Strategies for Reducing Body Fat

I decided to ditch the weight loss goal of 135 (I'm 10 to 13 lbs away) and go for reducing body fat and increasing strength instead. I only want to drop one inch of my waist and hips to fit in into a size 6. Does any one have any tips in doing so?. Five weeks ago I had a BF % of 24...I want to be about 18 to 20%. I've increased my calories to a weight loss goal of 1/2 lb per week. I regularly run and strength train. Anything else I should be doing?

Feel free to add me to review my food diary.


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.
  • jackier19
    jackier19 Posts: 24 Member
    Im interested in doing the exact same thing. Right I'm at 20.4 and wanna get to 18%!
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I'm definately interested in this situation exactly.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.

    You are female so unless you take steroids youo would be bulky. Heavy weights is where it is at, my motto lift heavy lift good.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    That's exactly what I've been doing for the last four weeks and I've been fairly successful at it. I've lost not a single pound, but dropped a full pant size. :)

    I've been eating from the Women's Health Abs Diet. I recently bought the recipie book, but you can get tons of info on it for free from the web. It's basically a well balanced diet with higher protein. If you mix the foods from the ABS DIET POWER list you can come up with some pretty tasty meals that travel easily (I've become one of those people that brings a bag pretty much everywhere. Last week at McDonalds with my kid I had my low sodium turkey, sliced oranges, and a banana.) I eat roughly 1800 - 2200 calories a day and get three full days of strength training, three cardio, and two 3 - 6 miles runs. I would think less activity would mean a few less calories, but same result.

    Here's a link to get you started if your interested:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.

    Hit the HEAVY weights. Low reps and high weight. Check out "New Rules of Lifting for Women" - a wonderful program for gaining strength and reducing body fat. I lost 2-3% doing this program coupled with Crossfit (something else you may want to look into).

    Kudos to you for forgetting the scale - I wish more would do that!! It is such an inaccurate way to measure health and fitness.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.

    You are female so unless you take steroids youo would be bulky. Heavy weights is where it is at, my motto lift heavy lift good.

    And I know this but its so hard to get myself to do this. My frame support muscle gain. I already have broad shoulders and thick muscular legs.

    What does everyone think about yoga? I want to gain some flexibility also
  • blittle40
    blittle40 Posts: 31
    You won't get bulky unless you take supplements and lift extremely need to switch up the routine..if you've been doing the same routine for more than 6 weeks then your muscles are used to the movements and weights...switch everything up and add weight, you'll start seeing some changes again. Add more cardio or make it more intense for a shorter period of time. You can also switch up the foods you are eating, I know when I reached a plateau, all I changed was what I was eating and what time of day I was eating and that kicked me back into gear again. Feel free to add me. I'll be glad to help anyway I can.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.
    You won't get bulky. Body builders work so hard for every tiny gain, you won't have to worry about it happening accidentally. It's nearly impossible for women to bulk even when they want to. Your best bet is to lift heavy; there's a book called The New Rules of Lifting for Women, I *highly* recommend it!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    HIIT training on the treadmill is a great way to burn off the goo. Just like the trainers on biggest loser you have to incorporate speed bursts to get off the fat. Get uncomfortable and push and you will see results.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I'm going to look up that book. Thanks for the requests also!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I'm going to look up that book. Thanks for the requests also!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.

    You are female so unless you take steroids youo would be bulky. Heavy weights is where it is at, my motto lift heavy lift good.

    And I know this but its so hard to get myself to do this. My frame support muscle gain. I already have broad shoulders and thick muscular legs.

    What does everyone think about yoga? I want to gain some flexibility also

    I hear you. There is some genetics at play too. Some women (myself) WILL bulk up a touch. You should see my quads - these suckers stick out a solid three inches from my knee and it's all muscle. My calves and biceps are the same way. The thing is, it looks fine. I'm not going to be a crazy triangle shaped body builder regardless of how much I lift because A. I'm not taking all the suppliments and B. I eat more than lettuce and rice. I like that when I bend my legs you can see bands of muscles and my triceps show shape in the back of my arm (helps hiding with the flabby skin! :) ) Just try it. If you don't like it, you can back off.

    Also - meant to add - I do yoga stretc once a week. I like it alot.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    You won't get bulky. Body builders work so hard for every tiny gain, you won't have to worry about it happening accidentally. It's nearly impossible for women to bulk even when they want to. Your best bet is to lift heavy; there's a book called The New Rules of Lifting for Women, I *highly* recommend it!

    I find this not to be true for me.I am short and my muscles arent long so for me I actually bulk up alot in my thighd and calves.I really have to watch how much work i do on them
  • gazbo1986
    gazbo1986 Posts: 52
    Muscle burns fat---hit the weights girl.

    I do that 4 times a week. But I'm wondering if I should kick up the intensity. I"m not looking to be bulky, but I am looking for tips for women for a lean toned body.

    You are female so unless you take steroids youo would be bulky. Heavy weights is where it is at, my motto lift heavy lift good.

    And I know this but its so hard to get myself to do this. My frame support muscle gain. I already have broad shoulders and thick muscular legs.

    What does everyone think about yoga? I want to gain some flexibility also

    you're not going to get "bulky". And I don't know a single guy who doesn't find slightly muscular girls to be sexy as hell.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm interested in this too, as my bf% is over 30 (according to my electronic scale - though an online calculator based on measurments puts it at 28%)

    I've seen great results to my body shape lifting weights, and try to keep pushing myself a bit more each time.
  • dublvision2