

  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Okay, I was trying not so say anything. But if you knew he wasn't getting lunch why didn't you. 1 ) go fill out another application 2) pack a lunch 3) contact somebody and see if he could eat until it got worked out or 4) pay for a few lunches until you filled out the new application and it got approved.

    Yes they should make sure he is getting fed, but so should you.

    How could she do all that if she didn't know about till today? And it seems to me once she did know she brought the lunch to him unless I'm misunderstanding her post.

  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    So we get back in from looking at the apartment to a message on our answering machine. It was Cecil's teacher. The school board lost his meal application. So they have been letting him go hungery. Those d____ f_______ j________ b__________.

    How dare they starve my baby. I promise you if this does not get straightened out now a lawer will be contacted as that IS NEGLECT ON THEIR PART. THEY ARE STARVIN MY BABY BECAUSE OF THEIR STUPID MISTAKE. Yes mommy just got back from the school for taking lunch to him.



    Yes they make a mistake. Yes you had to take a lunch to him. Is that worthy of a lawsuit? Hell no. There are bigger things in life to worry about that a freakin' missed lunch.

    Max - I think it has happened more than once - sounds like it's been going on for awhile. A lawsuit? Maybe not at this point, but something needs to be done because it is not right to let a child go hungry everyday.

    I don't want to see a kid go hungry, but I just get tired of folks expecting institutional authorities to care for our kids. That's not their job. That's my job. Their job is to educate.

    If those institutional authorities provide a service such as feeding children then it is there responsibility to make sure a child gets fed. How could she do anything about it if she didn't know till they called and told her about the mistake? And if this happened more then once then they should of called sooner about it.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    :noway: Sounds like a bad case of the public school blues......gone very, very bad. I'd be at the school, dropping off lunch and having a few choice words with the administration. School's been in session for quite awhile this year, has your child said anything about it before? Do you keep in contact with teachers? Sounds like it's time to get involved. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    That's what i said a service. But I think if someone doesn't get fed it shouldn't be like oh well not our problem.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160

    If those institutional authorities provide a service such as feeding children then it is there responsibility to make sure a child gets fed.

    No, its not. It is a service, not an obligation.

    While I totally agree that its a service and not an obligation, I also agree that mom should have been notified. Here's the thing. ...beginning of the school year you get a form to fill out. Its sent to you by the teachers/schoolboard, you fill that out and send it back. Now my question would be long has this been going on and if its been since the beginning of the school year...wouldn't you expect a teacher to say ...."hey mom...whats up with lunch?"

    I'm sorry ...but as an education major I have experience being in a classroom full of KNOW when your children don't have a lunch. And if that went on for more than a day ...those teachers DO have an obligation to report that to their superiors. A child going more than a day or two at most is a sign of potential neglect on the parents part.....that should have been a red flag for teacher to contact mom or have the principal contact mom and a simple mistake could have been corrected very early on. There's no excuse for anything longer than that.

    If you go to mom's page btw ...I believe it says that cecil is a special needs child. If thats the case that may be why he didn't tell her himself.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    awww :( poor baby...I would be outraged as well!

    (N/M the other stuff, I don't want to fuel a fire)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Regardless of where the fault lies, no school should allow a child to go without a lunch. Ever.

    Here locally, we have a school where parents can't/won't afford lunches for their children. (I like to always think it's the former and not the latter; it's easier on the heart that way.) These kids are given two veggies, a roll, and a milk. The principal of that school (it's elementary) told my mother that a lot of those children being given free lunches have no other meals, that their lunch is the only meal they eat. For that reason alone, I think it's the obligation of those adults to ensure those children are fed lunch, and to report potential issues to whatever authorities they can, should issues even exist.

    Schools have turned into an institution to raise children when parents aren't willing/can't, from food and clothing provisions (I remember a teacher giving a boy socks in the winter because he didn't have any) to sex education (so parents can avoid discussing it).

    Whether the system has been abused and wronged, and should it be corrected is, of course, up for debate, but whether or not to feed a child who cannot control their own situation is not up for debate. Feed the child.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    lol MAX! I deleted it and u brought it back *giggle* OH well :) Ok good, so everyone is on the same page :love:
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    The school should have notified you. All said.

    The minute my child needs lunch money I am called right away or youngest will come home with a stamp on there hand that says Lunch Money.

    I really feel for you. Best of luck to you.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member

    If those institutional authorities provide a service such as feeding children then it is there responsibility to make sure a child gets fed.

    No, its not. It is a service, not an obligation.

    Right it's a service, not an obligation, but to refuse service because it's 'not your job' and after all it IS only a service, is INHUMANE. Where is the humanity in this? I'm sure the kids' after-lunch teacher had fun keeping him focused and on track for a few days, and it's probably got HER wondering.. That's a long time to go without having something in your tummy, especially a kid who doesn't know how to stifle!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    The school should have notified you. All said.

    The minute my child needs lunch money I am called right away or youngest will come home with a stamp on there hand that says Lunch Money.

    I really feel for you. Best of luck to you.

    A STAMP!! The perfect way to make sure Mom sees the message!! Smart thinking there in your schools, Melissa!
  • mcc2377
    Come on. Did you feed "your baby" breakfast? I understand being frustrated with "the system", but aren't you overreacting? No one is going to be harmed by one missed lunch. Ever heard of Darfur?
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    Did the school admit that they have not been feeding him/her? Our school district's policy is that a cheese sandwich and milk will be given if no money or lunch is provided.

    Not to be rude, but I do think it's a parent and the childs responsibility to make sure a lunch is packed. My son is 9 and has been packing his lunch on his own since 2nd grade. He makes his own sandwiches and everything. Depending on our weekend the sandwiches either get made on Sunday night or during the week. If he's younger, have him help you make them. It's a great thing for them to learn, and it doesn't involve anything dangerous. Like using the toaster or the microwave.
  • cecilsmom
    I'm settled dwon enough to talk now. Cecil is 3yrs old. Yes he has special needs. That's why he is in the Early Childhood Special Education class. Cecil has been in school for like 3 weeks now. We got a call from Cecil's substitute teacher telling us that he did not eat lunch yesterday or breakfast today (Breakfast is a new thing from the state so children can get a proper meal) and he would not eat lunch today as his meal app has been lost. The meal app was an application given to me by the school secretary two weeks before he started school. I immediatly packed him up a lunch and took it to him. I also talked to the school sec. Who revealed to me that the meal app was lost somewhere between he desk and the school board or misplaced when it arrived. I sat in the school office and filled out a new app then she faxed it over it took 30 minutes to find out that they received it. During our talk I discovered that Cecil is not the only child going hungery as a result of carelessness. I promise you if they would have told me yesterday this was going on he would have had breakfast and lunch today. But it took the thoughtfullness of the substitute teacher calling me that I found out. No letter no call from the principal or secretary. Now mind you if mommy and daddy did not feed him CPS would be called but the school system neglects him and nothing happens. Now if he did not still need therapy mommy would be homeschooling instead.

    Cecil has had weight probs his whole life as a result of his medical problems. I mean he is very small for his age. (he's no bigger than an 18 month old baby.) We have had to feed him by feeding tube in the past. He had two heart surgeries before age one. He has had more medical problems than most 30 year olds. Just recently he has been strong and healthy enough to be away from us.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm settled dwon enough to talk now. Cecil is 3yrs old. Yes he has special needs. That's why he is in the Early Childhood Special Education class. Cecil has been in school for like 3 weeks now. We got a call from Cecil's substitute teacher telling us that he did not eat lunch yesterday or breakfast today (Breakfast is a new thing from the state so children can get a proper meal) and he would not eat lunch today as his meal app has been lost. The meal app was an application given to me by the school secretary two weeks before he started school. I immediatly packed him up a lunch and took it to him. I also talked to the school sec. Who revealed to me that the meal app was lost somewhere between he desk and the school board or misplaced when it arrived. I sat in the school office and filled out a new app then she faxed it over it took 30 minutes to find out that they received it. During our talk I discovered that Cecil is not the only child going hungery as a result of carelessness. I promise you if they would have told me yesterday this was going on he would have had breakfast and lunch today. But it took the thoughtfullness of the substitute teacher calling me that I found out. No letter no call from the principal or secretary. Now mind you if mommy and daddy did not feed him CPS would be called but the school system neglects him and nothing happens. Now if he did not still need therapy mommy would be homeschooling instead.

    Cecil has had weight probs his whole life as a result of his medical problems. I mean he is very small for his age. (he's no bigger than an 18 month old baby.) We have had to feed him by feeding tube in the past. He had two heart surgeries before age one. He has had more medical problems than most 30 year olds. Just recently he has been strong and healthy enough to be away from us.

    I'm glad to know everything is settled now, and I'm glad you were able to take care of the situation. From one mother of a three year old to another, I know I'd have been kicking @ss at that school today. I'm glad you were able to work through this with them without going ballistic. I'm certain you should report them to the state -- you do not NOT feed children!!! You call parents, you refuse to take the kids for the day, but you do not refuse to feed them!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that this is happening. I work in a schol and we have kids who forget to bring a lunch or have lunch accounts that are in the negative all the time. No child is allowed to go hungry. We even have breakfast and lunches on our half days because we don't want kids going hungry. I think they need to seriously look at what is happening. They are there for the best interest of those kids and if they don't consider that in there best interests than what is. Seriously I would definately bring this up in a board meeting. There are many kids that this could cause serious health issues with and that is just for starters.

    Good luck we are there for you.:flowerforyou: