30 day shred on April 1st

I am starting the 30 day shred on the 1st of April and would love a group of people to start it with me. Preferably those who have a nice amount of weight to loose. I have over 80 more pounds to loose. With this, we can post our before pictures and measurements and become friends and motivate each other. After the 30 days, we can post our after pics. Hope you will join me!!!!!!!!!!


  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I am starting on the 1st of April as well! I have about 70lbs to lose ideally
  • MelissaG36
    I will join you!!! I have 80 lbs to lose.
  • jpkenned
    jpkenned Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I am getting motivated April 1 too. I have 30 pounds to lose and would love to see some results in the first month to keep me motivated to finish! I am planning to measure tomorrow! (obviously, my profile pic is not the before!)
  • godsgiftjcp
    I went and added you both....We will push each other and make it through this thirty days easily!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Nykki71
    Nykki71 Posts: 72 Member
    Count me in...
  • godsgiftjcp
    I added you as well. We can all measure tomorrow and post under this thread. Also before pics as well. I have never posted more than a face up here so this will be hard for me....
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    30 days is really scary for me but i am determined to keep it up, what is the bets time of day to do the work out? morning or at night?
  • godsgiftjcp
    I found that it really does not matter when you work out. I like to switch it up days so my workout schedule always vary... We will help each other though!!!!!!!!!!!
  • booklover831
    I just started the 30 day shred Monday and it is great. It is just long enough to make you feel the burn but not so long you want to give up! I have 50 pounds to lose and I think this is the way to go! So Good Luck all!! :]
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I will join. I normally dont like starting programs on fridays but I will try. Can I get the instructions for how to do the DVD. I got it bootleg...that is so terrible but at least Im honest. I have 78 pounds
  • godsgiftjcp
    You do the dvd everyday for 30 days. It has three levels of intensity and you are supposed to go up a level every 10 days. I hope this helps.
  • vsomsouk
    vsomsouk Posts: 8
    I'm in. I did start on the shred about two weeks ago, and I caught the flu. I'm just getting over my sickness now, and I need to get back into doing this again!
  • aangrisani
    I am in, was planning on doing this anyway.
  • AmandaD99
    AmandaD99 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started last night.... have about 100 pounds to lose. so I'm in!
  • godsgiftjcp
    Ok so everyone above is in on the 30 day shred starting tomorrow. Today, we will be posting our before pictures and our measurements. I will upload mine in a few. I can not wait to see everyone's results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I will take my measurement but i am not going to share my pics at the moment
  • biggieshorty
    I want in. I have 60 lbs to lose as a long term goal. I would be so excited if I lost 10 this month. I'm doing couch 2 5k as well.

    I had my measurements taken at the gym last night. Not pretty but here they are:



    Thighs-29 3/4
  • biggieshorty
    I want in. I have 60 lbs to lose as a long term goal. I would be so excited if I lost 10 this month. I'm doing couch 2 5k as well.

    I had my measurements taken at the gym last night. Not pretty but here they are:



    Thighs-29 3/4
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I want to join... posting in the thread to keep this in my topics
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    I want to join you ladies too but I just ordered the dvd through Netflix and probably wont get it till Monday. I will do kickboxing till then and then i will be on the same page as you!