Tighten & Tone Group - Thread 1

A post yesterday suggested we start a group for those who have minimal weight to lose (20lbs or less) & mainly want to tighten & tone their bodies. Here it is!

I've been on MFP for 70 days now. I started at 150lbs, with a goal of losing 20. I'm in the first week of Phase 2 on P90X. So far, I've lost 7lbs, 6" off my waist & 1" off my chest. Nothing off the hips yet :sad: The 7lb loss came before I started the P90X. I'm not following the P90X diet. I've just been trying to "eat clean" & stay away from processed foods, soda, etc. I've fallen off the wagon a few times, but got back to it.

From my experience, there is not much wiggle room (as far as food & slacking on exercise) for those w/minimal pounds to lose. I have to give it my all, 24/7 in order for the scale to move. The majority of success has been shown in the inches lost. In fact, my last weigh in I gained .42 lbs. I'm convincing myself it's muscle! :happy:

Hope I have some join this group that have similar goals & possibly going through the same stuggles!


  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    Thats me. I only have 12 pounds left to go, but I'd like to make sure I tone up as well. I started with 20 pounds to lose, and so far using mfp its been fairly easy to lose. I know these last pounds will be more difficult.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Im in.....I would like to lose 10 lbs maybe 15! BUT I definatley need to tone and tighten! :sad:

    I did a round of p90x last summer and had excellent results....and then winter set in and I slacked off a bit. I am now doing some of the p90x and p90x plus.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Oh! I am totally on the tone and tighten and minimal weight loss band wagon. I have been making a lot of progress since I started my diet/workout/MFP regimen on January 31 of this year. I've lost 10 lbs, and am at 23.8% body fat according to my last measurement on my handheld device (down from 26.6%).

    I have been really working to get on the weight training band wagon and keep within my calorie limit (though I tend to be a lot looser on weekends).

    That said, I have another at least 11 pounds to go and I need to make sure I losing it in FAT!
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Hi! I missed the post yesterday, but glad I came across yours. I am just about ready to go hit the weights for the first time! I have about 8 more pounds I'd like to lose, but havent been able to do so. I've lost 16 pounds so far, but it's been several months since with scale (or inches) has moved, very discouraging :frown:

    Now my goal is to start doing some weights on a weekly basis. I tried the 30 DS, but got sick and haven't done it in several days, so I'll probably try to start that up again. I need to tighten up this body and summer is quickly approaching!!! I think I'm getting used to the idea that the scale is not my friend and won't change numbers, so hopefully the weight training is what I need.

    So, what is everyone's plan or goal? How often are you exercising? How many calories are you eating each day? Are we checking in on a weekly basis?
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    I fit in here! I just started MFP a few weeks ago and have lost a couple pounds. Looking to lose about 15 more and I definitely want to tone up. I'm currently doing couch to 5k (on week 6) and I'm working on increasing my strength training. My husband and I are considering trying p90x.
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    Thanks guys for the response! My calorie goal is 1250, but I tend to go over that (especially on the weekends). I feel as long as they are mainly healthy calories & not junk, I shouldn't beat myself up over it. Just staying under a calorie goal (with ANY type of food) hasn't worked for me in the past. I try to workout 4-5 days a week. With a busy schedule, I don't always meet that goal. On the p90x, I sometimes have to substitute the cardio days w/a jog or something else. I start playing softball again next week & that will be one of my cardio days. Adding the weight training has definitely helped my results!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I usually stay between 1200-1300 calories per day, sometimes more. I am on high protein diet, carbs do bad things to me :grumble: . I eat carbs but only in fruit and occasional rice or potatoes. (no bread) I am real strict during the week, and tend to spulrge a bit on weekends, guess that is why I am stuck! :sad:

    I want to lose 10 lbs but will take 15! I am currently doing a mixture of p90x and p90x plus. I exercise about 4-5 days a week! I just need to lose some inches and tone it up for that bikini! :bigsmile:
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    This sounds like a group I can associate with.....I always feel bad in other groups because I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I do need to lose about 10-15 pounds (for my liking). I'm in a healthy weight range but I could definitely look and feel better.

    I get on kicks of eating right and exercising and fade out just as fast. I had always been able to eat what I want and not worry about it but that, my friends, is a thing of the past and I need to face the reality of it. :)

    To sum it up, I'm floundering right now without a current plan of action (poa). I guess I should just pick a course and stick to it. That being said I'll lay out my poa for each day for now.

    3/30 Today:
    Stick to Calorie Goal
    Walk for 20 mins (that's all I have time for today)
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    This sounds like a group I can associate with.....I always feel bad in other groups because I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I do need to lose about 10-15 pounds (for my liking). I'm in a healthy weight range but I could definitely look and feel better.

    I get on kicks of eating right and exercising and fade out just as fast. I had always been able to eat what I want and not worry about it but that, my friends, is a thing of the past and I need to face the reality of it. :)

    To sum it up, I'm floundering right now without a current plan of action (poa). I guess I should just pick a course and stick to it. That being said I'll lay out my poa for each day for now.

    3/30 Today:
    Stick to Calorie Goal
    Walk for 20 mins (that's all I have time for today)
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    I still cannot figure out the "quote" thing on here, lol. This is the longest I've gone on a diet/exercise plan. I tend to fade out as well & get tired of it. Before starting this, I could eat ANYTHING I wanted, soda, no exercise, etc. & maintain that 150lbs. Which was the main reason for lack of motivation & quitting. I know that that will soon not be the case & I will start gaining if I didn't change. I think small "reasonable" goals are good. I'm so much stronger & flexible now than I was, I feel so much better also. Just those changes alone keep me going!
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    My calorie goal is 1200 and I stick to it, except for Saturdays. I need that one cheat day a week to stay sane! I am trying to keep closer track of my sodium and sugar now that I've got my calories under control. One thing at a time, I guess. I've been working out 5 days a week, doing more running than anything else but I also lift weights with my husband on the weekend and I do some kickboxing here and there. I need to make more of an effort to mix things up during the week though. I know I need to do more weights.
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Thanks guys for the response! My calorie goal is 1250, but I tend to go over that (especially on the weekends). I feel as long as they are mainly healthy calories & not junk, I shouldn't beat myself up over it. Just staying under a calorie goal (with ANY type of food) hasn't worked for me in the past. I try to workout 4-5 days a week. With a busy schedule, I don't always meet that goal. On the p90x, I sometimes have to substitute the cardio days w/a jog or something else. I start playing softball again next week & that will be one of my cardio days. Adding the weight training has definitely helped my results!

    Is your weight training the P90X or are you doing something in addition to that?

    I'm always just curious of other's weight training as I'm trying to figure out a good "plan" that I can follow....and that doesn't take a couple of hours in the gym! :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    So, what is everyone's plan or goal? How often are you exercising? How many calories are you eating each day? Are we checking in on a weekly basis?

    Diet: I am currently eating vegetarian/pescatarian, mostly for Lent but also for a healthy change up to my diet. I will go back to eating limited meats after Easter. You're welcome to take a look at my good diary. I like eating fresh/whole but often living in the real world don't. I just try to stay balanced (most of the time).

    Exercise: 5 times per week. I am doing strength training/lifting 2-3 times per week and doing some running/cardio. After a 5k this weekend I plan on emphasizing more body friendly cadio for a while with weights (hot yoga, dance, etc)

    Calories: I am at 1200 a day but eat back when I work out. I am usually exactly on target or under during the week and looser on the weekends.
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I'm curios to know how you split up your strength training?
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    [ I am doing strength training/lifting 2-3 times per week ]
    Hi. I'm curios to know how you split up your strength training?

    ...and how in the heck do you quote someone? lol
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    The only strength training I'm doing is the P90x. The program is like strength every other day. Working on different parts of the body than the previous strength workout. Each workout is at least an hour. Some days longer. I try to do at least part of it even if I can't commit to the whole workout.

    I don't have a gym membership. I use hand weights & strength bands. Ebay has sets of bands for alot cheaper than store. There are tons of workout DVDs out there (Walmart, Target) that have you use weights/bands and they usually give you alternative moves if you don't have equipment.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    [ I am doing strength training/lifting 2-3 times per week ]
    Hi. I'm curios to know how you split up your strength training?

    Right now I am doing a regimen a personal trainer gave to me, which I like (it also gets my heartbeat up!). I do full body on the two days I lift instead of upper body/lower body spilts or anything like that.

    First Tri Set
    Push Ups
    Bicep Curls

    Second Tri Set
    Tricep Dips
    Overhead Shoulder Press
    Back Extensions

    Third Tri Set
    Hip Ups

    Each tri set is repeating three times with 12 reps at highest weight possible for 12 reps.
    After each tri set do 20 jumping jacks.

    Beyond that I usually add in a few other machines like inner/outer thy.
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    Right now im 120, goal is 110-115 but really id be happy if things were just tighter so I really dont even look at the scale anymore. I just bought revabs from beachbody and im on my 2nd week, plus I go to the gym and do cardio and weights so im hoping now ill be there in no time!
  • LDL15
    LDL15 Posts: 12
    Yes, this the group I need to join. I'm 125 and want to get to 110-115. I am currently working out daily, different DVDs, also go to Zumba class a couple times a week.
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    Yes, this the group I need to join. I'm 125 and want to get to 110-115. I am currently working out daily, different DVDs, also go to Zumba class a couple times a week.

    i forgot, i do zumba also once or twice a week!