It's so hard to eat right!

cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
Hello, my name is Jen. I am 26, stay at home mom of 2 kids under the age of 2. I'm in nursing school and I find it so hard to eat right especially when I'm so exhausted all the time!!


  • mnkarp
    mnkarp Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Jen,
    It seems like you have a lot going on and no time to prep! I try to prep a lot of things during the weekend and stick with simple meals, and love using the slow cooker to have something easy ready at the end of the day. To fill in you may want to stock up on some healthy convenience foods - like Amy's entrees or soups, pre-cut veggies and fruits to snack on, healthy sandwich fixings, etc.

    Congratulations on nursing school - it is an fantastic and rewarding field.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hi Jen! I'm struggling too! I have a 21 month old son and a second son due in June. I'm continuing to use the site during pregnancy to keep myself accountable but I have been making horrible decisions today! As I was scarfing down my dinner I wondered how other parents do it? I'm a SAHM too, and my husband works a lot of long days, so I'm home alone feeding a squirmy toddler. It seems that I have to eat as much as I can, as fast as I can or I won't get to eat. And it stinks that my son throws every vegetable I put in front of him in the floor...makes it difficult to want to prepare a wholesome meal, but I keep trying!
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    Yes I hear you I am working 2 jobs and many nights have to eat on the run, so a frozen meal has to do, or a quick made at home sandwich:smile: . Today was a good day, I grilled some chicken, cut up some cantaloupe, fresh strawberries and seedless cucumbers, what a filling dinner! Lunch I do soups quite a bit this is a low cal way to stretch out your calories. Good luck and keep making good choices!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Hi Jen.

    I can appreciate the time contstraints and the potential for lack of sleep that comes along with your current life. I hope that I can offer some tips, suggestions and some hope.

    I am just under 4 months from being finished my schooling as a Holistic Nutritionist, just so you have a better idea as to where this information is coming to you from.

    1. Can I suggest sitting down for 30-40 minutes ( this time will decrease the more used to it you become) and meal plan all your meals and snacks for the week over the weekend, or really any chance you get for the next 7 days. Honestly this will save you haveing to use your noodle for the rest of the week when it comes to having to figure out what to eat, make or pack for your next meal.

    2. Plan in left overs - they really help me in my busy schedule.

    3. Make your gorcery list based solely on what you have planned for in your weekly meal plan.

    4. While it can be hard to find the time and energy to make homemade meals, I can reasure you that while any prepared or takeout food is much easier and quicker, it isn't going to provide you with the energy and nutrients you need to keep your body and mind going to look after you wee ones and get your school work done. The more nourishing, fresh, and wholesome the food is you make for yourself, the more benefits you are going to see (more energy, more weight loss, better mooods, etc).

    If you have some comfort foods that aren't necessarily all that healthy for you, I'd be pleased to offer you any substitutional advise to make your meal more wholesome and packed with the nutrients you need to be more energetic.

    ~ M ~
  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    You're on the right track with this website! I'm on the other side of staying at home. I have 2 young teen agers now and am in the middle of losing the 20 pounds I gained when I went back to work! (I lost my baby weight pretty quickly.) Keep healthy stuff at home - whole grain/low sugar cereal, whole wheat crackers, cheese, nuts, fruit, and easy to eat veggies like petite carrots. Use real butter - just not too much and try to make most of your bread, buns, bagels whole wheat - it may take getting used to but I have my whole family eating this way and my kids are thriving! Good luck to you!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks everyone! The info you gave was very helpful. Miranda, I loved what you said but I could use some examples of the foods you are talking about...
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    My whole thing is, my baby girl is only 4 months old and I'm always exhausted so working out is so hard, I just can't find the time and I get so mad about it! My son is 21 months you would think chasing him around is a work out but it isn't... it just makes you tired. Also I am still breast feeding... so I'm afraid I shouldn't cut out too many calories or my supply might suffer....?
    I also could use some ideas for quick and easy and HEALTHY lunches for myself and my family... so many times we just end up eating fast food because its easy and neither of us feel like cooking lunch when cooking dinner takes up enough of our time. TIME is the issue. With 2 babies at home... time is never on my side.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Ok, so some examples I'm talking about say for LEFT OVERS: Stir fry, Curry (if you like and are also kitchen savy/a foodie), pasta dishes (with whole grain or whole wheat pasta - ps i can send you some healthier alfredo sauce alternatives). Another suggestion if you are having say a meat & potatoes type meal, just make extras. If you would normally only cook 2 chicken breast for dinner between yourself & your partner, then cook 1 or 2 extra at the same time for the next days meals. That chicken can be thinly sliced into sandwich meat, can be cubbed up into a salad, or can be reheated as is for another meal.

    Some easy lunches includes left over dinners turned into salads. I.E: Salmon, asparagus and rice for dinner, turned salmon, asparagus, over romaine or baby spinach with some sesame seeds and a balsamic vinegrette, same can be done wtih tacos and use your salsa, sour cream (or alternatively greek yogurt) and avocados for a dressing.

    I have some more resources I can send to you if you wish via email. I'll add you on here and you can send me a direct message if you wish with your email address. This way too, you can message me and I can be notified sooner (via smart phones).