new and not working

:indifferent: HI MFP, I am new to the site (app) and have been folowing it for a week. I am very overwieght and really need to sort myself out. Although I have enjoyed doing MFP I am note sure what I am doing wrong as I have put on a kilo even though I have put in all my calories and stuck to the limit as well as doing more exercise this week than I have probably done over the last 3 months! I am not going to give up and will keep trying but I don't know what I have done wrong.:frown:


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, can you open your diary so we can see what you have been doing?
  • jude40
    jude40 Posts: 3
    not sure how to do that - i will play and and find out how!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    It could be muscle, it could be hormonal and you need to drink lots of water. I try and say this to all new starters - take your measurements. I only seem to lose every 2 weeks; but I am happy to do it slowly as I want this to be long term; but I have lost lots of inches.

    Good luck. Please feel free to add me if you would like to support each other.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    YOU WILL DO!!! Dont worry....weight yourself a.m. every time u weigh and you will fluctuate.....dont panick....I log my lowest weigh ins and ignore the 'ups'....stick with it...
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 242 Member
    Just stick to it. You're body may be adjusting to the new change. When I first started it took me about a month before the scale even moved; but I was losing inches. It's very important to take your measurements, that tells the true story. The scale is just a number. Go by the way your clothes look and feel on you.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you are not used to exercising or have upped your level its perfectly normal to gain...its fluid being retained in your muscles to help repair and for fuel for your next work out. Just stick with it, you will start to see the rewards soon.

    Good luck
  • jude40
    jude40 Posts: 3
    :smile: Thanks everyone - I am thrilled to say that I weighed myslef agian today and it says I have lost 5.1lbs this week! - you are all right and I should stick to it and be strong - and not weigh myslef too soon! I am really enjoying MFP and have recommended it to a couple of peopl now. I'm really inspired by your tickers too!!!!

    Jude :flowerforyou:
  • EdwardCPT
    EdwardCPT Posts: 37
    feel free to add me..i can help u out with a diet
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome. keeping your diary open helps us to see where you could improve. Well done on you 5lbs loss, keep at it and you will see results :)