Hello everyone!!!

Ninstarmon Posts: 4 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! My name is Salvador and I've been dieting since late January. I've been doing an extremely low carb diet (less than 60grams per day) and so far I've lost 15lbs!!! I've also been participating in local bootcamps about two or three times a week.

At this moment I think I'm gaining some momentum and also having a binge day every Saturday has also helped me stay motivated.

I'm always trying to learn more about how to live a healthier life though and that would be so much easier to do if I had more friends here to socialize with. So, I'll end this post with an open invitation to add me as a friend and a question for discussion.

What do you think about having binge days once a week?


  • patty6473
    patty6473 Posts: 24
    I don' t binge because I know that once I cross over to the dark side, I won't come back! I do however, allow myself a "taste" of whatever foods I am craving. A lot of times, a taste is all I need.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hey there Salvador. I too am new on here :) I actually think and have heard from others that a "free" day is a good thing within moderation though of course. Basically allowing yourself foods you wouldn't normally because they go beyond your daily intakes etc. But not gorging. That can sometimes cause food hangovers the next day and lower self esteem. Still try and get in some of your healthy foods too. Like, I'll let myself have ho twings, but only order 6 and have a salad with it. So some good with the bad. Lol
  • mccdl34
    mccdl34 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm with Patty6473. For me a binge day would lead to trouble. But as far as including one in a diet, I don't think it would hurt as long as it's only once a week. And you don't go crazy with it.
  • Ninstarmon
    Ninstarmon Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, totally agree. I honestly don't know how much I eat on binge days though. I also don't count calories on that day, so it's sort of like a short vacation from the rigors of counting and weighing my food. Also, the only things I really "binge" on are sweet stuff (mostly chocolate and peanut butter, preferably combined :P) and bread. However, because I'm used to eating no more an 1500 cals a day, it's hard to actually binge because I get full so quickly. I do tend to feel sick the following day, but that actually helps me stay away from all the sweet stuff for the next 6 days.
  • Ninstarmon
    Ninstarmon Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there Salvador. I too am new on here :) I actually think and have heard from others that a "free" day is a good thing within moderation though of course. Basically allowing yourself foods you wouldn't normally because they go beyond your daily intakes etc. But not gorging. That can sometimes cause food hangovers the next day and lower self esteem. Still try and get in some of your healthy foods too. Like, I'll let myself have ho twings, but only order 6 and have a salad with it. So some good with the bad. Lol

    (Forgot to quote it the first time. Oops.)

    Yeah, totally agree. I honestly don't know how much I eat on binge days though. I also don't count calories on that day, so it's sort of like a short vacation from the rigors of counting and weighing my food. Also, the only things I really "binge" on are sweet stuff (mostly chocolate and peanut butter, preferably combined :P) and bread. However, because I'm used to eating no more an 1500 cals a day, it's hard to actually binge because I get full so quickly. I do tend to feel sick the following day, but that actually helps me stay away from all the sweet stuff for the next 6 days.
  • Hikaroo
    Hikaroo Posts: 16
    Salvador? That's cool, that's my husband's nickname, and he's from El Salvador.

    Binge days can work for some people, and not for others.
    For me, it wouldn't work. It's more of a lifestyle change I am attempting to make, rather than a diet that I use to lose what I need to and then go back to my old habits.

    However, awesome job with your current progress!
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi there
    I have an Indian Takeaway once a week (after weigh in!!) although I do log this and I have the healthiest thing on the menu (chicken tandoori, no rice, but nan bread and 2 poppadoms). I do then follow this with some choccy and maybe sweets - as i am like you with a sweet tooth. But also like you I can't eat as much of this 'naughty' stuff as I used to.

    Keep up your great work and feel free to add me as a friend and we can compare 'free day' consumption!! Ha ha.

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