Sneaky Sweets---what are some of your low calorie go to's wh

awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I read somewhere about Nutella and a little bit of PB on toast is like eating a Reese's PB Cup...

What else do you snack on for your sweet tooth....


  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member

    This is something you can make to fix the chocolate fix

    sweet and salty

    Ice cream sandwich buy low fat whipcream and whip it up
    Graham crackers
    put whipcream on it dust with coco and freeze
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    My guilty pleasure is whopper malt balls. It only takes a few to satisfy the sweet tooth and they are fairly low in fat, compared to some things.
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    Weight Watchers Carrot Cakes. 90 calories and soooo good. A co-worker got me hooked.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    Sugar free pudding, sugar free popsicles, chocolate nibs (Trader Joe's has some good ones--1 calorie per nib). Hot cocoa made with real cocoa powder, truvia, a little vanilla extract and water and/or maybe some milk. I am mostly a chocolate addict and these things have been helpful.

    Oh, and, if you have about 150-200 calories to play with, I eat Kashi crunch bars (150 calories, 8 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber) or Market Pantry chocolate caramel bars. They have 190 calories and something like 12 or 15 grams of protein. Satisfies the sweet tooth but also keeps me full for a while. Market Pantry is available at Target by the powerbars.
  • shyatt30
    shyatt30 Posts: 6 Member
    Jello's mousse temptations! So good and only 60 cals!
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I just tried the chocolate flavor frozen yogurt. It tastes just like a regular ice cream, but it is better for you. I live in Florida, and with the weather here, I like to have some ice cream for myself....
  • woet0004
    woet0004 Posts: 1
    those weight watcher carrot cake things are amazing!! 90 calories and the perfect amount of sweet to get through a craving! that or the sugar free fudge bars. yum.
  • Franola27
    Franola27 Posts: 30
    I'm really leary of sucralose and aspartame etc. due to their synthetic nature so I go to the Betty Crocker 150 calorie mini cakes...they have chocolate indulgence, chocolate and caramel and dark chocolate. I have one every night to satisfy my cravings and it used to be a pint of ice cream, bag of chocolates or chips so I'd say those are a decent alternative! I tried nutella but found I wanted MUCH more than 2 tablespoons and then it just got ugly! Good luck!:happy:
  • DavidS1
    DavidS1 Posts: 3 Member
    healthy choice low fat yogurt fudge bar from costco only 90 calories
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Jello's mousse temptations! So good and only 60 cals!

    YES, THESE! But try them frozen... I'm so hooked :)
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    broiled grapefruit. You just cut it in half and sprinkle some brown sugar on it and broil it until its crispy. It is pretty healthy and delicious. I just made it tonight. I've also seen some recipes where you mix oats, butter, and brown sugar and place the mixture on the grapefruit before broiling. It tastes kind of like a fruit cobbler, but with a fraction of the calories and a lot more vitamins!

    p.s. your before and after pictures are A-mazing!
  • fevre
    fevre Posts: 60 Member
    I love the Weight Watchers lemon creme cakes, they're like lemon twinkies! So good! I also just bought one of those 100-cal snack packs that is yogurt covered pretzels. I don't know if they're new or if my grocery store just started stocking them, but I'm soo excited! That's something I've been missing like crazy since I started dieting.

    Last night I found myself with a whole lot of extra calories, so I ate some Girl Scout cookies...but Tagalongs are 140 calories for only 2 cookies so that won't be a common practice
  • momofcami
    momofcami Posts: 45
    - Angel food cake torn into pieces, mixed with fresh strawberries and no-fat whipped topping. You can make it even richer by adding low cal strawberry jam. Under 200 calories for a very generous portion. (Angel food cake is so low in calories!)
  • b
  • I like having a treat at night, and my go to solution is the Sugar Free Pudding - Boston Creme. It's chocolatey creamy goodness. And at only 60 calories, very delicious and calm the sugar-beast. ; )
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    150 cal = 60 cal jello sugar free choc pudding + 90cal Nature valley Granola thins peanut butter
    Tastes just like choc pie w graham cracker crust

    Skinny Cow 50 cal fudge pops
  • Dates! The Medjool Dates from Sams club are big and moist and so sweet. Usually just one will curb my craving, plus they are good for you. I love prunes too. One or two with a small glass of skim milk will do the trick.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks everyone ---keep them coming! ;)
    I just started having a Weight Watchers Dark Chocolate Dulce de Leche ice cream bar for 120 calories (OMG-SINFUL) but needed some other ideas that were lower in cals... Definitely going to try the Frozen Mousse...I have gotten the 100 cal. packs of yogurt covered pretzels (& Milano cookies, and about every other 100 cal. pack) but I would always eat more than one! Now that Im more "determined" maybe Ill try again!
    Im hoping if its something I have to "make", I wont eat as much bc it wont be so available....
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    broiled grapefruit. You just cut it in half and sprinkle some brown sugar on it and broil it until its crispy. It is pretty healthy and delicious. I just made it tonight. I've also seen some recipes where you mix oats, butter, and brown sugar and place the mixture on the grapefruit before broiling. It tastes kind of like a fruit cobbler, but with a fraction of the calories and a lot more vitamins!

    p.s. your before and after pictures are A-mazing!

    That sounds REALLY good! I love grapefruit!
    & thank you for the compliment. Its funny-I didnt realize the progress Id made until I started this site and thought "I should see what my B/A pics would look like." I almost cried when I saw it!
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