Gotta win this weigh-in...need your help!!

hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
We are having our final weigh in tomorrow at work after 12 weeks of competition. I am very close to being the top "loser", but the difference will come down to the scales. I have avoided the official scales at work but have been tracking my loss at home. Now I'm afraid there may be a difference in the numbers. There is one person that I am VERY close to (percentage wise) and it will come down to ounces. I need some tips on how I can maybe lose 1-2 lbs by tomorrow morning....PLEASE!!! If you have any quick tricks or tips I would love to hear them. Believe me, I am doing this the "healthy way", I just want a little "edge" for tomorrow. Thanks for any advice!!!

P.S. Will post the results tomorrow.


  • sar586
    sar586 Posts: 40 Member
  • Just have a salad for dinner tonight, enough to starve off the hunger pains!
  • ckitlinski
    ckitlinski Posts: 10 Member
    I just finished a biggest loser competition at work. I would recommend eating very little today and don't drink water for at least 12 hours before weigh in. The day before mine I netted 300 calories (food minus excercise). I also didn't drink much throughout the day and stopped water completely after dinner. Yes, it's not healthy but it's only for 1 day. I lost an additional 2 pounds doing this. Good luck!
  • Drink lots of water and have a small steak and salad for your tea. The weight will fall off for tomorrow - good luck!
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member

    definitely agree LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER you'll just pee everything out and don't eat till after the weigh in tmrw =) eat a light dinner exercise, sweat out and again load up on that water
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Lots and lots of water and anything that will help you have a good bowel movement.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    The last time I was worried about my weigh in I did an all liquid diet the whole day before, milk, juice, cup of soup (high in sodium though 8-{ ) stuff like that, and tons of water but stopped everything about 6p.m. to flush it all out good luck.
  • water water water.:bigsmile:
  • ckitlinski
    ckitlinski Posts: 10 Member
    I disagree with the comments about more water. I did a ton of research on how wrestlers make weight, which is very similar. You should dramatically up your water intake 2 and 3 days out from weigh in to flush everything out, but for the day before weigh in you should drastically reduce water intake. Of course I'm not a professional... just my experience and opinion!
  • mjphipps
    mjphipps Posts: 11
    I had my final weigh in for work competition yesterday and came in second place. It was a very close finish 5.6% to 5.7%. I wish I would have drank more water LOL! Oh well, I'm proud of my 5.7% loss.
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    sauna. take up what wrestlers do before a weigh in. run in a sweatshirt and sweat it out! ....good luck!!!!
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    ahaha, I am going against the grain to be sure, but I know that when I'm dehydrated I weigh way, way less then my normal weight . Lol, if I have a couple of glasses of wine of an evening :drinker: then next day I will be like a kilo lighter - but I'm not sure I could recommend this, as if it doent work out it'll be my fault!! But thats definately how I am able to cheat the scales - lol, but i reassure you all, I haven't done it on official weight day - as who am I cheating in the long run?... only myself...

    BTW - long term goals I completely agree with extra water - the dehydration effect only takes off water weight - where as consumption of water (long term - and not excessively) helps your general well being and makes all your system work super duper effeciently :smile:
  • rizorw
    rizorw Posts: 67 Member
    liquid diet, but make sure you stop early enough to get it all out.remember water does weigh a lot, so make sure you pee right before your weigh-in. Lasix if you have any can help for a short term weight loss it will help you get rid of the extra water in your body. Same with making sure you have a good bowel movement (like a stool softner or high fiber coupled with water to help it move). Good luck.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I love the people here saying to drink more water. When I was in wrestling, I used to lose 10-20 pounds per week just dehydrating myself before a weigh-in. I'm not suggesting you do anything resembling that because it is awful for you, but you should definitely watch you sodium and probably workout hard right before your weigh in and don't drink water until you've weighed in.

    Don't worry about food. Most food weighs nothing, unless it's enriched with water like fruit. A turkey sandwich is like 0.1 pounds.
  • Could you please input your Calories INTAKE and your food journal in My fitness pal ? Also Rome was not build it in a day and neither was your body be patience and do it healthy way.
  • hottiewannabe
    hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member
    Great tips everybody, THANKS! And keep them coming. So far, all I've had today is water. May add some lemons at lunch and have a small piece of fruit, orange or something later. Don't worry, though. After the weigh in tomorrow, it's back to business as usual. WATER, WATER, WATER and MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!! LOL!!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I'm telilng you, food is light, water is heavy. I spent years of my life "weighing in".
  • hroehl
    hroehl Posts: 4
    salt water the morning of should clean you out really well, it will be a little uncomfortable but its a good flush for the system.
  • As someone who competed in bodybuilding and still lifts weights, you need to limit your water intake and not eat food 8-10 hours before weigh in. Yes, this is unhealthy and I wouldn't recommend this however bodybuilders and wresters do this all the time on the day of the "Big Weigh In". Day before, do as much cardio as possible. For the morning of the weigh in, I would drink a glass of hot tea, helps with bowl movement, will wake you up and won't sabatoge you with water weight. Also, I've seen bodybuilders take pills to help them lose water fast but this was over 10 years ago when I was involved in bodybuilding and not even sure if pills like this are still on the market.

    Just know everything I told you will work but it isn't healthy. You will feel light headed the dayy of your weigh in but you could drop an extra lb of water or two. Then after you weigh in, go drink as much water as possible as well as eat something. You will need to replenish immediately after weigh in.

    Good luck!
  • lnjklnjk
    lnjklnjk Posts: 5
    I wrestled also and had to cut a lot of weight. If it is for a one time weigh in, do not drink fluids. Work out hard to sweat out as much as you can that is where the weight loss will be for the short time. You would not do this normally because it is not real weight loss, but for a weigh in this is the best way to be the lightest you can be in the shortest amount of time. When the weigh in is over you can then drink and will put all the weight back on.
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