My all inclusive vacation to the Dominican Republic and the

For the first time in my life, photos of myself in a bikini frightened me. I don't mean that I have always been perfect, but this time something was different. I turn 32 this year and I think I am noticing that my metabolism is starting to slow down. My husband and I would also like to tr y to start a family soon so it seems that things may not be getting any easier either. This is especially difficult because my husband is in pretty good shape. I feel embarrassed to be with him, almost undeserving. Anyway, I am hoping I can start this and stick with it as my job has also become very busy in the last few months. Wish me luck! Any tips would be appreciated.


  • fitkitty1
    fitkitty1 Posts: 56
    Been there... got the postcard! My little bit of advice... TRACK EVERYTHING you eat, drink, snack on... you name it you track it!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome! I started this site 2 yrs ago & love it! I noticed after turning 30 that I was slowly gaining weight. My hubby & I had gone to Vegas & when I got the pics back, I was horrified by how I looked.
    working out & using this site have helped me so much!
    good luck on your journey!
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    Woot :D Vacations are always a huge motivator! I wish you the best luck! Kick some butt and take names!
  • ssickles
    ssickles Posts: 6
    I was thirty and pregnant and just turned 31 and have noticed my metabolism is def not the same. Track everything that you put in your mouth and stay as active as possible.