what should I add?

I am keeping a little journal of my progress, my goals, and just some "things to remember"
Under my things to remember I have :
BABY STEPS!! It didn't go on overnight, it isn't going to come off over night!

-Every little bit matters!!

-Everyone has rough/bad periods, its about how you get past them.

-The goal is to be healthy and love my body again!

so.. what would you add? I know I am gonna have some bad days, or disappointing weigh ins, I just want to make some notes for myself, that when I am wallowing in self pity LOL I can read this and know that I am hopeful and I DO have the determination to do this! Thanks in advance!


  • maherrera
    i always write in my journal to "just keep going; to keep on keeping on." :smile:
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    O.K. First of all, we are not going to envision ourselves in self-pity - that's a no! no! It only takes us back to ground zero - nothing happening there. If anything we're going to put ourselves in get up! dust off! and keep going! mode. The main thing I want you to do is love your body now, embrace it, thank it for taking the pounding and still being here for you. Then, I want you to envision yourself at your desired weight and size - as if you are there now. Embrace the new you and how it makes you feel. This is what I want you to hold on to and focus upon. You can do this! And, yes! we must have patience, it took us a while to get here, it's going to take us awhile to get where we want to be. Along this journey, you are going to eat healthy and love your body (it's part of the journey, not the goal). I'll be here to help pick you up, but you have to dust off and put one foot in front of the other. Take Care! Hope this has been a help. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    I gues "self pity" was a bad choice of words LOL I just know that there are going to be days where I feel like tossing my hands up out of frustraion, so I want to make some notes for myself while I am feeling great and confident that I can infact do this so that when it does happen, all I have to do is read that and I will remember how I felt on this day, with hope!
    thanks for the advice! Makes sense!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I gues "self pity" was a bad choice of words LOL I just know that there are going to be days where I feel like tossing my hands up out of frustraion, so I want to make some notes for myself while I am feeling great and confident that I can infact do this so that when it does happen, all I have to do is read that and I will remember how I felt on this day, with hope!
    thanks for the advice! Makes sense!

    Well write down how and what you felt when you envisioned yourself as the new and improved self. And....don't leave anything out. You might be surprised.....