainer, zumba, wii fit but none of these seem to be working for me, other then walking
is there anythin anyone else can suggest thanks in advance :)

i want to lose some weight so i can have a second child xx


  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Dont know where you live but if you dont have a ton of snow on the ground walking/running with your stroller is good exercise
    Do some searches of Mom and Me Exercises on you tube they are good yoga ones

    heres one with different types of lifts with your baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWEmGSGPKwY
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    * Try one of the many videos availale for free on Comcast OnDemand
    * Jump rope
    * Go to the park or walk the malls
    * PLAY!!! hop scotch, hulla hoop, tag, dig a hole, freeze dance just move your body and have fun!
  • jac90
    jac90 Posts: 2
    thanks im in australia so we dont get snow :)
  • gpacey
    gpacey Posts: 6 Member
    Does your 1 yo like Hi5? They have catchy (although annoying) music, which you could dance along to with your baby :) My kids all loved their music and we danced in front of the TV to it!