

  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    @lilybean17- yep i definitely need to turn beast mode on. I'm so unmotivated and so ready for summer school-wise hahah but I still have about 6 more weeks to get through!
    @kristen3112- for some reason i have had an obsession with peanut butter banana sandwiches or wraps microwaved..idk why haa so i have been eating those and tuna and crackers a lot lately
    @edemaknn and MissDwood- Good luck!! You can do it! Just stay motivated.( sounds easier than doing , I know haha)
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Hey I'm new here but I'd like to join this group...I'm a 2nd year college student in London England and it's impossible to eat anything that's not really unhealthy and gross in my college cafeteria. It's a pain because my degree means I am usually there from at least 10am-6pm usually more. Only started this weight loss/fitness program a couple of weeks ago so this will be a great way to kick it off.

    HW: 141
    CW: 139
    8 week goal: 128
    GW: 114
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Hey I would LOVE to be added to this group! I weighed myself yesterday at 210lbs, UGH! I started going to the gym 2 days ago and began my diet. I am a junior in college, plus I work overnight shifts... sometimes from 11pm-3am or 3am-7am. I feel like a lot of my weight gain is because of irregular or not enough sleep hours. I applied to work days for summer and next fall though :) I find it difficult to eat in the cafeteria, but luckily my school has a subway on campus where I've started having dinner at. I'm just fed up with being overweight, enough is enough.

    SW: 210
    GW for 5/18: 180
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Hey girls,
    I'd like to join in on this as well. Just started using MyFitnessPal and it would really help to have motivation from those around. Here's a little about me. I'm a junior going on a senior in college. I'm generally active over the summer with biking, ultimate Frisbee, and hiking, but jumped from 119 to 135 over the last 7 months. I've never been huge on dieting or exercising, but it looks like I'll need to! I'm a vegetarian and live off campus with my parents, so I normally get full fledged meals.

    Starting Weight : 135
    8 Week Goal: 125
    Goal Weight : 120

    I'm going to Florida at the end of May and would like to enjoy my body again in a swimsuit!

    starting weight: 166.4
    goal weight: 155

    Ok, mpf starting weight 188
    official starting weight for the 8 weeks: 167.6
    Goal weight for the end of the 8 weeks: 155
    Final goal weight: 130-135 ish
    So what kind of meals does everyone make? Im doing really good so far but I know afterawhile I get burned out fast having the same thing over and over. Anyone have any ideas?


    I eat a lot of hamburger helper, banquet meals, pizza, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets. My breakfast of choice is toast :)
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    So what kind of meals does everyone make? Im doing really good so far but I know afterawhile I get burned out fast having the same thing over and over. Anyone have any ideas?


    I'm terrible. I seriously have had the same thing for breakfast every weekday since the beginning of fall quarter haha same exact omelet and a mini bran muffin. If I make oatmeal on the weekends, I try and find new toppings once I get bored of the old ones. RIght now is a teaspoon of peanut butter in my instant maple oatmeal :)
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    hey girls =) it'd be awesome if I too could join your group. I literally just came off the scale and i'm CW: 135.4 I guess i'll set my GW:125 for the 8 weeks. I'M SUPER NERVOUS =| i can NEVER stick to my diet or exercises!

    Well I'm 21 and this is my 2nd semester in college, this is do to going to school for cosmetology and working for a year before i decided I wanted to go back to college..haha. I live at home but that's not much different from dorming, my parents and I have totally off schedules so I tend to make my own food...or should i say buy? I have a busy weekend coming up that involves a lot of crap food...wish me luck..
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    Hey all, sorry bit very busy for the last week but will weigh in later for my starting weight! I am already quite small but have quite a fear of scales so this will be a momentous occasion for me!
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    CW: 127 Goal Weight: 115

    I really hate weighing myself...eugh!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    ahh i keep losing motivTation :(( I keep eating and eating..it's frustrating!! but i am determined for the rest of the day to finish my exercises so i am not over on my calories
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    So how do you guys deal with a binge eating night?

    I've been doing well. Eating less. Not being as hungry through the day and keeping up with exercising. I've felt great and happier with myself. Tonight a group of friends went out for burritos. Not just any burritos. Monster sized. With sour cream, guacamole, potatoes, rice, beans, cheese, frickin everything. Between the drive and the cost, the burrito was 16 dollars.

    How could I let it go to waste?

    I ate the entire thing, and then rolled around in pain for the next three hours as my stomach wanted to reject it. I probably ate more food in one sitting than I do in two days.

    Now I feel gross and like I will never bounce back.

    So should I just not eat tomorrow and exercise like crazy, or just go back to my normal routine? Sunday is my 22nd birthday. I know this weekend is not going to be nice to my goal weight.
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    obviously not eating is never a solution lol exercise like crazy for a few days and you should be back to normal soon. BUT EAT!!!!!! :)

    a binge every once in a while is not the end of the world. in fact, i'm kinda jealous you were able to do it lol
  • fallenmack1989
    Im in too!! I do my college online but im still primarily in college.
  • kristen3112
    Those all sound like great ideas on food.

    So with 200 minutes of cardio this week...what day are we ending it? Sunday?
    Haha im motivated to get the last minutes in...just dont know what day that is lol
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    @kaleas- i know how you feel about that! My friends are always getting fast food and stuff and for some reason they are all slimmer than me!!! haha well, i know why because I tend to binge eat too..but try not to let that one slip up turn into another one day after day. Stay on track.. just log it, exercise more for the next few days, but don't kill yourself over it
    Those all sound like great ideas on food.

    So with 200 minutes of cardio this week...what day are we ending it? Sunday?
    Haha im motivated to get the last minutes in...just dont know what day that is lol

    I think it's wednesday?
    weigh in day right?

    Ok, mpf starting weight 188
    official starting weight for the 8 weeks: 167.6
    Week 1: 165.6
    Goal weight for the end of the 8 weeks: 155
    Final goal weight: 130-135 ish

    total cardio:
    wed: 25 Min. Jillian 30ds
    Thursday: 45 min. Walking, dancing, Jillian 30ds
    Friday: about 120 Min. Dancing =)
    Saturday: 35 Min. Elliptical
    Sunday: 75 Min Walking
    Monday: 25 Min. Jillian 30ds
    Tuesday: 73 Min. Dancing, jogging, cleaning.

    grand total: 398- almost 400 Minutes!!!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    great job tsosbe!! TOday weigh in 148 still.. had soccer practice everyday for about 90-120 minutes per day so i definitely get my exercise in! now, just need to focus on eating less calories! :D

    My goal by easter- 139 (less than a month now!!, but still think i can do it!!) :)
  • emh009
    emh009 Posts: 14 Member
    Managed to beat my goal of 152 by a whole pound, I weighed in this morning at 151.0! 149.7 will be my goal for next Wednesday.

    starting MFP weight: 156
    Official starting weight for 8 weeks: 152.7
    Week 1: 151.0
    8 week goal: 140
    Final weight goal: 130