Who has done this on their own? HELP!

Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I am not a weight loss surgery hater…but I would love to meet some people out there who have managed to lose 50lbs on their own by diet and exercise. I see some pretty large numbers being met and with so many people having bariatric surgery these days, its hard to tell if some of those numbers are from weight loss surgery or from really dedicated weightlossers (yes it’s a word I made up)...I am a little down on myself thinking I can not do this on my own. I work in the medical field, in a very heavy weighted populated area, I am far from a lapband-stomach staple-gastric bypass hater…I’m glad the option is there for people…it’s truly life saving…I have seen it first hand. But for those of us who do not qualify and who do need change their lifestyle on their own …I would love some words of encouragement that this can be done by ME. By changing my diet, by working out 30 minutes to an hour EVERYDAY. I have made great strides and changes since 1-9-11...I just hope I’m on the right track. I feel like I can do more…or suppose to do more to drop 30 more lbs in the last three months I have been at this.

Any help, suggestions, words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!


  • JenniferO1982
    JenniferO1982 Posts: 21 Member
    I have lost 80 pounds. My secret? Diet and exercise:)
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi! I am only on 40 and I lost before I got here! No, meds, no surgery, no quick fixes. Sometimes it seemed super slow. So slow in fact I stopped weighing and started measuring! I wish you all the best and there are some great inspirations on here!!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Jennifer, that is the best advice you can give her!!!
  • 90lbs in 9 months with a change of lifestyle, which includes healthy eating and exercise. That's it. You can do it too! :heart:
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    You can do this. All the weight I've lost is from changing eating habits and some exercise.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    95 pounds - exercise, discipline, nutrition and PERSISTENCE!!!
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Bump for later... this would be great to hear.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Over 70 pounds since mid-September here...
    Eat healthy, well balanced meals in reasonable portions (including whole grains, lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies), drink lots of water, and exercise.
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    60lbs~diet and exercise. kept off since 2009!
  • Tabs_A
    Tabs_A Posts: 69 Member
    I've done it on my own with the support of all my great friends here on MFP and my husband. To date I've lost a total of about 60 lbs (50 since joining here) just by making those same changes you have. I've started working out and watching what I eat and how much! One little tip is don't give up the treats in life! If you want pizza, have pizza! You may have to work a little harder to be able to or have smaller portions. I still eat ice cream, chocolate bars etc its all about portion control! You can do it! Good luck!
  • hi im new here and this is my first post!! i had to reply straight away to you saying yes it CAN be done on your own and not through any surgery!

    i myself have lost 42lbs in just over a year by exercising and healthy eating - thats it!! i have even gone off track once in a while and always have one night off every week where i eat what i like including drinking a bottle of wine lol.

    im now struggling a bit to get back into healthy eating ( although ive not put back on any of the weight ive lost ) as im finding it hard to get the last 14lbs off due to family circumstances that cause me to comfort eat. but, thats why im now here to get some of my motivation back and get losing again :)

    good luck , it can be done xxx
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I've lost 107 or so without any surgery or miracle pills. It's possible, but you have to work hard.
  • 29 pounds in three months (over 10% of my body weight... 250 down to 221). I am paying attention to what I eat and exercising some...

    I didn't get where I was overnight, and I don't expect to get back overnight.
  • umauma2011
    umauma2011 Posts: 14 Member
    You just have to keep at it ,you did not get this way overnight and it will not go away overnight. As far as surgery i'm on the fence , I would try to keep with this for at least 6 months ( see what happens ) you may suprise yourself,

    As far as anyone doing this without surgery yes there are quite a few here that yes it is from hard work

    JUST KEEP AT IT !!!!!!!!!
  • Angela25
    Angela25 Posts: 2
    A few years ago I lost 60 lbs doing weight watchers and walking every day. I basically watched what I eat and I exercised usually 5 to 6 days a week. After about the first 30 pounds, I did more intense workouts like Turbo Jam when I got home from work about 3 days a week and walked the rest.

    I kept that weight off for almost 3 years, then when my dad had stomach cancer and I was having other issues in my family I gained about 45 lbs of that back because i stopped watching my food and I stopped working out. I have started working out and watching my food again and am down 11 pounds in a just a few weeks.

    It can definitely be done and without starving yourself. Aim for 2 lbs a week and some weeks you will naturally be more than others. I lost the 60 lbs in 5 months. I even had one day a week I didn't track my food and eat whatever I wanted within moderation and that so helped me with cravings.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    From what I know about weight loss surgery. . . in the end you need to modify your diet and exercise habits to be successful. I have seen friends get the surgery and sure they lose weight initially, but the food they eat and their activity level must be modified for their final goals to be reached. While it is a personal decision for everyone, I say just modify the diet and exercise and avoid the surgery, recovery, and the lifetime spent with altered anatomy. But that is just me . . .
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I did, I lost 50 pounds with just diet and exercise, and it was mostly fun exercise like walking and riding my bike. Of course as you can see from my ticker I have gained some back, but that's because I stopped eating right and exercising for a few months....I'm trying to get back to it. But it can be done!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hey there!

    I have lost over 80 pounds with just diet and exercise! I have over 180 pounds to lose in total and having the surgery sure seemed like a great idea in the beginning, but I just decided to try on my own to see what I could do if I really put my mind to it and here I am almost a year in and down 85 pounds in total and still going strong. I have nothing against the surgery personally either, but for me, it was just not the right choice. I have proved to myself (the only one that matters) that it can be done. All it takes is hard work and lots and lots of it! I hit the gym 5-6 days a week for 30-45 minutes only. Somedays I go longer, but mostly its just on my lunch break. I eat the foods that I like in MODERATION and sparingly. I have learned to love a whole range of healthy foods that I never would have tried before.

    What I am saying is that yes it can be done and you can do it. You just have to want it. Friend me if you want and I will support you all the way!!!!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I've lost exactly 90 lbs so far (still have a ways to go!) since October, just changing what I ate, how much I ate and trying to be more active! It CAN be done, by ANYONE! I've just cut my processed sugars, and I eat a lot of veggies and fruit, lean meats, healthier carbs like Kashi cereal, etc.
    You can do it! If I can lose this much, anyone can! It just requires a change of mind also IMO along with change in habits. You have to be truly ready to do it and stick with it. :) Good Luck!
  • mommy3x
    mommy3x Posts: 46 Member
    I hear you! I also work in the medical field and have seen lots and lots of weight loss around me from the surgeries. I have lost over 35 pounds (my ultimate goal is to lose 80 pounds total) and have done it by making better choices. I exercise every day (mostly) and eat healthy foods (as natural as possible). I also found that keeping myself accounable is very helpful. You can absolutely do it!! It is a long process, it should be, your are breaking years of bad habits. Just keep at it, make short-term goals along with the long-term ones, those are easier to meet and they keep you motivated!

    Good luck, and please feel free to friend me!!

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