Help!!!! Can't stick with it!

I love the site...I do well all night I tend to binge...haven't lost a lb. since joining in Sept;


    SKIPPER Posts: 23 Member
    I love the site...I do well all night I tend to binge...haven't lost a lb. since joining in Sept;
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Options can stick with it...I've been doing well sticking to the MFP plan until recently...just like you I stay within my calories all day and then overeat like crazy at night. I go to the fridge to get a sugar free Jello pudding snack for a 60 calorie bed time treat...but being near the fridge makes me see all kinds of things I'd like to eat too...and before I know it I've racked up a couple hundred extra calories, standing there in front of the fridge in my pajamas...

    Today is the first day in over a week that I put my foot down and actually stayed within my here is to today and starting new patterns. The next time you want to binge, get online and come talk to us on the boards...God knows I'm usually on here anyway...I'll set ya straight and help keep you accountable :wink: Or make yourself do push ups...or read a good magazine...anything to stay out of the kitchen...but most importantly...believe that you can do this...because you can...September was only the beginning, and now is the time to see me it will happen if you set your mind to it!

    I hope that doesn't sound too afterschool special...I just really believe that the MFP system is doable and manageable no matter who you are, what diets you've tried, and how much you have to lose...take baby steps to get there...maybe tomorrow your goal will be to binge on healthy foods...put some carrots and dressing in the front of your fridge...or work out extra hard tomorrow to plan for a filling bedtime CAN do this! I promise!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Im sorry to hear you haven't done well! :cry: Well, there are several things you can do. I would recommend the next time you find you are starting to binge, STOP, drink a glass of water or two, and think about why you are binging. Are you bored? Lonely? Are you really hungry? Also, if you are tending to pick throughout the day and "bank" your calories, you are probably setting yourself up for these binges because your poor body is starving! If you truly do not think it is hunger, then drink that water, try going for a walk or doing some other form of exercise, grab a book, dig into a project, write in a journal, etc. Get your mind interested in somthing else. Tell yourself that you need to be sure all of your allotted calories are finished by, say, 8 pm. After 8 pm, the kitchen is closed. If a craving is still getting to you, grab a piece of fruit or a small handful of raisins or almonds. Then drink another glass of water.

    You can do this!! It's a mindset that you have to get into. I have caved and bought a bag of my favorite candy only to eat 3 or so pieces, feel guilty, and physically dump the bag into a nasty trash bin. So if you need to do this a few times, it might work for you. You will see that healthy eating is going to come easier, you will start to make better choices, and your scale will start to show it!

    Good luck!
  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    You can do it!!! I have an extremley hard time at night, my husband works nights and once the kids are in bed I am alone and very BORED...and I am a bordom eater....always have been. Which is ultimately why I have only lost 2 lbs since July starting!!! But hey, at least I know I have a problem right...isn't that where it starts?

    Anyway, you can overcome can stick with CAN acheive the goal target you have in mind!!!! The sky is the limit, reach for it!!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    i'm not sure if you like tea... but when i'm craving a snack but i'm not really hungry (usually sweets when watching tv) i make a cup of tea and sip it. there are a million flavors and lots available in decaf for later in the day/ night!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Try joining this challenge-thread, it's a good one:

    Also, you can go to the "Community" tab, type "bingers" or "binge" in the "Search" box, and there will be lots of reading material pop up for you.

    I think most of us struggle with night eating.

    Clean house at night. I was the first thing I thought of.....:noway:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I love the site...I do well all night I tend to binge...haven't lost a lb. since joining in Sept;

    Some pretty awesome threads about night time binging.... click night time binging in the search box and I bet you'll find lots where you are!

    It's a toughie to break...but it can be done...and YOU can do it too!!:flowerforyou:
  • pweir1217
    :smile: I just started this new way of life about 2 months ago and let me tell you, it is hard. I have to remind myself daily of why I am doing this. I am doing this for me. You have to decide why you started this in the first place and reposition yourself to go on. I struggle hourly with this new way of living. When I feel like giving up I simply tell myself tomorrow will be better and it always is. Keep going!!!! Tomorrow will be better. Don't beat yourself up. Tell yourself I am a winner and I will do it. Keep in contact with me. We will encourage each other. We can do it.:wink:
  • bonski
    bonski Posts: 49 Member
    I am a night time binger too.

    I do great all day long until late at night and than one snack leads to another and so on.

    I will definately check out the binger threads.


  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I am a night time binger too.

    I do great all day long until late at night and than one snack leads to another and so on.

    I will definately check out the binger threads.


  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    I'm a night time binger as well. I work nights so on my days off I'm usually up by 2am with nothing to do. I try to watch my recorded show, netflix movies that came in or even play one of my favorite video games but it doesn't always work but it's a start. Change in eating habits take time and patience
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    I thought of something else. For a few months, just don't have the stuff in the house. Until you change your habits - and it should only take a couple months. They say it takes 45 days to createa new habit: i.e. to stop eating all six sugar free jello puddings in one sitting. When I first started this journey, I just couldn't have the sugary foods in the house at all. Now I hardly ever buy them anymore, anyway. If you live with others who aren't battling weight, ask them to please hide the "treats" from you until you get the control to avoid them.

    Make your eating decisions at the grocery store.

    (Let me say that again........)

    Make your eating decisions at the grocery store.

    You CAN DO THIS. We are here for you. :flowerforyou: