P90x Grads

laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
Hi all you P90x Grads... I'm in my second week of P90x and could really use a bit of motivation (thanks to a weekend out of state with my folks that resulted in some poor eating choices and lack of exercise). Could you post some before and after pics and offer any tips you may have for me? I'm currently working full time, going to school full time, and being a mommy- trying to fit this into my already busy schedule is hard, but I'm dedicated!


  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Conrats on starting p90X! It's a great program. I have not done it personally but have many friends that have, and the results are worth it!
    I am currently doing the TurboFire program and loving it! I would be happy to be your friend here on MFP and we could encourage each other!
  • devildog525
    It gets very addicting very very fast, and as long as you stick with it and push yourself each and ever day youll be very very happy. I was at 250 with 37% body fat, Im now 185 with 10% body fat. Eat like youre supposed to and it does get easier btw..
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am in the middle of Phase 2 of P90X Lean and I love it! It was very hard but has gotten easier (it's never easy!)

    Follow the link below...it is a great thread where there are P90Xers that share their trials, tribulations, and success stories...very motivational.

    Also, feel free to friend me, if you want...

  • npoorte
    npoorte Posts: 5
    Don't have any pics, but finishing up my 11th Week right now.
    Started at 214 starting weight with a 38inch waist and close to 30% body fat.
    I am 177 right now, with a 32 inch waist and about 11% body fat.
    I had to go out and get discouraged the way we all want to.... buying a new wardrobe.
    I have people asking me every day how I did it and all I can say is, being smart about what I ate and exercise.
    P90X definitely did it for me, as I did the doubles routine and love it.

    Would post pics, but can't find my starter pics. My results are awesome though. Stick with it and enjoy the accomplishment!
  • HoboRat
    HoboRat Posts: 13
    Just keep at it and always do your best. No one keeps a perfect schedule because life isn't perfect. Try not to skip too much though because you fall back. I'm in last week of P90X and will probably take a week off then do it all again. The motivation has to come from within. If you WANT to make a change, you have to have the mental toughness to just do it. I've come home from work tired, and I've even had days I didn't feel well, and I just go ahead and do it anyways because I know I have to if I am to get and maintain my health. I've seen lots of positive change over the three months and look forward to getting even better on second round. I even ordered P90X Plus to mix in and torture myself some more. ;-) Good luck.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Conrats on starting p90X! It's a great program. I have not done it personally but have many friends that have, and the results are worth it!
    I am currently doing the TurboFire program and loving it! I would be happy to be your friend here on MFP and we could encourage each other!

    Thank you! I did the Slim in 6 Program years ago and saw amazing results. I'm such an advocate of beachbody that I couldn't resist getting P90x.. But then I was just a highschool kid and it was easy to lose the weight- now I'm a mother and it doesn't seem to want to come off!

    Feel free to add me!
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    Me too!!! i just started P90X Lean yesterday...just finished day 2. i'm ready to BRING IT!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can look at the pics on my profile page. The one where I'm not smiling is my before pic. Here are some other P90X transformations of people on mfp. Please don't get discouraged. Ninety days are going to go by anyway, so you may as well spend it doing something you'll be proud of in the end.

    P90X Transformations:

  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Conrats on starting p90X! It's a great program. I have not done it personally but have many friends that have, and the results are worth it!
    I am currently doing the TurboFire program and loving it! I would be happy to be your friend here on MFP and we could encourage each other!

    Thank you! I did the Slim in 6 Program years ago and saw amazing results. I'm such an advocate of beachbody that I couldn't resist getting P90x.. But then I was just a highschool kid and it was easy to lose the weight- now I'm a mother and it doesn't seem to want to come off!

    Feel free to add me!

    Friend Request sent! Have you tried other Beachbody programs besides Slim in 6? I have a friend who lost 15 pounds with that program and Shakeology....I just started Shakeology and am now a fan for life! lol
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I am in the middle of Phase 2 of P90X Lean and I love it! It was very hard but has gotten easier (it's never easy!)

    Follow the link below...it is a great thread where there are P90Xers that share their trials, tribulations, and success stories...very motivational.

    Also, feel free to friend me, if you want...


    I added you! And thank you for the words of encouragement! I just checked out the thread too-definitely nice to have some support! I'll have to start checking it out regularly!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Conrats on starting p90X! It's a great program. I have not done it personally but have many friends that have, and the results are worth it!
    I am currently doing the TurboFire program and loving it! I would be happy to be your friend here on MFP and we could encourage each other!

    Thank you! I did the Slim in 6 Program years ago and saw amazing results. I'm such an advocate of beachbody that I couldn't resist getting P90x.. But then I was just a highschool kid and it was easy to lose the weight- now I'm a mother and it doesn't seem to want to come off!

    Feel free to add me!

    Friend Request sent! Have you tried other Beachbody programs besides Slim in 6? I have a friend who lost 15 pounds with that program and Shakeology....I just started Shakeology and am now a fan for life! lol

    Ive used Hip Hop Abs too and have the entire set as it was given to my by a friend- but I never really got into it. I also have Tony Horton's yoga DVD with I love (the one where the whole routine is on a beach in Hawaii lol- very zen)

    I haven't tried Shakeology, probably just because I get a discount on my whey protein that I buy at my gym lol
  • brayaddie
    brayaddie Posts: 101 Member
    I ordered P90X , I gotta say I'm nervous. I hear so many different comments about it " being hard" I just want to do something that I will stick with & complete effectively... ya know? Anyone can put in a video & watch it, but are we being honest with ourselves & actually effectively completing the workouts?? This is what I fear. So how is it so far? Good Luck to you! Add me as a friend so I can follow your P90X journey!!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    You can look at the pics on my profile page. The one where I'm not smiling is my before pic. Here are some other P90X transformations of people on mfp. Please don't get discouraged. Ninety days are going to go by anyway, so you may as well spend it doing something you'll be proud of in the end.

    P90X Transformations:


    Amazing results!!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I ordered P90X , I gotta say I'm nervous. I hear so many different comments about it " being hard" I just want to do something that I will stick with & complete effectively... ya know? Anyone can put in a video & watch it, but are we being honest with ourselves & actually effectively completing the workouts?? This is what I fear. So how is it so far? Good Luck to you! Add me as a friend so I can follow your P90X journey!!

    It's defintely not easy! I'm trying to "bring it" though, LOL
  • arodriguez24
    arodriguez24 Posts: 81 Member
    don't be scared, yes its hard but if you try your best and follow the diet you will get results and get better at it. So get pumped you will do great :)
  • arodriguez24
    arodriguez24 Posts: 81 Member
    by the way I'm on the 3rd week day 4 classic, did yoga X today. First week I was sore as heck but after the 2nd week you start feeling great, I know theres still a lot of work left but I'm gonna bring it!
  • mrsparker77
    I am finishing day 29 today :) It's not easy, but anything worth having never is. Keep it up and you will see the results.
  • paleonyx
    paleonyx Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all you P90x Grads... I'm in my second week of P90x and could really use a bit of motivation (thanks to a weekend out of state with my folks that resulted in some poor eating choices and lack of exercise). Could you post some before and after pics and offer any tips you may have for me? I'm currently working full time, going to school full time, and being a mommy- trying to fit this into my already busy schedule is hard, but I'm dedicated!

    I started P90x on Halloween and have been doing it ever since (I know, longer than 90 days) I am switching to Insanity tomorrow. I lost 69lbs, cut my BMI WAY down, dropped my cholesterol over 70 points and have so much more energy than I did before. I have pics on my profile of me when I was almost at my heaviest and now. It is sometimes hard to fit the workouts in (especially yoga) but I find it worthwhile :) Good luck!!
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    It's pretty hard remembering back to the first round of P90X as I am currently on Round 5. My biggest tip is to get involved in a good group on the beachbody site. That really helped me stay motivated during my first round. Having people there who were holding me accountable and expecting me to be there posting on a regular basis. Also the one thin I wish I had done during P90X was listen to myself about nutrition. I read over and over people telling other they were eating to little for that workout plan but I have always had slow metabolism and so I didn't really lose that much weight during P90X eating 2500-2800 cal per day the diet plan had me at 3000-3200 This round I am eating around 1900 per day and really seeing much better weight loss. The second thing is don't get discouraged when you get to Phase 2 and struggle with the more technically difficult moves especially the one arm pushups and corncob pullups i used to hate both of those moves now i enjoy them.
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