For all that have made it to goal weight

I am on my last 5-10 and Im having a hard time getting there :angry: . Right now Im concentrating on building muscle mainly . I was just wondering what everyone' s strategy was example : cardio vs weights , calories ( did you stick with mfp guideline's), protien, carbs etc etc . Any help would be greatly appreciated ...Thanks all :smile:


  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I guess no-one has reach their goal weight ...Now that scares the crap outta me :noway:
  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    I was extremely lucky in that I had no difficulty losing right up until the point I started adding back calories to find my maintenance level.

    MFP put me on 1200 calories a day, which I stuck to very tightly, usually to within about 20 calories. I did not eat back exercise calories, but I am rather on the short side (my deficit would have been greater if not for MFPs artificial floor) and in any case I rarely do more than about 300 calories worth of exercise a day.

    I did mainly cardio - walking, C25K, Wii Fit, finding strength training mind-numbingly boring.

    I dare say others have had success with different strategies, but that's what worked for me.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm at goal weight. I didnt start with too much to lose though. 15# tops. I run a lot as my primary exercise. I will do body weight exercises for strength, and yoga for flexibility. Because of all my running, I had to set my loss per week to a small number, (about a half pound/week) and I ate 3/4's to all my exercise calories back.
    hope that helps
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    The last 5-10 pounds were the hardest for me. I began to think that "Hey! I reached 5 pounds before my goal weight. I'm fitting in sizes I've never fit in before. I should be happy where I am!" But it drove me crazy to get that far and not be able to get rid of that last five! So I kept at it. Mainly for me it was cardio. My diet was pretty much pristine. I upped my cardio. I hit the gym. I started running, elliptical and kickboxing. I didn't do a ton of strength training because I will too nervous about muscle mass and impressed with the muscle I already had from running.

    I added in pilates and yoga, and BAM! There ya have it! I think it takes a little while for your body to catch up with the amazing weight loss you've already accomplished. I plateaued for about two months before I lost my last few. It was almost like it was saying give me a minute! I'm toning up! The entire last year I watched my body transform. My body got smaller, my skin started shrinking and before I knew I am! :o)
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Awesome advice Thanks all ..Guess Ill just have to stick with it, Hopefully my plateau mode doesn't stay there to long :flowerforyou:
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    The last 5-10 are easily the hardest. I hit a plateau a few times throughout my journey. Sometimes I had to take a step back, fiddle with my calories a bit...add or subtract a couple hundred. Sometimes I had to lay off the exercise and sometimes I had to pump it up some! I would say with the last 5 lbs is where you give it your ALL. Workout HARD. Harder than normal. Drink your water, stay away from those extra treats that you love and reward yourself with every once in a while. They won't come off easily, but they will!! Stay focused on your beautiful self!! ♥♥