Working moms, how do you make time???



  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I go on walks with my kids. They need to move too. I have a 2 year old and an 11 year old. It's a family walk every night.
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    I am a full-time working mother of 3, ages 4, 3, and 18 months. I understand trying to find time to exercise as a working parent. My husband works crazy hours, so I can't always depend on him being home to get my time in. What finally worked for me was sitting down with my kids and playing with them for 15-30 minutes before I wanted to exercise and then let them know I needed time to exercise. I usually get my 45 minutes in with minimal interuptions because they've had mommy time, even from the baby is pretty cooperative. With persistence on my part, the interuptions are minimal. The key for us was the kiddos getting their mommy time in, then I get my time and I don't feel guilty about exercising instead of playing with my kids. I also like the example I am setting for them by making exercise an important part of my life. Hope all of the suggestions help. There are some great ones here.
  • MotherOfTwins2010
    MotherOfTwins2010 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a single mom so it's tricky to find time but I cut my lunch to 20 minutes and leave 40 minutes early to work out. It forces me to bring my lunch and eat healthy and I'm not missing any time I would have normally been with the twins. I work accross the alley from my office so the commute is quick but if you have a gym on the way home or at the office this might work too.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    1) I take walks at lunch... good fast walks, three days per week.

    2) My husband bathes and puts the kiddo to bed. While he's doing that, I do my workout, at least three days a week.