Netflix Workout Videos

newbeautifulme Posts: 112
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I use Netflix on my XBox 360 and the instant workout videos are really cool! Sure adds even more value to Netflix. Last night I did the first 2 10 Minute Solution: Carb Burner workouts. The instructor is a bit annoying when she talks, but I found her queues very good and easy to follow.

I have these in my queue to try:
10 Minute Solution: Pilates
10 Minute Solution: Target Toning for Beginners
Self: Slim and Sleek, Fast!
Self: Bikini Ready, Fast!

Has anyone else tried Netflix Instant workout videos? Recommendations??


  • Cashley21
    Cashley21 Posts: 15
    I forgot about those, I will have to check them out tonight. Thanks for reminding me
  • KnightsGal76
    KnightsGal76 Posts: 69 Member
    I love the Self: Bikini Ready, Fast! Another one that I really like is The Trainer's Edge: Integrated Strength Training
  • Kourtney88
    Kourtney88 Posts: 15 Member
    Any of the Crunch workouts are really good. I like the Crunch: Super Slim Down video. It's a Yoga/Pilates video. It's definitely a challenge but lots of fun.
  • 4everm3
    4everm3 Posts: 22
    I just started using them on my lunch break at the office. Thank you for the name I am going to try them out
  • I love the videos on Netflix. You have to try the 10 minute solution Kickbox Bootcamp. That is def a workout. At first I was like this workout isn't that bad. She was easy to keep up and the moves were simply, but the fat burning part of the video gets challenging. I was definitely sore for about 3 days after I did it. It was worth it though. I love the Crunch videos and the 10 minute solution Pilates. Those videos are good as well.

    I am gonna try the belly dancing video that is on there. It looks pretty interesting!
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