Behaving in Barcelona

Hi all,

I'm looking for some advice...
My bf and I are off to Barcelona this weekend to celebrate being together for a year. I really want to keep on track with healthy eating and not go crazy so was wondering if anyone had any tips/advice?

Thanks :)


  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Stick to seafood that is prepared lightly without a lot of butter. Oil is ok, it will mostly be olive oil that foods are prepared with. Tapas are a great way to get your portion control (small appetizers that come with drinks) and watch your alcohol intake.

    Avoid the fried! You'll do great. The food in Spain is delicious!
  • snowflakelaia
    there are some salads buffets in Barcelona that are great. as for dressings, they usually have olive oil and vinegar and salt. In ALL restaurants they'll have olive oil and vinegar that you'll have to serve yourself.

    Ask for grilled (a la brasa/a la plancha) fish and meat. Rabbit and quail meats are usually the best choice (leanest), since they are usually grilled and served with some garlic-olive oil dressing (as for it on the side/a parte) or without it.

    For dessert, you may want to try some crema catalana = custard/creme brulee. As dessert in most restaurant's menu they offer fresh fruit, yogurt and/or ice-cream.

    I am originally from Spain, and grew up close to Barcelona.
    Send me a message if you want to know of nice places to go to.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Enjoy it!! I just got back from 3 days in New Orleans and survived just fine, without watching it at all. I ate all the wrong foods, drank a lot, and ate at whacky hours.

    What I did right, was split a lot of the "bad" stuff with my friends. We walked a lot, as you will be doing in Barcelona. I also didn't have a lot of sweets.

    As someone already said, tapas is a great option, you can taste a lot of foods without going overboard. And seafood is everywhere! I also recommend that you go out on a limb and eat things that you can't get @ home.
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    dont eat churros with chocolate for breakfast! (although they're hard to resist!)
    have fun x
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    oh, quinze nits is lovely for food. off the ramblas theres quite a well known st called calle ferran, it has a maccy d's on the corner and the street has chinese lanterns. theres an irish bar a few meters in, and next to that, theres an entrance to the lovliest square. restaurant called quinze nits is lovely.
    also, a bit further up that street, across from starbucks theres a fab biscuit shop! beautiful non diety things! x
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    The biggest thing we always tried to do on vacation was walk. Always seems like on vacation it is easier to just enjoy the food and make healthy decisions when you can. I feel like walking and seeing the sights and enjoying being with each other always was a great balance to eating a dessert or enjoying an extra glass of wine. I never want to feel like I'm depriving myself, so I'd personally like to try for a little extra exercise by walking- which in turn doesn't really feel like exercise at all! After I get home I usually try for a strict week also, just in case a feel extra pounds manage to come home with me.

    Congrats on the year!! Enjoy Barcelona- should be amazing!