I gave up Diet Soda today

I think over the years, I had become addicted to diet soda. I would literally drink it all day if I had it in front of me. As the years went on, I think I just kept adding to the amount that I drank. Unlike what people say, I didn't find that it increased my hunger or desire for sweets. I think it was the opposite actually. If I was really watching what I ate closely, the diet soda was kinda my guilty pleasure.

Honestly I don't really think it's that bad for you, but I wanted to do an experiment. I DO know that I drank less water than I should, so that was the downfall of drinking so much soda. I also am curious to see if I retained more fluids when I was drinking diet pop.

Anyways, I feel like my results are pretty consistent when I follow the diet that i'm on. So I'll be curious to see the difference in weight after I cut it out.

I've seen people say they lose lots of weight when they cut out diet soda, but I'd like to see for myself. Too many of the studies seem to say that diet sodas increase your cravings for sweets. But I never see much talk about the "all things being equal", does cutting out diet soda help with weight loss.


  • WorkoutwithMiranda
    WorkoutwithMiranda Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to hear your results. I've been trying to get the hubby to quit drinking diet pop forever!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I need to give it up.. I drink it all the time, all day all night etc... Maybe I will give it up too
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm really interested in your results. I don't actually admit to how many I have a day (I try not to count), but I think it's close to 8 cans/day, just during business hours... I don't drink it at home because I don't have it there. I know I drink enough water though.
  • AmandaArnwine
    For Each Can of DIET Soft drink consumed EACH Day.. a Person's risk of Obesity goes up 41 Percent !!!
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true, it is. (Diet soda is too yummy to be calorie free and not dangerous.)
    Aspartame is bad for you. I googled some information about it and was so stunned by what I found and the effects it can have on your long term health. GOOD CHOICE! :)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Good job! I couldn't kick the habit, well not completely anyway. I went from drinking it all the time to just once or twice a week.
  • tknuzum
    tknuzum Posts: 52
    Stating this Monday, I to am giving up the Diet Soda. A coworker and I at the office I work at are giving it up. Hopefully it sticks again. I did great till my son got sick and in the hospital. Its my stress reliver I think.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    That's awesome, good for you!!

    There is a school of thought that the aspartame in diet soda actually diminishes your sensitivity to real sugars-- making the taste of real sugar seem less potent when you actually do eat it. Because of this, you're body craves more sugar, since it thinks it is getting the calories from real sugar, but the energy (calories) are not actually there. In this way, a lot of research proposes that diet soda can actually contribute to weight gain.

    Anyhow-- best of luck to you, that's a really awesome and healthy goal to set yourself!
  • bmj1985
    bmj1985 Posts: 32
    I gave it up at the beginning of March. Only the first week was a little difficult because of having some caffeine headaches. I really haven't noticed a difference in the amount of weight I've been losing....about 1.5 pounds/week. I do know I've been drinking more water because of it and I feel better overall. Good luck with your decision!
  • joanndixon
    oh i never heard the theory that diet pop makes you crave sweet things that explains a lot cos i always have to have diet coke with chocolate. I tried to give it up and failed miserably. i would also like to hear your results,
    good luck :)
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I used to drink 4-6 16 oz. bottles per day. I'm down to 1 (sometimes 2). I have noticed a differenece. I crave sweets less, I'm less bloated, and I don't seem to have as many mood swings? Not sure if it has really impacted my weight loss or not, but anything helps, right?
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    I've always gone by the rule that if anything has the word "die" in it, you shouldn't drink it. My husband's whole family drinks diet drinks and that is always what they have when we go over there. I had to start bringing my own drinks. Good luck!
  • nancymmorris
    I feel the same way about the cravings. I used it for my sugar fix, so I wouldn't eat candy or crap.I quit drinking Diet soda Jan 1. The biggest thing I noticed is that I was having joint pain. My doctor toldd me it was the soda. Needless to say the joint pain is gone and I have be Diet Dr. Pepper free for 90 days. And the craving is gone!!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I haven't given it up yet... But I have made it so that I can't have it unless I have finished every required ounce of water for the day. And to be honest... it's really difficult to add that pop in once I'm done.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I am really thinking hard about this one. I have a couple of 12 pks left and I think after those are gone, I won't buy any more for a while. I am really going to try to cut back to one a day and then, maybe a few per week. I just LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper, but I only drink 1-2 per day now.
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    I gave it up January 1st and haven't looked back. Good luck! I drink sooooo much water now and once a week I have an iced tea with splenda.
  • oneiljen
    oneiljen Posts: 11 Member
    Please let us know your results. I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke (specifically) but have cut way back. I have one diet soda a day. It is a fountain soda from my local drive thru. I go every morning around 7 as I begin my work day. I do not keep soda in our house. I dont need it for the caffeine, as I am up at 5 daily and at the gym by 6. I just like the cold flavor. I have never been a coffee drinker or even hot tea for that matter. I just like the cold, tasty flavor. I have stopped drinking it several times for things like Lent, etc, and found no reduction in weight etc. So if it is happy and calorie free indulgence...so be it. We all need one.

    That being said..Good Luck to you. Keep us informed on how you do!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I quit drinking diet pepsi about 35 days ago...no change in weight loss whatsoever. :(
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    good luck! i, personally, havent ever had issues with diet soda as i never really drank it. i know my husband was drinking quite a bit. daily amounts im not sure, but we were buying 5-6 twelve packs every two weeks and sometimes he'd run out a few days before we went shopping. we made a deal and he cut out diet soda completely - started drinking fruit juice, Gatorade, water, tea etc and didnt change anything else in his diet or daily routine. he lost 10pounds in about 2 or 3 weeks.
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i am the same way i love diet pop, but wheni gave it up i got terrible headaches. i was drinking tea instead so i was getting the caffiene so i dont know why i got headaches..,.

    i cant give up my pop!