PMS munchies



  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    Lots of water (I force it down), exercise to give me more calories to stuff my face, and dark chocolate. :happy:
  • sdickman
    sdickman Posts: 25 Member
    Vitatops or Vitabrownies have been saving me for those cravings by Vitalicious and you also get half of your daily vitamins in one and they are a 100 calories

    These ARE delicious!!
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
    This is SO me today. All I want to do is eat!!!! I have gum in my purse to help with feeling to want to be chewing on food. The person above mentioned I want steak!
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    OK, so the first step is to keep unhealthy snacks out of the house. I try to do this all month long, because its just easier to have self-control while shopping than while choosing what to eat at home.

    But unhealthy snacks aren't the only problem! Last month I had a giant sack full of raw cashew nuts in the house when the TOM munchies reared their ugly head. I devoured thousands of calories worth - it was a disaster.

    This month I decided to TOM-proof my house. This meant not only not having junk food in the house, but also getting rid of ALL calorie dense food. So I let myself eat when the desire came, but because I was eating oatmeal, veggies and eggs, I only ended up going over by 200 cals or so. I count that as a great success!

    As for not giving in to the desire to eat, for me that just isn't possible. Luckily it is only a 24 hour thing for me...
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    I am with Carrielevans! Work out more!!! 1. when yo are working out you aren't munching and 2. gives you some wiggle room for those munchies!

    That is what is saving me yesterday and today! When I get home (since I coulnd not at lunch today) I am getting in some cardio to make room for some munching....I was halfway through my calories before lunch today because of PMS!
  • ginabenina
    ginabenina Posts: 1 Member
    Super good article here:

    It's a strategy that makes sense and works, at least for me it does.....:smile:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Flavored herbal tea for antioxidants, potatoes for carbs and potasium your body craves, greek yogurt for calcium, spinach salads or steamed for iron, cinnamon added to oatmel and/or decaf flavored coffee for metabolism help, These are some of the things i eat or drink for pms. I up my exercise and ny calories for pms week and this helps out tons too
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I drink a ton of water then by the time I get to the snacks I don't eat much at all.
  • dgkt
    dgkt Posts: 57 Member
    Traditional medicines has a PMS tea (I get it at whole foods, but I've seen it at target. It's amazing! Helps with munchies, bloating, and general crabbiness.

    Food wise, I like kale & fruit smoothies and talenti bars ( they're chocolate covered)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    We suffer together.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Traditional medicines has a PMS tea (I get it at whole foods, but I've seen it at target. It's amazing! Helps with munchies, bloating, and general crabbiness.

    Food wise, I like kale & fruit smoothies and talenti bars ( they're chocolate covered)

    I might try this.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    goodness I always feel so alone on this issue even though I KNOW there are others out there with a period. lol! Glad to have found this and see that i'm not the only one going munch-crazy!!!

    If i REALLY REALLY feel the need to have what i'm craving I will. otherwise, i'll try to make better choice like sweets-->fruit, chips-->pretzels or crunchy veggies..etc.

    EDIT: but i can;t lie and tell you that I usually don't give in because i do… and then i really watch it the other 3 weeks outta the month! I also try to workout more to combat the cravings and get my min off of food
  • dgkt
    dgkt Posts: 57 Member
    You should! I used to have TERRIBLE periods, the tea is life changing lol
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Plan a few of the things you are wanting, into your day, and work out a bit more.
    Supposedly, we burn more calories during menstruation anyway. You can buy individual servings.
    Alternatively, hot chocolate, bananas(good for the magnesium), almonds, Greek yoghurt with bits and pieces added to it, dates and healthier versions of popcorn (you can get sweet n salty which is incredibly useful at times).
  • ThatLadyJ86
    ThatLadyJ86 Posts: 112 Member
    Oh thank God I found this post because I'm having major issues with this. All I want is sweets non stop!!
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    I never skip a workout during PMS. It ALWAYS helps.
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    Since I don't want to go to jail I eat whatever the heck that crazy PMS woman inside usually only lasts 2-3 days and my body will recover.

    I find denying her what she wants just makes me eat a million other things instead of just giving in to the original craving. It's kind of like when you are it, there is a reason for it. it's not like I'm going to eat like that the other 27 days of the month.

    Feed the
  • ReinaH1216
    ReinaH1216 Posts: 11 Member
    lots of fruit!!!! Pears, Apples, even little Cherrie tomatoes, just keep track of everything as you eat it
  • twistyshakes
    twistyshakes Posts: 30 Member
    I just munch on cucumbers and carrots. And if I want something super sweet I opt for fruits or a granola bar.
    If I crave fried food I make the baked "faux" fried versions at home. Healthier and just as tasty. Although not always as crunchy.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Malteasers Hot Chocolate works for me. :) If I'm craving chocolate, I have some 80% dark chocolate, it's really rich so I can't eat more than a few squares. Popcorn is also good to have around too! :)