
joema74 Posts: 15
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey, the first week i lost 2lb and in the last 10 days nothing , nadda, nicht :( I am extremely active walking 20 miles yesterday and spinning for 5 hours doing an instructors course and holy moly i have actually gained w8 :( I have just bougt some scales that do body water and fat and weight. So my fat is 31% and my water is 49.7% i am 173cm tall. I dont really know if that is good or not but why oh why am i still stuck :(((((((( Help needed badly ......


  • joema74
    joema74 Posts: 15
    k so i have read it and asked her to befriend me on here. the only thing i dont understand is what to have to do to boost it. Example. When i did the spinning course i burnt around 4000 cal add that to the mfp 1200 it has given me that is 5000 cal per day ! OMG how do i eat most or all of that back it seems impossible to me. ?
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    k so i have read it and asked her to befriend me on here. the only thing i dont understand is what to have to do to boost it. Example. When i did the spinning course i burnt around 4000 cal add that to the mfp 1200 it has given me that is 5000 cal per day ! OMG how do i eat most or all of that back it seems impossible to me. ?

    4000, are you sure?

    Obviously it will be impossible for you to eat all those calories, well healthily anyway. Why don't you just try increasing your caloric intake by a couple of hundred, or 500 if you can manage it and go from there?

    the other answer of course is to not do quite so much exercise if you really are burning 4000!
  • joema74
    joema74 Posts: 15
    Yeah really 4000 burnt. Spinning for 5 hours on monday to qualify as an instructor. severe training :P Bum still hurts 4 days on hehe. I also burnt 2800 yesterday from a 20 mile walk and with my normal cals i still couldnt eat them all. I am training for the 100km trailwalker in July so the mileage will keep getting higher so more cals burnt. I have an issue with sitting down usually only sit down after 7pm from 7am. I include all cals burnt from everything i am doing....should i do that ? For example this morning i have walked 1.1/2 miles to get children to school i have done more walking for shopping, housework at home...i am adding all this. Hmmmmm......
  • tracey986
    tracey986 Posts: 15
    is there a reason that you feel you must eat your exercise calories? I usually just eat the 1200 calories that I get for the day. I only eat the extra exercise calories if we go somewhere to eat and I need them.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634

    Definitely take a look at this...and keep up the awesome job you are doing. It WILL pay off. I promise you! :drinker:
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    is there a reason that you feel you must eat your exercise calories? I usually just eat the 1200 calories that I get for the day. I only eat the extra exercise calories if we go somewhere to eat and I need them.

    Have you read the thread I linked to above?

    Please don't just eat 1200 calories if you are exercising too. In the majority of cases it can be very bad for you.
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Yeah really 4000 burnt. Spinning for 5 hours on monday to qualify as an instructor. severe training :P Bum still hurts 4 days on hehe. I also burnt 2800 yesterday from a 20 mile walk and with my normal cals i still couldnt eat them all. I am training for the 100km trailwalker in July so the mileage will keep getting higher so more cals burnt. I have an issue with sitting down usually only sit down after 7pm from 7am. I include all cals burnt from everything i am doing....should i do that ? For example this morning i have walked 1.1/2 miles to get children to school i have done more walking for shopping, housework at home...i am adding all this. Hmmmmm......

    When you signed up to MFP, did you say you were an active person?

    When I signed up I said sedentary because I work in an office, sat down all day etc etc, so I add all the exercise I do.

    If you put you are very active though (not sure on the exact labels) then you may not need to add your walking to school etc.
  • is there a reason that you feel you must eat your exercise calories? I usually just eat the 1200 calories that I get for the day. I only eat the extra exercise calories if we go somewhere to eat and I need them.

    Works for me, for now.
  • joema74
    joema74 Posts: 15
    Yeah i put extremely active. maybe for a week i shouldnt add them. Just all the other stuff. i am starting to give spinning lessons soon and will spend alot of time on the bike to work out routines so ill try just adding them :) And to the post above i never dont eat my ex cals back i just cant manage that much food :) Never thought i would say that lol ...
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Yeah i put extremely active. maybe for a week i shouldnt add them. Just all the other stuff. i am starting to give spinning lessons soon and will spend alot of time on the bike to work out routines so ill try just adding them :) And to the post above i never dont eat my ex cals back i just cant manage that much food :) Never thought i would say that lol ...

    Not when you're burning 4000! lol :smile:
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    You might want to read this.

    Almost everyone reaches a weight loss plateau at some point in their fitness lives. The reason is that the human body works hard to keep energy intake and output in balance. In other words, your body does not like to lose weight (not a revelation, huh?). After your initial weight loss, your progress will slow down and eventually stop even though your exercise and food intake is consistent. The bottom line is that the very efforts you make to burn more calories may eventually slow it down.
    Problem 1. Lowering your calories too much
    Fact: It takes calories to burn calories. When you decrease your food intake, your body simply lowers its metabolic rate in response. This still allows the body to function properly, but ultimately your body requires fewer calories which creates hunger and prevents you from losing fat.

    Keep your calories slightly below your maintenance calories so that your energy and metabolism remain high. A deficit greater than 500-700 calories makes it much more difficult to maintain your lean body mass. To determine your approximate daily caloric needs, use this formula:

    kg (body weight) x 24 = kcal/day
    kg (body weight) x 23 = kcal/day

    note: kg = pounds divided by 2.2 (i.e.: 180 lbs / 2.2 = 81.8 kg)

    You can also calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate to determine how many calories you need to function, and then use a calorie calculator to add in calories you burn through out the day and with exercise.

    Next page More Ways to Break the Plateau


    Think I might have hit this problem,, with exercise I am some times 500 to 800 calories a day below the the number of calories I can consume on a 2 lb week weight loss program. My problem is I am getting to like the exercise and not that hungary. In the last month I think I have exercised more, ate less and lost less weight then any time since I started this diet. I had over 800 calories left to eat when I went to bed last night.
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    I think the key thing to remember is when you set MFP up, it asks you how much weight you want to lose/gain or maintain.

    If you've set it up for a loss, based on your BMR and whether you're an active person or not, MFP builds in a deficit for you in your goal calories BEFORE any exercise.

    So if you do exercise, you need to boost your calories some more. If you can't eat them all then that's ok. Just try to eat more than you were doing. And ladies remember the magic 1200 NET calories each day. Once or twice shouldn't do too much harm, but not as a regular occurence!
  • joema74
    joema74 Posts: 15
    I dont get the net thing ? Am i just being dumb ! Could someone explain as if they were talking to a 3 year old child please. Numerically challenged i am :)
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Say you eat your 3 meals today, and in total with snacks and everything you consume 1600 calories.

    Now, on a day you do 0 exercise, your NET calories is still 1600, and you have worked off 0 calories from doing 0 exercise

    1600 - 0 = 1600

    Say the next day you still eat 1600 calories, but you also walk your kids to school, burning 300 calories. Your net calories would then be 1300.

    1600 - 300 = 1300

    So as you can see, if you've been eating say 1200 calories and burning off 4000 calories, that leaves you a net calorie intake of -2800.

    1200 - 4000 = -2800

    This would mean your body is literally starving. Most people recommend women to not go under 1200 calories NET per day for an extended period of time, as you'll enter 'starvation mode'. Your body needs this amount of calories just to function - breathing, blinking, keeping you warm etc. This means your body will hold onto any fat you have left for it's own survival, and any fat you do eat will turn into stored fat more easily. Hence your weight may maintain or even increase once your body enters starvation mode.

    Hope that helps.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Ok, this is just me but I still need to lose about 83 pounds. 3 weeks ago I let MFP calculate my calorie intake for the day and it brought me down to 1320. So I did that for 2 weeks. I didn't lose any weight and gained 2 pounds! Then I raised my calories by 100 per day and I started losing weight again! I normally don't eat my exercise calories and if I do I try only to eat about half of them. I hope this helps, if it makes sense! :blushing:
  • brewgeek
    brewgeek Posts: 1
    Plateaus are difficult to deal with and very frustrating. What works for me is changing my exercise routine. Perhaps add a speed work day into your running routine, or sign up for a tai-bo class. whatever it is do something different so your body has to re-adapt.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    wait--yesterday you walked for 20 miles and did 5 hours of spinning?? W O W! I would be dead.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    Eat more
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