I hate exercise!

Beachbean77 Posts: 83 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I reall do. I hate getting sweaty and I don't like boredom. I try to turn things I enjoy into a form of exercise but it hasn't fully developed yet. I love walking and do my best to find time while at work to do it, but then get all sweaty and have to sit at my desk fanning myself. Florida is not the greatest for non-sweat activities. Thing is I know my laziness and dislike for exercise is the reason I am overweight to begin with. I wish I had a basketball hoop at home cuz I love just shooting hoops. I have an elliptical at home and find it so boring.. like I'm moving and not going anywhere. I like to be active.. I like to burn calories that doesn't actually feel like torture. I bought a couple of dvd's but in the evenings I talk myself out of doing them.

Does anyone else have this problem with exercise??

Has anyone succesfully overcame this obstacle??


  • If you like walking, can you find other times of the day to do it (before/after work when it's not as hot out, and you can get your sweat on?). Can you join a gym and take classes? Might be more fun. I find the hardest part about exercising is starting to do it. I really enjoy exercising, but struggle on the eating part (although have gotten much better w/ the help of MFP).
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I started jumping rope because there is so much variety in it, and yoga, and biking. Biking for me is the ultimate outdoor activity because the wind keeps you from sweating too bad usually. I don't hate exercise, but I do hate sweating!

    It's best to do it when you're allowed to sweat, though, because if you aren't sweating then you aren't burning much.
  • I did turbo jam a lot when I started out. Its fun, helps relieve stress and the music keeps you motivated. I used to hate working out to but once you see the result and feel great it is so worth it. Now I love like an exercise addict. So keep going you can do it. :)
  • olo567
    olo567 Posts: 50 Member
    Even lightly doing the elliptical at home will help you. Put a TV in that room, put on something you like, watch it during a favorite TV show, eventually you'll hardly notice that you're exercising while you're watching.

    If you like shooting hoops, TREAT YOURSELF! This is for your health, as long as you can afford to get a hoop definitely do it. As much as distracting yourself while exercise works, having fun doing exercise will keep you doing it.
  • victori0us
    victori0us Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem. I actually enjoy working out, but I don't like going to the gym and I like having someone join me. I think I'm going to try walking or getting a bike and going riding. I think that might be some fun. I wish you well!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Just curious, do you talk yourself out of doing alot of things??
  • tabf1980
    tabf1980 Posts: 9
    I used to have that problem and then I started taking classes at the gym. I am never bored now. I take Zumba, Body Pump, Body Combat, and Pilates. Always a fun time in any of those classes and a serious calorie burn!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    So get a basket ball hoop. :happy:
  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    I was the same!! If you like walking try Leslie Sansone's walk at home dvd's. Thy are quick also if you don't have a lot of time. I also really like zumba on the wii!!
  • JinnJinn
    JinnJinn Posts: 21
    My friend and I both bought Zumba Fitness for the Wii (her's is for Kinect). We enjoy doin' that. If you have a game system. It simply kicks your butt. However its fun cause, we are learning some killer dance moves at the same time. You will sweat but that just comes with the exercise. Should you try this out I will give you a friendly warning: Don't do it infront of anybody until you get the hang of it. I made that mistake and my husband couldn't quit laughing. Also try the gym. You might get into group fitness.
  • I'd suggest forcing yourself to exercise regularly, maybe even 5 times a week, for a little bit. Before you know it, exercising will be a natural part of your schedule and you'll start to look forward to it (or at least not dread it). If you hate sweat, how about swimming? If there's one thing Florida has, its a lot of coastline. Although, I guess you'd just be trading one form of salty water for another.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    I would recommend trying to take some small group training classes or even some yoga or pilates. If you are working with other people or a trainer it is less boring and easier to stay motivated. I have a few DVD's but I hate those - I can't workout in my house. Perhaps try running outside or on trails or bike riding on trails. I also would recommend if have not already - loading up your ipod with high intensity gym music. I find music to be highly motivating and has gotten me through countless workouts.

    Exercise - especially monotonous cardio - can definitely be boring. You should try using some of the programs on the cardio machines for interval training (or do it yourself by adjusting the machine). This helps keep you focused on what your are doing and gives you mini goals to achieve throughout the workout which makes it go faster.

    I would also try to view exercise as something good for yourself - use it as a stress reliever or a time where you can clear your head or think through stuff. It has definitely become a stress reliever and a bit therapeutic for me to hop on the treadmill, etc and just go for an hour - I enjoy the exercise for that reason. Don;t let yourself focus on how bored you are or that you have so much longer to go. I also feel so much better when I am done and am always proud of myself for doing it even if I didn't want to. Just stick with it and I think the enjoyment or appreciation will come.
  • Beachbean77
    Beachbean77 Posts: 83 Member
    One of the reasons I don't have time to do a lot of it is cuz of my 2 kids. I'm a single mom and work full time. After work it's home to do the mom thing and once they're in bed I'm exhausted. I joined planet fitness about 2 years ago and don't go cuz they don't have daycare. I can't afford the gym that does have daycare. On the weekends I get out of the house and keep the kids active with me.. whether its a day at Disney (all that walking!!) or the beach or even tag at the park. I just feel like eating right is not enough for me.. I should be losing weight faster and I know it's from lack of proper exercise.

    And yes.. i talk myself out of a lot of things.
  • mayandtaylor
    mayandtaylor Posts: 5 Member
    I myself hate exercise. I know I am going to get yelled at for this but I do not think that lack of exercise leads to weight gain. I have been able to successfully lose and control my weight without exercise throughout my life. There was only one time in my life that my weight loss plan included regular exercise and actually worked well for me. The last time i tried to include a work out program as part of my weight loss regiment I think it actually hurt me more than helped.

    That being said, being active is important to being healthy, but not necessarily for weight loss. What I did to make myself more active was to make myself responsible for exercising my dogs. I used to take them to the dog park and let them run but now I try to hold myself accountable to walk them. Being in Florida and not really wanting to get into an outdoor activity that will make you sweaty that might not be a great option. I have recently decided to start volunteering at the local dog shelter and start walking dogs there also. The other thing that I have found that I love to do that doesn't feel as much like exercise to me but is a great activity is bicycling. The wind in your hair helps to reduce the sweat and there is usually plenty to see while you are on the bike. We have great bike trails in my area in Ohio but I am sure they would have great places to ride where you are also.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Then swim and you wont sweat - well you do you are just always cool in the water.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    I used to have that problem. Not anymore. I gradually built up my "tolerance" for exercise and sweat and movement by doing things I enjoy, like dancing and walking, varying my efforts with days of Wii Fit and weight routines. I have gradually (in only 2months) worked my way up to interval running and weight training 6 days a week and have l lost about 20 pounds in the process.

    Start out gradually. Do the things you like. Build your strength and endurance.
    But know that in order to live you must move.
  • I am a single mom too and I work full time. I know exactly how you feel -1 Kid, but still. I am living proof it can be done, just be positive and take it one day at a time. Maybe dont work out every day but 3 times a week for a good 20 mins. Jillian Micheals has some good dvds with 20 min interval training. Just a suggestion good luck.:)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I myself hate exercise. I know I am going to get yelled at for this but I do not think that lack of exercise leads to weight gain.

    Weight loss is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise so you aren’t wrong but it is exercise that will keep your heart healthy so no fitness at all will still lead to an early death even if you are at a healthy weight.
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Bike! not the stationary (as boring as the elliptical) but the real thing as with the real one you will have as bonus toning your abs, back and arms to keep equilibrium, and it is not exercise, it´s a stroll :)
  • rhonda1981
    rhonda1981 Posts: 33 Member
    Are you married? Have sex that tends to be a great work out and it will take you places!
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