

  • ronchap
    ronchap Posts: 60
    I remember going to golden corral one day and started with a salad but ended with two plates of whatever I found fried or with melted cheese. Still lost a pound for the week. One day at a time remember it's not about one day.
  • cath1024
    cath1024 Posts: 79 Member
    Oh my gosh you all are soooo sweet and suporrtive!
    I have never dieted or even watched calories in my life - never had to - everyone was always envious how i could eat eat and eat junk junk and more junk and never gain a lb. Then i hit the late 30's and whoa all that eating came creeping back on me.

    I was at my highest weight i had ever been (minus being prego) 180 lbs last Thursday when i started this and yes this mornign i was 178 but i think that was because i basicly starved myself - each day it seemed i was hungier and today i just couldnt stand it and had to just eat every piece of junk that ended up in front of me!

    I am so not used ot eating this little - last week it didnt bother me but i guess it has built up because i am so darn hungry today.

    I like apples and oranges and grapes thats it for fruit and veggies - well honestly i dont like any other then well potatoes and only when they are mashed and loaded with butter.

    I know this needs to be changed but i realy dont think i can eat veggies maybe raw carrots but thats it - i would seriously throw up eating a salad - never in my life have i ate a salad - i wish i could and one day i will try but it is going to be very hard for me.

    Thank you all for being so suporrtive and i am going to go for a nice long walk with my dogs and then come hom and do a fast walk for 40 mins on my treadmill.

    Thank you all again
  • 168by321
    168by321 Posts: 1 Member
    Today is a new day. You can do it. Eating is more than 75% of the whole outcome. You've got the other part more than covered. You are worth it. We all make some bad choices sometimes. Stop and make a good choice because you care about yourself.
    This is important. If you can do those challenging classes, you can do this.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Dont be too hard on yourself. Saturday night I had a Huge Cheese Burger with Fried onions, Fries and 4 Vodka and Cranberries.
    It was great while I was doing it but felt like crap the next day.
    Oh well, I've been good since.
    That's life.
  • cath1024
    cath1024 Posts: 79 Member
    Try to find really tasty substituted for foods. I love mac and cheese and I love to eat a LOT of it (I don't want three noodles as a serving LOL). Turns out there is a really good mac and cheese recipe here:

    I added a little more salt than the recipe called for and just a bit more cheese (maybe 1/4 of a cup extra) and it's even more delicious! It's not nearly as many calories as regular mac and cheese!

    Oh my gosh I LOVE mac and cheese and thought what was i going to do - i will have a look and likely be making that tomorrow!!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    It sounds like you're addicted to carbs. I used to be, too, and I still have that tendency. Here's what I did to cut the addiction. I did the first step (sort of) of the Atkins diet. I ate all my favorite foods to my heart's content, but no carbs (or sugar). It felt really weird for the first week or so, but then I got used to it. I didn't count calories. I just ate, and ate, and ate. Bacon and eggs for breakfast, cheeseburgers (without the bun) for lunch, etc. After about a month, I was sick of it, but I lost several pounds even though I was eating like a pig. Then I reintroduced carbs (I didn't continue Atkins) - but ONLY whole grains, and only very little bits of it. Like I'd have Chinese with 2 T of rice. Or I'd sprinkle bread crumb on top of a hamburger. Well, I gained back all the weight that I lost, but at least I wasn't addicted to carbs or sugar anymore. Now I eat a regular and balanced diet, but still WAY LOW on the carbs compared to how I used to be. And I no longer have the cravings, and I no longer would ever touch junky cookies, crackers, McD's even if you paid me. And I've been on MFP for 3 weeks, and it's pretty easy - no late night cravings, etc. Hope this helps.

    And, I agree with everyone else about not beating yourself up. It's a process. It takes time. Good luck!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough on the days your are "good" and that you have good fats (nuts, guacamole) to keep your body from feeling so hungry. Try to add one new thing a week into your food that would be more healthy. Find things that work for you like adding cooked mash-cauliflower recipe to mashed potatoes to help just a little bit. And just keep logging the food you eat, fries and all. You'll find you can have some while you are weening yourself off of the junk. Just stay accountable by logging every fry you eat. You might fight that you really only want 1/2 of them cause it's not worth it.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You have had years of cementing bad habits, they aren't going to change in a week. If you go off track 100 times get back up 101. You can do this but realize its not easy. You have to commit, endure discomfort, and make sacrifices. Guess what - I bet you do that for your kids, now DO IT FOR YOUSELF! YOU ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT!!!

    Good luck!
  • I agree with every else, don't kill yourself over it. I just started this too and I absolutely love it. Nothing like being accountable for what you eat during the day. I was also like you, not eating a lot of fruits and veggies then I bought a juicer. I love it. Yes, it takes a little time but it's well worth it and you can get a full day's worth of veggies and fruits in in one drink. I also try to new veggies for my dinners and including smaller portions of them in my salads. It's that old saying, how do you know if you like it if you don't at least try it. Good Luck.
  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    You are going to have days that are not good but as long as the good days are more than the bad you are moving in the right direction. I believe that if you deny yourself the foods that you love/crave (McD fries and Big Mac's are biggies for me too) you will end up binging on them. I have been using MFP for 2 weeks and lost 3 pounds. I can also proudly say that I was literally in the same parking lot as a McDonalds today and managed not to hit the drive through. That is a huge step for me. Normally when I see a McD's I have to at least get myself a large Coke! Pick your self up and tell yourself that tomorrow will be better...and make it so.

    good luck, We all know you can do it!
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I think the problem we have with dieting in general (or at least a lot of people anyway) is thinking...oh god I just ate soooo it is all ruined and I might as well eat everything. The problem with this is that with that mindset you will never achieve your goals! Like others have said, having one off meal, or even one off day is NOT a bad thing. And you don't have to start all over either. Even if you don't exercise it off. As long as you keep eating healthy immediately after a binge you will NOT undo anything! I've even found that the occasional splurge helps me lose more weight! (But I do mean "occasional") becuase it can sometimes trick your metabolism. But I definitely would keep it to one meal a week though, especially in the beginning phases of trying to lose weight. I'm not supposed to have any alcohol on the first phase of South Beach, but I just had a baby and after 9 months of not being able to drink, I don't want to be restricted for another month!! So I just make sure it is in moderation and I'm not going to worry about it.

    Keep your chin up! You are doing just fine :)
  • You need to start seeing food differently and truly SEE how bad McDonald's is for you. Start by renting the movie FOOD INC. Just the other day I looked at the nutrition book at Yogurtland to see what I was eating and the 2nd and 3rd ingredients were Corn Syrup and High Fructose corn syrup. I will never eat it again.Start by changing how youy see food and you will be surprised how much weight you lose and how healthy you are.
    PS: If you steam veggies in a little bit of chicken broth they taste delicious.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I'm going to go a different route here and I hope that you will understand that I'm not trying to be mean, just honest. I believe that if you really want to lose the weight, you are going to have to be in the right mind set and really buckle down, meaning you will have to have some kind of control with your food. I realize it's all new for you with the calories counting and all but you will have to train yourself to eat differently. My suggestion is to take small steps on a daily basis, try different fruits and veggies, try cooking healthier dinners and do atempt to watch those calories, because unfortunately, all the exercise you are doing might be good for you but the only way to lose weight is by eating right...exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand. My mom would exercise everyday but she never lost any weight as she would still be eating crap all the time!

    Read a few diet and health books for starters, get some ideals on how it all works. Joining MFP was a very smart move as this site is very helpful for keeping track of calories and such. Your a step in the right direction and you know what you have to do, but your going to have to apply yourself and try not breaking the rules so often. It's ok to have a splurge meal once in a while but you will have to learn how to watch calories and eat healthier to lose the weight. You can do this, it's a learning process and will take time, but it is doable! Good luck!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    you may want to look into doing a low glycemic index plan. It is what I am on and it is helping me control my intake of "bad" carbs and replacing them with "good" ones. However, something can be high glycemic and when you add stuff to it it will go into the low glycemic range. I have done the calorie counting before with a different program, but this is much easier and I don't dread entering them in on this because I don't have to constantly check the packages, I can just enter the name of the brand and the food and it tells me how many calories it is. I also measure everything out. Maybe next time you get a McDonalds french fry craving you can get a small instead of a large. It takes baby steps to figure out portion control. I started my journey with out this tool in august and it has taken this long to realize what real portion sizes are. It is hard and it really is a struggle at times. You will get through this though and get back on track.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    You will be able to do it. Don't doubt yourself! At first you will make more mistakes, but you learn from them, and I believe it gets easier and better as you work at it.

    I have not mastered the food either, and I also have had a problem loving junk food and not eating healthy foods, and eating too much of it, but even though I am not where I should be, I'm not where I was when I started MFP, and I know I only have room for improvement. Accept this as a lesson learned and use it for future trials and temptations. Good luck!
  • i'm a binge eater myself. some people don't understand that taking food away from some people is like taking alcohol from an alcoholic. it's so hard and i'm an emotional eater too. just remember to take it day by day. you can do this. hang a picture on your fridge or cabinet of how you want to look and really take a good look at the picture before you open the fridge or cabinet!
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    it happened. it's over. just dont let it be your excuse to stop. One day will not ruin all the hard work you have put in!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    i'm a binge eater myself. some people don't understand that taking food away from some people is like taking alcohol from an alcoholic. it's so hard and i'm an emotional eater too. just remember to take it day by day. you can do this. hang a picture on your fridge or cabinet of how you want to look and really take a good look at the picture before you open the fridge or cabinet!

    Just wondering if your addiction is to all food, or a particular type of food. I'm guessing it's carbs/sugars that you're addicted to (as are most people). I don't think people get addicted to protein, for example. I never hear about binge eating 2 roast beefs, for example. It's always sugar-laden, refined carby-type snacks. If so, it's carbs-sugar that you're addicted to, and - like alcohol - you can take steps to manage this addiction. But, first you have to recognize it.
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