Foods that are High/Low in *Insert Stat Here*

I'm not sure if there are any lists or posts like this out here yet, but more or less what I'm looking for or want to do is create a list of foods that are high in each category. I'm uncertain of course if some of these exist, mainly something that would be high in calories but low in everything else. The previously mentioned would be particularly good for those days you're trying to get back some of those pesky workout calories. Now, obviously unless you keep a really close watch on everything statistically in your food back you probably wont remember if something like specifically sticks out so I think it be nice to have an ongoing list of foods that are high in each category and low in each. So, if you wanted to find a healthy alternative snack that was high in protein but say low in sugar or vice-versa you could check this post/list.

It also be interesting if MFP did something like this where it allowed you to just search the entire database by serving size for foods that you wanted to find in specific statistical categories.
