Spinoff post -- outdoor running & weather

I mentioned on my "running questions" thread that I don't run outside if the temperature is below freezing, and a handful of people replied that they run even if it's below freezing outside. So it made me interested to know what's the coldest weather you run in?

Do you have a limit? Or do you run no matter what?

I also won't run outside if there's snow or ice on the sidewalk. Do you?


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    When I ran regularly, I ran as long as it was above zero.

    Now, just getting back into it? I wouldn't go that low because I don't have the right gear in this size. Luckily, I haven't had to run in colder weather than a wind chill of 22 so far. I layered what I had in this size and it worked out. (I'm not going to buy a full running wardrobe in this size!)

    Snow/ice on the ground is trickier. I used to, yes. It's harder though because the snowbanks take up the part of the road you want to run on, so you have to make sure you're somewhere with light enough traffic that you don't become roadkill.
  • Toaster88
    Toaster88 Posts: 146
    I'm from Central Califonia, so 50?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    The coldest I ran in was 10 degrees. I'm sure several times the wind chills were below that even. Training for a spring marathon & living in a cold climate, I had to run in the cold. There is no choice. It is more of a mental block than anything. If you dress properly, once you are going it is not even a factor.

    I am able to run parks where they keep the roads mostly clear & have less cars. But a few times I had to run thru some slushy snow areas. Just be careful.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    my coldest was a half marathon in 12 degree weathewr with a windchill of 6ish. i was MISERABLE afterwards
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Run outdoors in any weather you are comfortable in, just stay safe when it comes to ice. And if you have asthma or some other respiratory problem then you probably know what you need to do to take care of yourself.

    Just dress appropriately. They say dress for temps 20 degrees warmer than your thermometer says, so if it reads 30 you should put on the clothes you might wear outdoors on a 50 degree day. You should be comfortable once you've logged some distance down the road without overheating.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    I used to have similar rule, but decided I couldn't handle training for a half-marathon on a treadmill (too ADD). So I decided to invest in 1-2 sets of nice colder weather running clothes, and give it a try. And it was great! I think my coldest was 20, but we were also treated to some really nice, warmer days this winter that I took full advantage of and adjusted my training schedule.

    I felt super bad-a** out there in the cold, which made it so much more rewarding!

    There was some difficulty breathing after, and I always need tissues during a run. I'm completely inept at snot-rockets, and I can't stand a running with a runny nose.

    The clothes worked really well - I'm amazed at what little I can wear and still be comfortable during a run. The main thing was to wear something with pockets that I could put my gloves into once I warmed up, or a top with zippers so I could adjust. I used to love hot-weather running so I hope this hasn't spoiled me!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I ran almost every morning from Jan-March. One day when weather called for below zero temps I stayed in, but next day I disregarded that. I bundled up. I ran in my old winter coat with ankle weights in the pockets, jeans & long johns, snow boots! scarves when needed. I ran in snow and I ran in ice (wore YakTrax). I'm not the only one, a coworker's husband ran all winter in his Yaktrax too.

    I sat too many years to keep sitting. Pouring rain is the only thing that has stopped me so far, but I may brave that one day.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I ran almost every morning from Jan-March. One day when weather called for below zero temps I stayed in, but next day I disregarded that. I bundled up. I ran in my old winter coat with ankle weights in the pockets, jeans & long johns, snow boots! scarves when needed. I ran in snow and I ran in ice (wore YakTrax). I'm not the only one, a coworker's husband ran all winter in his Yaktrax too.

    I sat too many years to keep sitting. Pouring rain is the only thing that has stopped me so far, but I may brave that one day.

    I'm more likely to go out in pouring rain that below 0 temps! LOL
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My lower limit is about freezing. I don't mind running in surface frost, but not if the ground is frozen hard as it increases the risk of injury too much (I most run off road). My upper temp limit is about 28 C (I think that's bout 80F?). I tried running in Italy last summer at 36 C (97F) and had to give up after about 15 mins.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My lower limit is about freezing. I don't mind running in surface frost, but not if the ground is frozen hard as it increases the risk of injury too much (I most run off road). My upper temp limit is about 28 C (I think that's bout 80F?). I tried running in Italy last summer at 36 C (97F) and had to give up after about 15 mins.

    I've never run in the summer, so I don't know if I have an upper limit, but I'll hopefully find out in the next few months. :)
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I did a 5k where it was 0* at the start. They really screwed up too, because we were all in the warming tents, and they lined us up to start, and then we had to stand there and wait for all the little ones to do their fun run first! When we finally started, my feet were soo numb it actually hurt to step! Almost one of the most painful experiences of my life!

    Top end, I've maxed out at about 105*. This was in my pre-treadmill days, so I would probably NEVER run outdoors in temps that high again....
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I will run when it is in the teens or 20s, it is the wind that kills me when I run. The summer is the worst, when it is really hot and humid. I also love running in the rain, something about it feels empowering and I get energized from it.
  • JustMichelleB
    I won't run if it's below freezing. But since I also won't run in the dark, I don't run outside in the winter (it's dark when I leave from work and when I get home). Add in the snow and ice, and I just stick with the treadmill until spring.