First Day, looking for Friends

Hello, my name is Robert and today is my first day on MFP. I am really excited about being on this site cause I feel like I have the tools I need to finally get back down to my goal weight that I've been working towards for some time now. I am at 338 today and I'm ecstatic because I'm hitting the 100 lb mark soon. 6 months ago I was at 430+ pounds so to lose that much since I've moved here feels amazing. I actually have clothes that don't fit that well anymore just from last summer, lol...I am also looking to meet friends for encouragement here on the site. I am willing to meet anybody but I would definitely like to touch base with some people from out here in Colorado Springs so I can find out some good places to go whether it be to eat or workout or whatever, I'm still fairly new to the area. Thanks and good luck with all of your individual goals!!!


  • hayley_m
    hayley_m Posts: 61 Member
    welcome!! you've done so great so far keep it up!!! this site is great for support and encouragement from all around! im from london england!!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Welcome!! This site is great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pmoriarty
    pmoriarty Posts: 18
    Welcome! I think you'll really like the site. I am a newb as well and joined about 2 weeks ago. I also weigh 338lbs, and have about 184lbs to lose. You're weightloss thus far is astonishing, you should be proud of what you've achieved so far!
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    You have come to the right place. Great site lots of support!! Add me
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome to the site. Great loss that you've accomplished already! You'll find great support & encouragement here!
  • Dazzler216
    Hi, My name is Eunice...I'm giving this a try, after trying it on my own I have been having a hard time loosing wait. I am hoping that this will help me get to a healthy wait. I started about 5 weeks ago and I have already lost 12 lbs. So very much looking forward to this.
  • Steelalady
    Congrats on your weight loss! This is definately the place to be for inspiration & encouragement! Everyone here has goals & as I have learned, you get encouragement when you give it. You are getting off on the right foot ...... stay positive, get thin!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Welcome Robert! This is a great site! Send me a friend request if you want that extra motivation! Would be happy to add you!
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome, Robert.
    If you are hoping to find folks who are in your area, you can look under "Find Members" under the "Community" tab. You can then search by zip code.
    Congratulations on an amazing weight loss so far - wow! Good luck to you.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Wow you've done brilliant so far, keep up the good work. Happy for you to add me BTW i'm from London England
  • sallary
    sallary Posts: 8
    Hi and welcome, I am also fairly new so feel free to add. Good luck!! :):happy:
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Wow! You have done a excellent job! Welcome! you will find lots of support here:flowerforyou: Feel free to add me as a friend. :)