starting 30ds...any suggestions?

Hey i'm starting the 30 day shred tonight. Any suggestions from anyone who's done / doing it??
thanks ! :happy:


  • teachparents
    teachparents Posts: 225 Member
    not a suggestion really, but i'm not banking on 10 days per level... i move to the next level when i can comfortably do the levels. took about 12 days to do level 1 and is taking about 20 ... (I have an arm injury so planks are killer).... hope once i get all the levels down, i can start again and do 10 day intervals.. good luck! the burn feels great!!!!
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    I'm starting day 5 of Level 1 tomorrow and I'll say that, for me, 5lb weights was too much. Until I find the time to pick up some 3lb weights I've been using 19oz soup cans.... lol. But from day 1 I have already noticed my endurance increase. It's a fun workout and I don't dread it because it goes by fast. Good luck :)
  • sehncw99
    sehncw99 Posts: 73
    I'll be on day 4 tomorrow!! i love it, its an awesomee burn! your arms and legs will be feeling it!! have fun!!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Good Luck! I love 30DS! Make sure to listen to your body but also if it you feel like quitting don't! It's only 27 minutes and completely worth every minute. At first I wasn't able to do every single rep but I tried my best and after awhile I was able to complete everything. The first time I did 30DS I lost 5 lbs in one week and 2 pant sizes after 30 days. If you feel like you are not getting results then try to add in a half hour of cardio and remember to eat your exercise calories. Now I'm on to Ripped in 30 and loving it.

    Keep us posted on your progress. I love JM dvds - they give the maximum burn for little time.
  • HannahPastoor
    Don't give up! Keep pushing through even if you don't want to. Taking a day off is ok. But don't quit. It does get better : )
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    Use 3lb weights! Even if you think you are tough-I thought I was and she's been kicking my butt for the past 2 days! Tomorrow will be day 3 at level 1 for me.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i agree with the posters who suggested lighter weights and possibly doing more than 10 days per level. i, personally, use 1-liter water bottles (full, of course!) and i am doing each level for 3 weeks. but i'm also COMPLETELY out of shape.

    i want to add: wear shoes. my knees were KILLING me the first three days i did it, and the third night i mentioned my new workout to my mom. without me even mentioning the soreness, she said, "well, don't try to to that crap without some good foot support. i paid the last 20 bucks on those new workout shoes you wanted, and you better wear them cuz i'm not taking you to the hospital when you ruin your knees trynna work out barefoot!" so, the next day i started wearing shoes to work out, and the soreness was completely gone two days after that. my mother is wise and everyone should take her advice.

    oh, and don't quit. you WILL want to. but don't. cuz it doesn't work if you give up on it.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    today was day 3 for me and the 1st time I made it throught the work out its hard but stick its worth it
  • AFitasticYou
    I use both 3 & 5lb weights depending on the exercise! Move up to the next level when you feel comfortable. You will be amazed at how you feel after just a 20 min DVD!
  • Dawn111567
    If you need to take a day off, do so but I would suggest to not go more than one day off in between because it gets hard to get back into the swing of things. My endurance in the cardio section increased and jumping jacks became easier for me to do after sticking with them.
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 74 Member
    A support group was just started today for it on the motivation and support section. I just bought the DVD and joined it. Check it out!