Tell me about Zumba :)

Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
My mother-in-law invited me to go to a Zumba class tomorrow. She's totally gorgeous and fit, so I'm afraid Zumba is going to kick my out of shape butt, lol. She said she stays in the back because she doesn't know what she's doing either, LOL.

I've been looking up YouTube videos on Zumba. How do I know if the class is beginner or extreme? I would love going, but am a little self-conscious to be honest! So, tell me about Zumba please? :)


  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Go. It's so much fun!!! Yes you will feel completely lost at first. It takes about 5-6 weeks of doing it regularly to feel really comfortable with it... and if you decide to stick with it you will get better at it as time goes. The classes I go to at the gym are amazing. You will see a lot of the same songs/routines over and over so you get familiar with them. A lot of the routines also repeat many of the same moves. To really love Zumba you have to be committed to going often and learning it. I am totally addicted. It's the most fun I've ever had working out... and I've worked out for a long time!
  • rsprinkle
    rsprinkle Posts: 7 Member
    Zumba is an awesome workout, nothing like the DVD's on the infomercial, it is basically cardio dance, and you make it what you want, if you can't get the steps right, just keep moving, the music is loud and the energy is high, it is addictive, you won't regret going to the class, and you will be dripping wet with sweat by the end, so take plenty of water!!!! I love it so much, I recently got certified to teach Zumba to others!!!! I wish you the best!!!!
  • Zumba is so much fun! Don't worry about the long as your body is moving, you're doing what you need to. My advice would be to make sure you can see the instructor (doesn't mean you have to be up front---just make sure you can see what to Have fun with it! Take water--you'll need it! I went into my first Zumba class unsure and insecure about the moves, but the class has actually given me more confidence in general!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    DO IT! I begain Zumba classes at 245lbs. The class at my gym is full of 60 women and sometiems a couple of goofy men. The women are all shapes and sizes including size 0 18 year olds, Size 24 wemon in their 30's nad 40's or older ladies in the 50's and 60's. Everyone is so concentrated on their moves they arn't looking at you. It is a SERIOUS calorie burner and soooooo fun! I would encourage everyone to try it once. Do worry if you're not so godo. I'm still not but my body thanks me for going every week. Good Luck!
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    Zumba is extremely fast-paced and there are a lot of moves to remember BUT if u stick with it, you'll be one of the ones who the newbies look to to remember a move!! Where I go, they offer a 'beginner' class. Its a class that u can take as much as u want and they go really slow so u can pick up on the fundamentals of the moves. But, honestly, everyone will be so concerned with how they look, they probably won't even notice if you don't know all the moves. Its worth trying it... most likely, you'll be hooked! Just enjoy it and don't worry about others.. if it makes u more comfortable, stand in the back like she said ! :)
  • joanipowell
    joanipowell Posts: 30 Member
    Well I just Love Zumba I go about 3 times a week. It is so much fun. You will enjoy it. Go and have Fun!!!!
  • tammydspice
    tammydspice Posts: 102
    Love love love Zumba. The first time you go it is like someone is giving you electric shocks and telling you to dance!! You feel totally lost but I came out the first time smiling, so I went back. The second night it was a little easier, I still looked like I was having seizures but it was so fun!!! At about night 5 I knew what all the songs were and some of the moves and felt much better about it. Tonight wil be night 13, I am directly in the front and love each and every minute of the 55 min class. If I lose my place I just get right back into the next move. We all make mistakes and we just laugh about it. I go 4 times a week now and have lost 2.5 inches from my waist line since starting!! I am never sore from it and really feel great when I leave. The lights are off where I go with flashing lights and the music is up loud, I say it is the cheapest night out dancing I ever had!! And no extra cals from drinking!!! lol

    Go give it a try, I bet you like it!!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Zumba is FAN-friggin-TASTIC! The theme for Zumba is "Ditch the Workout and Join the Party". Its by far my favorite way to work out. I originally thought "theres no way I can go in public and shake my body like that", but my sister in law convinced me to give it a try and now I am a full blown addict! I do it at the YMCA & there are women (& men) of every age level and fitness ability who do it. You should definitely try it...I would be surprised if you didnt fall in love!
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    Zumba is a lot of fun but I haven't gone to a class yet. I decided to buy the program DVD first so I could learn the moves. I do pretty much the same workout everyday (50-60 minutes). You start out with the basic DVD which is learning the basic fundamentals of the moves. This is 60 minutes. Then you can do the 20 minute express which is non-stop. It gives you a chance to go a little faster and feels more like a workout than the basic. It works good for when you need just a quick workout. Then you have a few other choices to move onto after the 20 minute express. I pretty much stick with the cardio which is 50 minutes. It really gets your heart rate up and there's not much of a pause in between the different dance steps. It's a lot of fun. There's also the toning and sculpting which come with 2 toner sticks. My 2 year old likes to do this workout with me. She likes the sticks because they have beans or something like that in them. There's also an ab workout and a "live" workout. I've never tried the "live" workout. As for the class, I didn't want to feel embarrassed in public, but from what I hear from some of my friends, there are so many people that don't know how to do the moves so you all will look silly together. I want to go to the classes some day but I think right now I have to stick with the DVD. You could try it out and if you really feel uncomfortable around everyone, you could always invest in the DVD program or the Wii Zumba if you have a Wii console. Whatever you decide, good luck!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i did zumba... once. i was/am a begginer at any form of class based exercise and signed up for a begginers aerobic class (the others in the class were so NOT beginners), the instructor was ill so somebody else came in to cover and they had just qualified as a zumba instructor. I'll tell you what, that was hard work very hard work but for someone who doesn't do aerobics, is very shy in public situation with no sense of rhythm i had a fantastic time!! i loved it, never got to go back but have been waiting for them to do a decent version for the kinect without bugs so i can do it again. loads of my friends back home do it and go 5 times a week its very addictive, get tyourself along to the class and enjoy yourself, but remember although its fun it is hard work ached lots the following day. Enjoy
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    Is there a variety of Zumba workout videos I can do at home? If so which one is a good one to get?
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
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