Burnt out?

I've been going at this since the beginning of January. I've drastically changed my eating, count my calories and have worked out 6 days a week (minus maybe 3 weeks) since then. The past couple of weekends have been insanely busy, going out of town, unable to control my eating environment (I was at a bridal shower then this past weekend in a wedding), so the weekends have not been good as far as eating. I have however made an effort to take my workout DVD's with me. The first 30 days I did the 30 Day Shred plus walking 3 times a week for an hour. Then I took a bit of a break and did a little of her other workout videos. This past month I have been doing her 30 Day Slimdown. So I've been really kicking my own butt. But I think I'm getting burnt out.

This past weekend was the wedding so I couldn't work out for 4 days. I was NOT happy about it but what can you do. Now I'm having the hardest time getting back to it. I'm doing my workouts but they just feel 10 times harder than before and my legs feel like lead. I don't want to stop working out because I've worked out to get to this point and I'm afraid that if I slow down too much I'll fall off the wagon. So I guess I'm looking for suggestions. Should I try something besides Jillian for awhile? I love her workouts because they are very intense and I burn a lot of calories. What keeps you motivated? What do you do when you feel burnt out?


  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Excellent job on your progress thus far - and great job at kicking your own butt!!

    Yeah, if you've "lost interest" or just have no motivation...looking for something different has helped me a ton!!! I have to change it up every 2-3 months. I'll try out a new workout (personally, I love anything instructed by Chalene Johnson!!). Or I'll try some new recipes. A month ago, I bought a Bodybugg, and am loving playing around with that and looking at all the nerdy charts and graphs and what not.

    So be it a new workout, a new gadget, a new routine, or just setting up some mini goals... Change it up and give yourself a reason to keep going!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Change it up variety is the spice of life that includes workouts. I started with just cardio, then cardio and weights, then onto HIIT training and now metabolic resistance training. Shake it up, and yes we all get burnt out once in a while if you are sluggish and not energetic there is a reason go back and look over your diary see if there are hints there.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I woud absolutely mix it up! I would get out into the beautiful Spring sunshine and WALK. Take a week off from Jillian, walk and get re-motivated. Sunshine and fresh air might just do the trick.
  • 4everm3
    4everm3 Posts: 22
    maybe try to do a little less but more. instead of doing what you are doing. do 2 to 3 20 min workouts till you feel like you are going strong again. then go back to how you are doing it. I am still kind of new to all of this but I hope it helps you out a little. Good Luck!!
  • michaelduke31
    michaelduke31 Posts: 15 Member
    very very tough to get back into it after a little bit of time off... totally feel you there! but that time off was probably good for your body since youve been killing it for so long.. look at it that way. your body is now recovered and healed up ready to kick some *kitten* again!!!

    everyone has a different motivation... maybe just take some time and think about those goals, or set some new ones.. maybe real short term goals just to get you back into it.. wake up every morning with an idea of what you want to accomplish everyday.. and go to sleep at night with a positive attitude about the next day, that way you wake up ready to rock!

    definitely mix up the workouts and try some new things. you have to keep your body guessing or your gains will plateau. very frustrating! also, its not all about calories... so maybe start watching some other things that you are consuming too, like sugars and carbs.


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I have the same issue... my legs feel so heavy and I thought maybe I was burnt out as well.... but don't want to stop because I know if I do I will gain everything back PLUS some!! So what I did this week was do the Leslie Sansone walking videos... seems to help and I am still getting the workout in... I love JM but I guess my body is telling me I need to change it up... So I think... I am interested in hearing what everyone else thinks!
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    You can do it! Just make yourself keep going. Change it up a bit. I have been doing Leslie Sansone and just started doing TaeBo. I really like it. It is a 30 min workout and then if I have time I do another 30 of Leslie Sansone walk at home. Today I just wanted to quit after the first mile, but I said NO, you can do this, quit being lazy. And I finished ;) So I got a full60 min intoday.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    I woud absolutely mix it up! I would get out into the beautiful Spring sunshine and WALK. Take a week off from Jillian, walk and get re-motivated. Sunshine and fresh air might just do the trick.

    LOVE this idea! It's been raining for 10 days straight here and we finally got some sunshine! I think I will do this! Thanks so much!
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55
    Hi your story mirrors mine in lots of ways, I did the Shred all the way through but now even level one leaves me feeling wiped out and tired.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Eating enough? I'm not familiar with the 30Day Slimdown, is that an everyday workout?

    I've been taking casein (milk protein) in the morning and at night sometimes hoping it'll help my muscles and my energy levels. I'm trying to get more sleep too and trying to drink more water. I'd be really interested in seeing what everyone else has to say.

    Hope you're feeling lots better soon :smile:
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    very very tough to get back into it after a little bit of time off... totally feel you there! but that time off was probably good for your body since youve been killing it for so long.. look at it that way. your body is now recovered and healed up ready to kick some *kitten* again!!!

    everyone has a different motivation... maybe just take some time and think about those goals, or set some new ones.. maybe real short term goals just to get you back into it.. wake up every morning with an idea of what you want to accomplish everyday.. and go to sleep at night with a positive attitude about the next day, that way you wake up ready to rock!

    definitely mix up the workouts and try some new things. you have to keep your body guessing or your gains will plateau. very frustrating! also, its not all about calories... so maybe start watching some other things that you are consuming too, like sugars and carbs.



    Great advice! Love the mini goals everyday! Gonna to this one too! You MFPers rock!
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I've only been at this for about 4-5 weeks....and yes I have already gotten burned out too! Try something different. I love getting outside (long as it's not too hot outside). Take a stroll through the park, walk down your street. Try a different workout video. Doing the same thing day in and day out gets old. Maybe change it up every week. I have set a goal of wanting to visit a water park which I havent done since I was little! That is my motivation. So set a goal and when you don't wanna work out that day, use it as your motivation...good luck! Christy.
  • Linda4859
    Linda4859 Posts: 78
    Hi huney, first of all let me congratulate you on the 22lb weight loss that you have acheived, its an awesome weight loss. I understand about you feeling burned out with the workouts. It sounds like you need a complete change, have you tried swimming? its very low impact but a very high calorie burner. You never feel that you have under acheived either, slip into the pool and move at your own pace, half an hour a day will burn between 400/500 calories and if you fancy doing that little bit more then go for it.

    Im happy to be your motivational buddy on a daily basis if it would help you.

  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Hi your story mirrors mine in lots of ways, I did the Shred all the way through but now even level one leaves me feeling wiped out and tired.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Eating enough? I'm not familiar with the 30Day Slimdown, is that an everyday workout?

    I've been taking casein (milk protein) in the morning and at night sometimes hoping it'll help my muscles and my energy levels. I'm trying to get more sleep too and trying to drink more water. I'd be really interested in seeing what everyone else has to say.

    Hope you're feeling lots better soon :smile:

    The 30 Day Slimdown is a program put together by JM and Exercise TV. You use 3 of her DVD's: 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. It is a great program. Really challenging. You can find it on the Exercise TV website.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Hi huney, first of all let me congratulate you on the 22lb weight loss that you have acheived, its an awesome weight loss. I understand about you feeling burned out with the workouts. It sounds like you need a complete change, have you tried swimming? its very low impact but a very high calorie burner. You never feel that you have under acheived either, slip into the pool and move at your own pace, half an hour a day will burn between 400/500 calories and if you fancy doing that little bit more then go for it.

    Im happy to be your motivational buddy on a daily basis if it would help you.


    I can take all the motivation I can get!
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55

    The 30 Day Slimdown is a program put together by JM and Exercise TV. You use 3 of her DVD's: 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. It is a great program. Really challenging. You can find it on the Exercise TV website.

    I checked it out, thanks!! I need the other DVDs but as soon as I have 'em I'll give it a go