Waking up STARVING!

delilahthegoddess Posts: 59
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I woke up in the middle of the night , last night, STARVING! My stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself! Does anyone else experience this and what causes it???


  • It happens to me ALL THE TIME!
  • You are not eating enough of your calorie intake. Eat something light, small with very little sodium in it prior to going to bed
  • i do sometimes. I think it depends on when and what you ate for dinner. Ya your body is asleep but it is still burning calories. I find that if i get a quick swig of like apple juice or milk then i am ok until i can cook breakfast.
  • I get that too, but I've kind of gotten used to it. Usually if I drink some water (slowly, not chugging it) my tummy quiets down.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I do that all the time!! I live a sedentary lifestyle right now (due to not being able to exercise yet) and it says I should only consume 1200 cal's a day - that's hard! I used to eat probably double that! lol I wake up and drink a glass of water then I am able to cook bfast and feel better.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Hmm, hasn't happen to me yet...but I do wake up, needin' to go to the washroom - cause of the water I drink...
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    During the day, you should be eating every 3 hours. And what you're eating is as important as when you're eating. Make sure you're eating good calories, not empty calories. Continue eating every 3 hours until you go to sleep. I generally eat my last bit around 9PM, and I'm getting some protein in there.

    What all of this is going to do is to #1 - keep your body burning fat/calories through the day (imagine your body is a wood burning stove and the food that you're eating is the wood that it needs to keep burning), #2 - it will keep you full as long as you're eating the right foods, #3 - won't make you wake up STARVING lol.

    Also, remember to eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. That's going to get your body started off right.

    Before bed, try eating a small chicken breast, drink a protein shake, eat some fruit. That should help you.

    Good luck!
  • Try eating a bowl of cereral that is mostly whole grain before bedtime. The stomach needs more time to process the whole grains as opposed to refined grains like white flour. This will keep your digestive system busy while you sleep and it actually will burn a few more calories. Give it a try and the best of luck!
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169
    Try some cottage cheese before bed. A tablespoon of apple butter adds lots of flavor to it!
  • wigenout
    wigenout Posts: 1 Member
    I find that having dairy before bed helps. It also helps burn core body fat as you sleep.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    I do that almost nightly.. at 3am.. I grab a spoon of peanut-butter and a 1/2 a banana, or sometimes just the peanut-butter, plus a glass of water. I do eat protein before bed as well, I guess I just am hungry?
    Good luck!
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    I find that having dairy before bed helps. It also helps burn core body fat as you sleep.
    I may try that!!
  • That happens to me when I'm pregnant and not eating quite enough. Eating some protein before bed always helps me.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Your blood sugar is probably dropping. Have some wholemeal toast and/or some warm milk. If you add cinnamon to the milk it keeps your blood sugar on an even keel.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member

    Sometimes it's what I've eaten for dinner - mostly carbs and not enough protein
    Sometimes it's because I've burned a bunch of calories and not replaced nearly enough of them.
    Sometimes indigestion plays a part - it makes me feel like I need to eat something when all I really need is to take a couple of Tums or similar.

    Only you know exactly how yesterday went so check your food diary and see if anything pops out
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