I pee ALL the time!!

Excuse my bluntness but this is getting ridiculous! When I started this journey, I began drinking more water and had to go potty about every 30 minutes. I was told that when my body got used to the extra water coming in, my body would adjust & I woudn't spend my life running to the bathroom. Well, how long does it take to adjust?? I've been doing this for 2.5 months now and I am constantly running to the bathroom!

For example, I went to a photography conference last night and had to stop 2x on the way there (it's only a 40 minute drive). Then when I got there, I barely made it to the bathroom. Through the 5 hour conference, I had to get up & leave on average about once an hour (and that was holding it until I was afraid I would burst). Then on the drive home, same thing - had to stop 2x! Yesterday at lunch, I started counting and I had to pee 6x in 2 hours. Each time it's a large amount of urine and usually it's clear so I don't think it's a bladder infection or anything like that. Any ideas? Anybody else havin this issue??


  • mom4nursing
    mom4nursing Posts: 28 Member
    Wow I am so with you!! I have been doing this for over a year now and I'm still peeing all the time. It drives me insane as I was also told that my body would adjust. I'm very interested in hearing what others have to say.
  • southa77
    southa77 Posts: 12
    Well I do the same thing but I had gastric bypass six years ago and my surgeon said that the more I drink, the more you go which means the more calories and such you flush out of your system which means the more weight loss. As for anyone that hasnt had the surgery I am not fully sure, but would think it would be along the same lines.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How much water are you drinking? You may be taking in too much. From my understanding you (people) should only have to "go" about 6-7 times or so /day.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I am in the same boat!!! I am even waking up in the middle of the night...having to go!!!!
    I wish I could help!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would talk to your Doctor. Could be a bladder infection. If it's not they have med's that can help. I'm thinking of starting them myself. If I drink 8 oz of water, within 15 min I'm peeing 8 oz of water. It's annoying. I was told I have Sjogren's disease. It has to do with the immune system or something?
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    This happens to me as well. It worse when I drink coffee or tea. I was at a meeting last week and had a hard time waiting for the evenly spaced breaks (every 2 hours). I have started drinking a little less water but I find that I really don't feel very well at all. I have gotten used to the water now but I still go to the potty frequently. I would say that maybe you could drink a bit less. :)
  • lisapickering
    It does get a bit better but I have been drinking over 2L a day for years and I go to the bathroom alot! I know where the bathrooms everywhere - malls, grocery stores! It is annoying but the good news is "southa77" is right and it helps in weight loss!
  • exercisechic927
    exercisechic927 Posts: 64 Member
    I treat urinary urgency....I would also wonder if there is times you don't make it and pee or have pain with urination? You may have now developed some underlying behavioral patterns or there could be underlying muscle weakness. Have you been adding a lot of high impact exercises to your regime? I would see if you can find a women's health physical therapist to evaluate the problem.... Usually if you add that much fluid it should not cause that much urgency/frequency...
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I was the same way and finally went to the doctor about it. Come to find out I had a REALLY bad UTI. No other symptoms what so ever. May be worth talking to a doctor about to make sure there is not any internal problems going on!
  • mupnw1
    mupnw1 Posts: 1
    Same here...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It's true that well-hydrated people pee more often, but every 20 minutes sounds excessive.

    I'd talk to a doctor about this, as polyuria can be a sign of several medical conditions. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003146.htm

    Hope eveything is OK!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    How much water do you drink? If you are drinking 8-10 glasses a day of water and another 5-6 of coffee/tea/juice etc then that's too much liquid. It could be that you aren't getting enough salt intake for the volume you are drinking. The body has a natural equilibrium of salt to water it tries to maintain, thus if you are out of balance you either retain water and bload (too much salt) or you pee constantly (too little salt). The other issue to consider is diabetes, if you haven't been tested you should do so just for good measure. I hope you are just drinking too much though. :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    As Incread my water I found that in the afternoon I have to go about every 45 min. from 1:30 to about 6. than as I slow down my drinking for the day I am able to go fewer times. I drin 10 -14 8oz glasses of water a day and go about 10 times a day. I would say if you don't see an improvement. see teh specalis that exercise chic recomended.
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    I never have any pain during urination and I was treated for a UTI last November but the symptoms of what I had then are nothing like what I have now. I only drink water (no coffee, no tea, etc.) and I typically drink 8-13 8 oz. glasses a day.
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    And I'm losing weight pretty quickly - about 2 lbs a week. I find that when my sodium is up, I retain it for about 24 hours and then pee like crazy the next day or 2.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I never have any pain during urination and I was treated for a UTI last November but the symptoms of what I had then are nothing like what I have now. I only drink water (no coffee, no tea, etc.) and I typically drink 8-13 8 oz. glasses a day.

    It actually could still be a UTI, as your urine would not be concentrated enough to cause pain with your fluid intake.

    But it could also be several scarier things, so I'd still talk to your doc.
  • Beth_1217
    Beth_1217 Posts: 29
    It does get a bit better but I have been drinking over 2L a day for years and I go to the bathroom alot! I know where the bathrooms everywhere - malls, grocery stores! It is annoying but the good news is "southa77" is right and it helps in weight loss!

    Lol! Same here! My family and friends make fun of me because the first thing I do when I'm out in public is make sure I know where the ladies' room is! It is very annoying. I work closely with three other women and all of us are counting calories and drinking more water, and I have to go to the bathroom more frequently than the other three combined. I don't have to go quite as often as you, but I'd say I probably go at least once every two hours. I once read somewhere that you can "train" your bladder to "wait longer," but I have no idea if it's actually possible to do that or even if it's a good idea-- when you gotta go, you gotta go!

    I'm sorry I don't know how to help, but judging by the number of responses here, you're far from alone!
  • chaparra81
    I started drinking water when I joined this site on 2/10/11. I aim for 12-16 cups a day I am only 5 feet short so I am always on the run. I have even made friends cus I am always holding myself...LOL I have told my friends and family that isn't if but when I pee on myself not to make fun of me...I asked around and they said your bladder doesn't get used to it but I guess that is why us water drinkers lose weight from all the running to the toilets we do. I feel great so I will continue to drink up!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I have been drinking water for over two years, and it hasn't changed for me. I still have to go all the time. I do have a weak bladder, I remember this from as early as 16, and if I have caffeine it makes it weaker too, and so it's more painful to hold.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I treat urinary urgency....I would also wonder if there is times you don't make it and pee or have pain with urination? You may have now developed some underlying behavioral patterns or there could be underlying muscle weakness. Have you been adding a lot of high impact exercises to your regime? I would see if you can find a women's health physical therapist to evaluate the problem.... Usually if you add that much fluid it should not cause that much urgency/frequency...

    I agree.