New Here! Anyone with hypothyroid that has good suggestions

crissa413 Posts: 67
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm new to MFP and really liking it so far. I've kept a food spreadsheet for the past year, but never really looked at calorie counting or anything so I'm working to get used to that. Late last year, I was diagnosed with hypothyroid after telling my doctor about multiple symptoms I'd been experiencing - the most significant being weight gain. I know it's manageable through food and exercise which I've always been watchful of. I always try to eat as healthy as possible and am moving into organic foods and green household products and have always exercised in some way - most recently running (ran my first half marathon last April and doing another in a week and a half). I feel like all of my work really doesn't pay off that much as haven't lost any weight. Wondering if anyone else out there has good suggestions on foods, exercises, general tips, etc. to help. I'm aiming to lose 25 pounds - 15 to get to my wedding weight at least and the last 10 would be even better. Thanks!! :)


  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day and how many are you expending? That's the most important thing about weight loss. Diet.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    If you're not tracking sodium, start. I have nasty problems with edema. I battle with pure bloat as much as I do fat.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Don't lose heart. I have an under active thyroid too and yes it is possible to lose the weight. Last year I lost 14lbs of mostly body fat (sadly I gained it back as I wasn't managing my thyroid problem effectively) but I'm back on track and have 9lbs left to go.

    I eat healthy most of the time and drink tons of water. I refuse to take the thyroid medication as I do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life so I have take the holistic approach.Some other things I have done which have really helped are:

    - supplements - I take sea kelp (for iodine) and L-tyrosine a natural form of thyroxine (no side effects)
    - eat every 3(ish) hrs to keep my metabolism going
    - lots of water
    - green tea
    - weight training
    - HIIT (interval training)

    You can do it. Feel free to add me or message me if you need to know anything more
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I strongly agree with the HIIT and weight training, plus lots of water. I just started ChaLEAN Extreme this week and am loving it; you will change your body if you learn to lift weights in the correct way. HIIT -- high intensity interval training -- is the only way to do cardio; Google it. I am also hypothyroid and have had a rough time losing weight; standard cardio will never do it.

    Best of luck to you!:smile:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Wow, talk about timing. I just posted my blog about how ending up in the ER for a broken leg might have saved my life. My TSH levels were so low that the doc was surprised I was out of bed. Never had thyroid problem diagnosed before so totally caught off guard.

    Are you on medication? I'm on synthroid and the doc said I should start to see the weight come off within the next month or so.
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    I am surprised there are so many of us dealing with Hypothyroid. I did lost 5-6 lbs when I did kapalbhati( yoga ) but gained again. Actually after doing that my thyroid medicine was reduced too. My cousin's thyroid was totally cured. I am going to start it again. Hopefully this time I will be consistent.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Don't lose heart. I have an under active thyroid too and yes it is possible to lose the weight. Last year I lost 14lbs of mostly body fat (sadly I gained it back as I wasn't managing my thyroid problem effectively) but I'm back on track and have 9lbs left to go.

    I eat healthy most of the time and drink tons of water. I refuse to take the thyroid medication as I do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life so I have take the holistic approach.Some other things I have done which have really helped are:

    - supplements - I take sea kelp (for iodine) and L-tyrosine a natural form of thyroxine (no side effects)
    - eat every 3(ish) hrs to keep my metabolism going
    - lots of water
    - green tea
    - weight training
    - HIIT (interval training)

    You can do it. Feel free to add me or message me if you need to know anything more
    I am also taking a holistic approach, I am taking kelp and then also vitamin d3-5000. I've already noticed a difference and its only really been 2 weeks!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I too and hypothyriod....have been since 11th grade. I have always battled with my weight so I often wonder if I had it long before was diagnosed. The most important thing I do is to contunially have your THS levels checked, I have had to have my dose changed lots of times and in order for the sythroid to be effective you have to have the right dose. Also be sure to take it everyday and get your refills on time.

    As for losing weight....hypothyroid does make it hard but it can be done. I second what the others have said about changing your diet and counting your calories. Also I am continually changing my workout routine. I feel like you need to keep your body guessing what you are going to do next.

    You can do this! Feel free to friend me if you would like!
  • srast
    srast Posts: 17
    I've dieted on and off my whole life thanks to my hypoactive thyroid. It can be very frustrating but like the others said, you can do it. The most I've weighed is 160 but in the past few years I've been a steady 140-ish. I just learned about this site a few weeks ago, and I'm in love with it. I think cardio is most effective on my weight loss, along with a moderate diet. I do feel that at the first few weeks I really need to go really low cal, but after I see it kicking in I follow the calories they suggest here. I tend to plateau after like every two pounds I lose, but eventually the pounds start coming off! gtrigg is right, I gain water weight VERY easily which I can tell when I take my socks off, and I hardly use salt.

    I've been taking medication (Levoxyl/Levothyroxin/& now Synthroid @ 137mcg) for 17 years - something I'm STILL not very good at remembering but I DEFINITELY notice a difference after a few days. I start feeling sluggish and hello weight gain. I find that if I am taking my medicine and doing cardio (I <3 Zumba) I have a lot more energy and motivation to do more. And once you fall off your healthy track.. it is a huge struggle to get back so use your motivation to your advantage and good luck!
  • crissa413
    crissa413 Posts: 67
    Yes, I am on Synthroid as well. I've been taking it every morning since the beginning of December. It seems to be helping with other symptoms like sluggishness but I haven't lost weight. Haven't gained any more weight while taking it though so that's a plus!

    Thanks for all of the support and advice!!! This site is fantastic :)
    FAYEGLORY Posts: 11 Member
    I know how you feel I have had hypothyroid since age 9 I"m now 50. Yes they only thing I can say is that no matter what we do to lose weight we have to do it 2X's harder than a regular person. If you are eating healthy and exercising right, Then just be watchful of your weight and make sure you are on the right dosage of meds. I know when mine change they will up them or lower them. I like when they up them a little too much I seem to lose weight faster and easier then.You might want to exercise a little more and don't eat at night. BTW be careful of over the counter meds, Iodine salt, use the plain, too b/c some of those things when taking synthroid and using those things it interferes with your meds. Good Luck on your weight lose Journey!!
    FAYEGLORY Posts: 11 Member
    Hello I'm not trying to be nosy but I read what you said about using something for the "iodine" I have had under active thyroids since age 9, so for 41 years dr.s have told me NOT TO EVEN USE SALT with Iodine. They use Iodine to kill the thyroid. My already is so slow It would be bad to use Iodine. I have to buy slat that doesn't even contain any iodine b/c of my thyroid. So has your dr. told you to use that for the Iodine? JUST WONDERING, THANKS!!!
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    Hello I'm not trying to be nosy but I read what you said about using something for the "iodine" I have had under active thyroids since age 9, so for 41 years dr.s have told me NOT TO EVEN USE SALT with Iodine. They use Iodine to kill the thyroid. My already is so slow It would be bad to use Iodine. I have to buy slat that doesn't even contain any iodine b/c of my thyroid. So has your dr. told you to use that for the Iodine? JUST WONDERING, THANKS!!!
    Really! now i need to check with my doctor, because he said nothing about salt intake. And I am always craving for something salty and binge eating too :cry: I thought iodized salt is good for me. I am currently taking 88 mcg Levoxyl.
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