What are you Reading????



  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I have finally gotten around to reading Middlesex and it is wonderful. Next on my list is Children of Men.

    Middlesex is one of my favorites! I'm now reading Cutting for Stone and it is awesome! It is a great story with lots of medical/ surgical backdrop and references. Love it.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I'm currently reading The Postcard Killers by James Patterson and listening to Blueberry Muffin Murder by Joanne Fluke. But I love anything by James Patterson, David Baldacci, Janet Evanovich, Mary Kay Andrews, and Jennifer Lancaster.

    Just finished The Postcard Killers. It was pretty good! I also LOVED the Left Behind series. I read them all in a month and a half. I am Number Four was good.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i am re-reading stephen king's pet sematary, a tale of two cities, and ivanhoe. new reading is a collection of sherlock holmes tales in japanese and english! ok. i love reading a whoooole lot... :D
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Oh and anything Jodi Picoult. She is my absolute favorite author of all time. 19 minutes is amazing!! I am waiting for her newest one to come to the library!
  • StephanieJ82
    I am reading A Song Of Ice and Fire Series. I am on book 4. It is sooooooo good. they are pretty long but so addicting. Also in a few weeks the HBO series based on the books starts. SO excited!! I have a Kindle and am always reading now. I love it!!

    It would be better if it was ever finished LOL

    I hope the HBO series is better than what they did with the sword of truth series because legend of the seeker sucks bad

    yea i heard the last book feels SO unfinished. And I also heard that Martin keeps putting off writing the last book. but maybe since the HBO series is coming out, he will get his but in gear. Was Legend of the seker HBO too? I am actually really happy they are making a TV series instead of a movie. They shouldn't miss much this way... and who better than HBO? Man just talking about it is getting me totlly stoked :) I really hope they don't botch it.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    :bigsmile: Reading rocks. I'm always on the look out for suggestions so thanks to all for posting.

    I read the the Sookie series too, I think the last two weren't so great.

    But I digress. Currently I'm reading Suzanne Brockmann's The Unsung Hero.
  • StephanieJ82
    The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. Great book.

    I read it a few months ago; so amazingly well written, though it left me with a sort of lingering melancholy for a few days (that's not a bad thing, I love to really *feel* a book).

    :heart: -- Juliet

    Yes thats how I know it was a good book, when I feel it for days and days still. Thats good writing.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I need to head to the Christian book store and buy some more books. I've read all my books that I have at home. I just started reading Spiritual Warfare For Every Christian by Dean Sherman. I borrowed it from my daughter. I've read the Left Behind Series. Those are great books.

    Have you read The Shack??? I loved it sooo much!

    Also Quest for the nailprints is supposed to be great also. It comes out in Paperback on Friday. The first chapter is available online too.

    No I haven't read that. Who is the author? I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I loved The Shack! Great book.

    The Shack is by Wm. Paul Young...OMGosh it's probably one of the Best books I've ever read. It teaches you about Forgiveness. It changed My life literally. You can get it at Wal Mart in the Christian reading section for about 12 dollars :)

    I thought it was different and I am glad I read it, but I thought it was a little too weird in some parts.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I am reading The Wise Man's Fear. It is the second part of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. If you like fantasy novels, they are both amazing.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I have been reading Women, Food and God, because it was recommended in a MFP thread and my sister let me borrow it. But I don't think it is that good. I am almost to the end, but I am kind of sick of it, so yesterday I started a Barbara Delinsky book that I have had around the house. I also listed to books on tape and am just finishing a John Jakes one that was "so so". A month or so ago, I listed to an Odd Thomas (Dean Koontz) book on tape and read another one. I hadn't realized there were multiple Odd Thomas books. I enjoyed those.
  • BlindFaith
    Finished "Have You Seen Her?" by Karen Rose yesterday and it was SO good; the last few chapters I couldn't put it down at all.

    I'm now reading "Scream For Me" by the same author - I hope it's as good as the last one :happy:
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    In the past three weeks I've finished The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns both by Khaled Hosseini and Treasure Box by Orson Scott Card
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix.... for about the billionth time! =)

    i started to reread the whole series a few months ago, and with school and work its taken me a while to get his far. i want to be finished book 7 by the time Deathly Hallows Part 2 hits the cinema!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    I'm "trying" to read A clockwork orange for my book club but can't get past the 2nd page. It sucks! :bigsmile:

    That book is Amazing!

    I've probably read it at least a dozen times and it gets better each time. Do you happen to have a copy with the glossary in the back? If not, that might be why you're having a hard time.

    Anthony Burgess is one of my faves right along with Kurt Vonnegut, Aldous Huxley, Philip Roth and Henry Miller.
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    The Summer that Never Was by Peter Robinson, it's awesome. .
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    ....I "borrowed" my 10 year olds series of "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" on book three (I know grow up right), but I'm enjoying them as much as I enjoyed the Harry Potter series.

    One of my favourite authors is Sherrilyn Kenyon (she writes pretty steamy though) and I love her Dark Hunter series. Also really like Karen Marie Moning novels and Kathy Reichs. But pretty much enjoy reading anything.
    When I get the opportunity I will devour a book.
    When I was going to the gym regularly I would get on the bike or the treadmill and read while exercising. Helped me because I would get so engrossed in the book that I would forget I was working hard.
  • Dorkychyc
    Dorkychyc Posts: 2 Member
    I checked out Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers from the library. I'm waiting to read Leaving by Karen Kingsbury. Those books are so addicting.

    Pride and Predjudice is my all time favorite by Jane Austin. It's typical because I'm female, but I cn't help it. I love how she describes the characters and the Bennet family. Its a great combination of love storey, family drama/love, as well as taking you into another era.

    Currently I am reading SUN Magazine and just finished The Meaning of Matthew by Judy Shepherd.
  • BlindFaith
    "Scream for Me", by Karen Rose.

    For anyone that likes crime/thriller I can recommend her; I bought one of her books randomly the other day and another one yesterday as well as taking out from the library :laugh:
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    currently reading The Killing Dance An anita blake vampire hunter novel...by Laurell K Hamilton...after the series Im gonna start on the Sookie stackhouse ones.

    i <3 my Sony E-Reader

    i love anita blake have go them all in book version but now just downloaded 1 to 6 on my sony e-reader too so have started again :)
    also i am currently reading the weather warden series and have just finsihed kelly armstrongs the bitten
    also love terry pratchette, kathy rechis , partica cornwall and susan graffton.oh and am really like fay kellerman to :)
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Just finished "The Falls" by Joyce Carol Oates. Later, I'll begin "Sweetness in the Belly" by Camilla Gibb.

    (So happy I found this thread! I don't read as much as I'd like to, but I love learning about what books others are enjoying!)