Bullying -- Just a thought x

No matter where you live or how you look there's always bullying around but it's that one word I can't stand that always gets me down. FAT. I don't know why it does because i know I'm overweight but still it's not a nice word!

I've been bullied about my weight and it's brought my confidence to a massive low. I think I'm paranoid about what people think about me now but losing weight gives me a boost and empowers me.

To anyone who has been bullied before or still is no matter your age don't let anyone get you down the truth is people like that are hiding their own insecurities and you are beautiful no matter what you look like.

Let the inner beauty shine through! :)


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What you have to remember is that a bully will call you fat, even when you aren't, because that's what bullies do, they try to belittle, often in non-sensical ways. I had people calling me fat at 110lbs, I have known anorexic girls still being called fat by the bullies at school, because they know it's a way to hurt.

    In the light of this, I think a fair response would be to assume that it actually means nothing at all. If a bully calls thin people fat too, then the insult becomes meaningless.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    What kind of bully? I never been bullied but maybe if it's a girl are you scared of her? Get someone to beat her up or something lol sorry I have no advice for you.
  • LittleVikki
    LittleVikki Posts: 88 Member
    What kind of bully? I never been bullied but maybe if it's a girl are you scared of her? Get someone to beat her up or something lol sorry I have no advice for you.

    I'm not being bullied anymore just talking about the effects it can have and so on...

    but even so violence wouldn't be the answer lol even though it would feel awesome
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I was made fun of in high school...I was over weight. But it has made me the person I am today. I don't let others bring me down because their opinions don't matter to me. What helps is when you surround yourself with people who love you no matter what you look like, sound like, do, etc. I am blessed to have the most amazing family who loves me for me and a boyfriend who constantly tells me I don't need to lose weight and I should eat a big juicy burger! You have to surround yourself with positivity. Get rid of the negative people and things in your life no matter how much they mean to you. Their attitudes will transfer to you. Don't let other peoples moods be taking over yours. I have a lot to say about positivity, loving yourself, and surrounding yourself with the right people...I could go on and on but it is truly something that has changed me for the best!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was bullied a lot as a kid, too. For being too skinny, having no boobs, having crooked teeth, having thick glasses, not wearing the right clothes, etc.

    Mean people will be mean. That's because the suck. :laugh: They get off on hurting others. You can't (easier said than done, I know) let people like that get to you. Just tell yourself how happy you are that you're not a miserable person like that.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    "People cannot make you feel anything you don't allow them too." ~not an exact quote I think~

    Granted though, I'd rather have sticks and stones thrown at me than name calling, cuz it does hurt. So keep those people away from you and as my wise little girl said, "Stay away from people who empty your cup; stay around those who fill it."

    I got called "old" the other day. Ouch! However, I'm a pretty good old and we are working at our health and wellness and fitness regardless of what anyone says. Hang in, hang out, and be proud.
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    You are 100% right!
    Bullying is just a result of someones own insecurities. Don't let it get you down. I can see you are a gorgeous girl with a gorgeous heart. And man won't there face be red when you flaunt your new healthier body!
  • canadianchickie
    I agree! If there's one thing i've been really learning recently is that it is just as important, well more important, to let the work begin on the inside first: or you'll always look in the mirror with disatisfaction, and let what other people say affect how you view yourself.
    I was bullied in junior high, it wasn't about my weight, but it certainly affected my self esteem. I struggle to this day with fearing judgement (real or in my mind).
    And I always find that the easiest word for a bully to use is the word "FAT" because our society is so obssessed over physical attributes that we are fatphobic. The next word on the chopping block when attempting to degrade or belittle or shatter self esteem? Slut.
    It's ridiculous... unhealthy....
    We need to love and prioritize who we are on the INSIDE most of all, and maybe if more of us learned to love ourselves, no matter if we are short, tall, fat, thin, black, white..... perfection is BORING and IMPOSSIBLE! It is a grand illusion, gives us false hopes, dreams, goals and ensures that we will always fail! We must embrace our differences, love our selves and our bodies the way we ARE: right NOW!
    You're so right about bullies: they are reflecting their own insecurities.
    If a person is secure and confident with themselves, they do not need to degrade, belittle, harrass, or bully others!

    For sure: Nelson Mandela said in his inaugural speech "let your own light shine" we all have our special gifts, and we need to be the best we can be - and to do that we need to love ourselves!
  • canadianchickie
    I agree! If there's one thing i've been really learning recently is that it is just as important, well more important, to let the work begin on the inside first: or you'll always look in the mirror with disatisfaction, and let what other people say affect how you view yourself.
    I was bullied in junior high, it wasn't about my weight, but it certainly affected my self esteem. I struggle to this day with fearing judgement (real or in my mind).
    And I always find that the easiest word for a bully to use is the word "FAT" because our society is so obssessed over physical attributes that we are fatphobic. The next word on the chopping block when attempting to degrade or belittle or shatter self esteem? Slut.
    It's ridiculous... unhealthy....
    We need to love and prioritize who we are on the INSIDE most of all, and maybe if more of us learned to love ourselves, no matter if we are short, tall, fat, thin, black, white..... perfection is BORING and IMPOSSIBLE! It is a grand illusion, gives us false hopes, dreams, goals and ensures that we will always fail! We must embrace our differences, love our selves and our bodies the way we ARE: right NOW!
    You're so right about bullies: they are reflecting their own insecurities.
    If a person is secure and confident with themselves, they do not need to degrade, belittle, harrass, or bully others!

    For sure: Nelson Mandela said in his inaugural speech "let your own light shine" we all have our special gifts, and we need to be the best we can be - and to do that we need to love ourselves!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I was bullied a lot as a kid, too. For being too skinny, having no boobs, having crooked teeth, having thick glasses, not wearing the right clothes, etc.

    Mean people will be mean. That's because the suck. :laugh: They get off on hurting others. You can't (easier said than done, I know) let people like that get to you. Just tell yourself how happy you are that you're not a miserable person like that.

    I totally agree with that, if its not your weight than its your height, skin, abilities etc. I've been ridiculed by my dad for years and its made me a really insecure person. I don't care what other says but if your own family mocks you than it hurts a ton lot more.

    My ex's family use to mock me for being heavy. I thought I was a good person at least and I wasn't trying to win Miss World or something! Now I'm lighter than the majority of them and they have nothing to say to me.

    Just goes to show who really does care.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I was a very small child with red hair and freckles. To make it worse I spent 6 months in the hospital when I was 3 in the burn ward. When I got out of the hospital, I was behind socially. Mom used to make me sit on the porch and let the fresh air help my burns to scab over. Kid down the street used to come by and rake the scars with his fingers. After that, I was afaid of everyone. Whenever any other kid picked on me, I would run home to Mommy. One day, a couple years later, Mommy locked the screen door, so I couldn't escape. Made me stand out front and fight. Haven't run from a bully since. I hate bullies. Nothing will cause me to insinuate myself in someone's life like when I see someone bullying someone else.