Who has done this on their own? HELP!



  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I know many people who have had bariatric surgery and kept most of the weight off, but about 3 of the 10 people I know have gained ALL their weight back. Bariatric surgery is very serious, and if you look at as a quick fix, you'll just go back to the same eating habits. You also have to deal with weekly injections of vitamins because your body cannot absorb nutrients properly any more. The people who have lost weight on bariatric surgery that I know who did not start working out, are still obese, but just not morbidly obese. The people who started exercising are only slightly over weight.

    I think if you do it the "old fashioned way" through exercise and diet, you are more likely to be starting a life style change that will stick with you. Plus you are actually getting HEALTHIER, not just thinner. There is a big difference between just losing weight - as opposed to working out and eating healthier so that you heart is healthier and your cholesterol and blood pressure are lower.

    My highest weight was 213. I'm now about 150 :) I did it through DIET and EXERCISE alone. NO surgery for me. AND I can out-run and out-exercise my super skinny friends any day.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    80 lbs thru diet and exercise! NOTHING else! Anyone can do it, you just have to dig deep, get out of your comfort zone and DO IT!!!!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I lost 60lbs on my own, a few years ago. My ex lost over 150lbs on her own at the same time. You can do it. It just takes proper knowledge, and dedication to stick with it.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have lost 77 lbs in about 10 months time... I still have a little less than 50 more to go.

    I know it gets harder they closer you get, but I'm not to that point yet.. considering I'm still way overweight... but I'm getting there.

    Exercise is still a struggle for me somedays.. I just don't feel like it.

    The thing to know is don't push yourself to hard.. the number on thing to do is eat healthy and under your calories, keep an eye on the nutrition facts and try to keep them under the number it says.

    If you don't feel like exercisings no matter what, then eat less.. it works.. I am proof :)

    The closer you get the harder you have to work though.. and again I am not that close so can't help you there, but it's possible just put your mind to it.. logging calories gets easier and easier as you save more meals and it doesn't take long at all... I can't remember having to input so many things.. as my husband still does.. lol, but that gets easier to :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Happy to be a friend... This is all me! No surgery, no drugs, just hardwork and good food!
  • gigipamw
    gigipamw Posts: 7
    I lost 60 pounds before coming here but after gaining back 10 of it, decided to try this. It can be done on your own. When I lost my weight I was tracking all my food faithfully, exercising at least 4 times a week. This means tracking even little bites of something you try, but you can do this! Good luck to you! :happy:
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    I am taking it slow and steady or I know I will quit. I have lost around 26 pounds(mfp says lower due a different starting date). I have prayed, exercised, and counted calories. My loss really started in October til now. Also, my acid-reflux has either seriously diminished or is gone! I am wearing 3-4 sizes lower than I used to! I definitely have more energy and I think I have been healthier since I started this than in previous fall and winter seasons. Hope this helps!
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    I too am a weight loss success story! In the past I lost a total of 40 lbs and maintained it for 3 years. I am back here working to lose weight after pregnancy. I am down about 40 again. 10 lbs to my pre preg weight and then another 15 after that. I credit mine to purely nutrition. When the food choices are good, the weight will come off! Good luck to you and feel free to message me if you need support!
  • jap0621
    jap0621 Posts: 4
    I finally hit the wall to losing weight! You named it i tried it medifast, lemonade, atkins, ww, anything you can think of.. what really has helped me is mentally changing my outlook about eating and working out.. Im doing it for me this time and so far going well. I also spoke with my doctor and I take a prescribed appetite suppressant. I am lucky and have had no side affects and it really helps me control what I am eating because i dont have the urge to eat. I am an emotional eater and this has definitely helped. On top of it the gym can be your best friend. Go and change routines take a class. make it fun then you will want to be there. I just started zumba!!! There are all ages shapes and sizes so it is comfortable and Fun.. Good luck
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
    I lost 66 pounds from chaning my eating habits measuring food and adding exercise into my life. It did take time and I have had some up and downs but time and consistancy with working out and better eating habits has really been the answer. With the exercise I have had to mix things up as I went along I added weight lifting and cardio both into my workouts for the one two punch! You can do this!!!

  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I am down almost 130lb simply by moving more and eating less. I am not going to lie it is not easy and it has taken me 3+ years, but I have done it! I don't agree with WLS as I have had lots of friends have it only to gain all the weight back. I knew that it wasn't for me. I remember the first few times I went to gym and I could barely go 15 mins on the elliptical and now most days I for for 90 mins. It all takes time. You are going to get out of it what you put into it. There is no quick easy fix, the best thing is a lifestyle change over time! Add me if you would like!
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    I started 1/13/2011, about the same time as you, and I've lost 38 lbs with no signs of slowing down. I don't think you need surgery.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    121 lbs here in 13 months. ( no surgery) .........like Jennifer said, Diet, Exercise , water, water and "patience"

    If youre wanting to lose it all at once, well, its hard.......I started slow, made subtle changes, not drastic, incorporated exercise slowly, and it paid off..........read my bio, its how I did it as well as getting rid of 3 medical conditions

    again, you gotta be patient and make total life style changes..........is not just calories in/calories out. Its a whole life style change........

    best of luck, add me as your friend if I can help............Lloyd
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    95 pounds - exercise, discipline, nutrition and PERSISTENCE!!!

    Your photos are really inspiring!! I have hit a plateau and am feeling discouraged. I'm glad I saw your pics!! Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!
  • I have a friend who I go to the gym with 3 days a week, and she has lost 48 lbs since we started January 3rd, 2011 just by eating healthy (and enough calories) and by working out. She does about 30-45 minutes of cardio (the elliptical on level 18) and we do about an hour of weight training.. Just free weights, push ups, squats, lunges, etc. I know several people that do NOT succeed when they restrict themselves with dieting or using supplements. Keep eating good and exercising! :) Good Luck!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive lost 50 pounds by diet an exercise but there is also nothing wrong with surgery and it is by no means the easy way out.imo it just wasnt an option for me.
  • I lost 60 pounds on my own and have kept if off for over a year and a half now with ONLY diet and exercise. I decreased my calories gradually to find the point at which I started to lose, which was 1200 calories a day for me, and exercised for 30-60 minutes 5-6 times a week.

    The biggest hurdle for me was mental. If I made one bad choice or had one bad day, it was easy to let myself "fall of the bandwagon" so to speak. If I ate a few m&m's at lunchtime, it used to be an excuse to spiral out of control for the rest of the day. I have to tell myself all the time that every day, every hour and even every minute is a choice. If I want to be healthy for myself and my family, I have to continue to make good choices. This is one area in my life where stubborness pays off! :-)

    I keep track of all of my food either on mfp or in a journal and I log all of my exercise. I run or walk for most of my exercise and I have found it keeps me motivated to keep track of total miles. For example, I have logged 224 miles already this year. Keeping track long-term makes me feel like I have really accomplished something and keeps me going even if I have a "bad week." Also, I have a calendar hanging in my laundry room and I put a sticker on it each day that I exercise. Everyone in the house can see it and it helps hold me accountable to someone besides myself. My 9 year-old daughter says "Mom, why haven't you gone to the gym since Monday?" or "Wow, you have exercised 6 days in a row. Way to go!"

    It is possible to do it on your own- but any support you can build into your plan will go a long way to long-term success. Keep up the great work!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I was definitely one that contemplated surgery in the beginning. Starting at 291.5 was daunting and it seemed like an option. I even met with a doctor, did the 6 months of monitored weight-loss with a dietitian (using MFP back in 2009). It was about halfway through the six months using MFP that I started to think I didn't need the WLS if I could be losing so consistently using MFP and exercising. I got side-tracked in August of 2009 when mom passed and put the weight back on. But I'm back now and realized that I have this, I can do this without surgery, which scared me to begin with anyway. I didn't care for the permanence of it and the fact that I'd have to deprive myself of things. I prefer this way because I am not deprived of things I love. If I want a treat of some sort, I can have it occasionally, I just have to work harder to earn it! I am by no means a surgery hater either, a couple of beloved family members have had great success with it:) It just wasn't for me.

    Stick with us and you can definitely do this! I love my MFP friends and couldn't do this without the support of all of them - some of which are on this forum post, LOL :D
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you for the quick and encouraging responses! My hardest part has been keeping myself accountable for those pieces of peppermint patties! Everything counts. I have yo-yoed for the last 10 years prior to that I was an athlete in high school so I never had an issue with weight…and I just want to do it the right way this time. I am the only one in my family that has a weight issue. Surgery isn’t an option for me…so I really loved hearing that with patience, time, eating better, and getting up out of my office chair…that I can do this.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I just surpassed 100 lbs lost. Excercise 6 days a week and I count my calories! I stopped drinking soda and sugary drinks, and cut back on the beer drinking by a good 90%. 100 lbs....6 months...and I;m not done yet!
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