What does everyone else do for motivtion?

I have noticed lately that my motivation is not really on track. I mean I walked at lunch than sometimes i come home and walk. I do pretty good during the week but the weekends are horrible for me. I am just looking for some suggestions please....


  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    If I lose motivation, I do one of three things:

    (1) Scan YouTube for "weight loss inspiration". It is amazing how many success stories you find there.
    (2) Post a "fat" picture of myself for everyone to see.
    (3) Pray.

  • tingharp
    tingharp Posts: 16
    . My goal is to go scuba diving once I lose the weight. So I imagine going scuba diving to help me stay on track. :) What is your goal?
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I find supportive friends that we can hold each other accountable. There is a girl that I work with and we check in pretty much every day to see if we worked out. That has helped out a lot... because I don't go to a gym where I workout with friends, so she was my accountability.

    Where I noticed the big change is finding things that I really love doing-- and doing those! So I find myself wanting to do things instead of dreading doing them.

    =) Good Luck!
  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    I try to set a goal of how much I want to exercise that week (like a certain number of miles I want to walk, etc). It usually helps me stick to it! :)
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I think a challenge or some friendly competition is the best way I find motivation.
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    If I lose motivation, I do one of three things:

    (1) Scan YouTube for "weight loss inspiration". It is amazing how many success stories you find there.
    (2) Post a "fat" picture of myself for everyone to see.
    (3) Pray.


    I think I will try this.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    If I lose motivation, I do one of three things:

    (1) Scan YouTube for "weight loss inspiration". It is amazing how many success stories you find there.
    (2) Post a "fat" picture of myself for everyone to see.
    (3) Pray.


    I agree :)
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    My goal is to be 140-150 LBS within the next year or so.
  • lisapickering
    I imagine the reaction of my friends and family, who I haven't seen in awhile, when they see me at my goal weight!:smile:
  • bsw87
    bsw87 Posts: 6 Member
    I find keeping track of how many days I work out a week motivating. I keep this little calendar and write down what I do each day and put a dash if I didn't work out that day. I find this real helpful and also keep track of my weight loss in it week by week.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    One thing that motivates me is all the success stories on here. When I feel like I'm getting nowhere I post like I did this morn. Two weeks in a row no loss, and today I really messed up (ate out breakfast and dinner).

    To come home and see the encouraging words from people here I have never met. It really blesses me. Post when you are having a bad day.

    Another thing I realize it a life change not a diet. This is permanent. I need to watch what I eat and eat more healthier for the rest of my life. I don't want to be on all kinds of drugs because I didn't eat right. That was the "threat" my dr gave me last year if I keep going the way I was going I would be on drugs and I wasn't taking any at that time.

    One more thing is my grandson. I want to live long enough to see him grow up.
  • jara04
    jara04 Posts: 10
    This is by far the greatest inspiration something has given me!!! Watch it, I know you'll enjoy it

  • DeterminedMomNeb
    This is by far the greatest inspiration something has given me!!! Watch it, I know you'll enjoy it


  • sunnny218
    sunnny218 Posts: 16
    I have a picture of my on our honeymoon 6 years ago. Im in a bikini and at my smallest weight ever, and its hanging on my fridge.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I work nightshifts over the weekends and part of my workout motivation is to change into my gym clothes at work. Back when I was in my best shape I would do this and the rule was, no matter how tired I was, to: change at work and step foot in the gym. The backup plan was if I really was too tired when I got there I could leave, and in 2 years I never did. I also reward myself with things: new running shoes, new workout clothes. My next reward when I hit 130 lbs is a moisture wicking hat or visor to use running outdoors as it is warming up nicely. Hope to have it by May!!! More importantly, I also try to focus on health rather than weight loss. For example, it is very easy to look at the scale and see you haven't lost weight in a week and become discouraged. I much prefer to notice that my jeans fit or I that my running intervals are now up to 12 minutes (1 mile) at a time. I think of a month ago when a 1/4 mile had me gasping for air and that makes me motivated. Focus on the positive and make the time for yourself. You are worth it!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I keep a skinny photo of me on my dresser - someday, hopefully, I'll be close to that again.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I stand in the mirror half naked (lol!)

    But more often I stare at the bathing suit I want to buy. Its sold at target.com, but I refuse to buy it for myself until I get below 190 pounds, however many more months that may take me. Since I don't want it to be discontinued by the time I'm ready to get it, it motivates me to get off my *kitten* and get a workout in
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    A lot of things! I realized my motivation comes from multiple sources, so checking in with them keeps me going!

    1. Logging into MFP! If I'm having a bad day, I say so in my status. Within 5 minutes, I always hear great support from my 'friends". Seeing other people have bad days, then suck it up and go for a run inspires me that I can do the same!
    2. Looking at photos of me at my wedding dress fitting. Then looking at the calendar. There's only so much time to tweak those squishy places!
    3. Journaling. This is honestly my biggie. I had an "aha" moment the other day, and realized I always tried changing my behavior to change my body. I realized, though, that how I fee/think about myself --> behavior --> my body. I was missing the whole first piece!

    If these thoughts occupy your mind a lot:
    I'm not good enough
    People around me are smarter/skinier/more successful than I am
    I don't deserve to be happy
    I deserve to be stressed/sad because I'm not good enough

    If anyone said those things to your face, you'd punch them! So don't allow yourself to say them to...yourself! Work on making over your daily thoughts, and how you feel about yourself. When you're in a positive, optimistic, can-do state, then motivation isn't so hard!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I think the biggest motivation that I can have is how I will look and feel when I reach my goal! I imagine the cute clothes that I will soon wear and how I will look in them. I also think about how I will be attractive again and maybe meet someone to share my life with as "I" will be ready beacuse I will feel more self confidence in myself. I get a sense of excitement about all the things I will be able and want to do when I reach my goal beacuse I can. I do have bad days here and there but I keep getting up and moving forward, never quitting. Sometimes I even get discouraged but I just keep in mind what I am after and that's what keeps me motivated and focused. I also beleive in myself and think about the people that don't believe in me and don't think that i can do it...I'm here to show them that I can AND will do it! Also, my music, that keeps me motivated too. I can not live without my tunes. I think that motivation comes from within yourself and you have to find it, it's there, just keep looking.

    It's funny because I used to be very anal about how clean my house was and I would throw a fit if it got messy, now I seem to only have motivation to eat right and exercise and losing weight! I do wish I could find the motivation to care about how my house looks again. I guess I can only be motivated to focus on one thing at a time and right now, I need to focus on me and getting healthy. That's not so bad, right?!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    If I lose motivation, I do one of three things:

    (1) Scan YouTube for "weight loss inspiration". It is amazing how many success stories you find there.
    (2) Post a "fat" picture of myself for everyone to see.
    (3) Pray.


    FANTASTIC ANSWER! If we were on Family Feud...You would totally win! THOSE ARE THE BEST YET!