

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    How did everyone do last week? Me....terrible. NO goals met. Not even one. I am recommitted to the upcoming week.
  • msblondy16
    Hey guys!! So last week went very well for me so I was happy but the scale did not change so I am super bummed about that. I did not do so good on Thursday. I was at a conference and we had all kinds of free food, which I stayed pretty much away from like the plague, but drank WAY TOO MUCH. It is always dangerous when people are buying you drink after drink! So I need to work on controlling that. I have a night out with friends on Wednesday and Friday so I hope to have more self-control. I am still in the college mode where you drink as much as possible in one time :blushing: . BUT I have now gone 8 whole days without bingeing (on food) and have had no chocolate!

    Goals for this week:
    *Perhaps actually drop some weight.
    *Continue not bingeing.
    *Work on portion control.
    *Eat more slowly.
    *Workout every day.
    *Limit myself to TWO drinks when I go out.

    Spiral - don't worry about your week. The beauty is that you can start again today! You will do great!

    Best of luck to everyone! Hope everyone had a super fabulous weekend. Cheers to meeting goals :drinker: .
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    hey everyone-
    i am so far off track at this point, i need a GPS to even find the track. But i will look very hard for it starting tomorrow!!

    Good job, Blondy, on staying in control- its always those darn drinks that'll get ya. One technique i know works is to alternate drinks with water (or diet coke, iguess) ao it dilutes the alcohol, and gets you full... sneaky, i know.

    Okay- starting tomorrow- i am going to find my gym again,a nd start recording my food. :)
  • msblondy16
    Hey guys!! So last week went very well EXCEPT for Saturday and Sunday. I binged both days (much worse on Sunday - even things I am forbidden to eat because of Celiac disease) for no apparent reason (was reading a good book, surrounded by family, ate really good dinners both nights... seems to cover the usual reasons). And after going 12 days without a binge! UGH! So needless to say, I am extremely disappointed in my eating for those days.

    But on a better note I did go to the gym every day with cardio each day and strength training 4 days. I even took a spinning class which I loved! And I only had 1 drink the whole week even though I went out 2 nights! I had to give people all kinds of excuses ("I have already had like 6!") because they were quite concerned. It was strange to not be drinking, but doable.

    So how is my progress? Well my clothes feel better and I feel fitter but would you believe that I am TERRIFIED to get on the scale? I mean seriously scared, which is ridiculous. I just hate knowing that those stupid numbers can make me feel completely terrible, even if I have done well. Evil.

    Goals for this week:
    *Get on the scale on Friday. No fear!
    *Workout every day with spinning 3 days and strength training 4 days.
    *Don't binge, including the weekend. New strategy: if I feel the urge to binge I must do 20 push-ups and 50 sit-ups beforehand. If I still want to binge, I write in my journal.
    *NOT record my food for the week. I know, members are gasping all over the place, but part of my problem is an unhealthy preoccupation with food. Even when I binge I torture myself with counting every calorie. What is the point of counting calories if you just go over them anyway? So just for the week I am going to instead eat when I'm hungry and just until I am full and write how I feel about my food choices at the end of each day with a brief summary of what I ate and how I could improve.
    *No sweets or junk. I feel so much better when I stay away from the stuff!

    How is everyone doing? Everyone ready for the final 2 weeks or so? How do you guys feel about following this up with a Thanksgiving challenge? I really like having the support here. I want to look my best when I visit the States on December 10th!

    Happy Tuesday!! :flowerforyou:
  • msblondy16
    Ok I changed my mind about logging calories. I can't not do it! So I modified my goal: not go over my calories by more than 100 for the whole week!!