First day tracking and 700 calories over my limit!!!

nol929 Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Okay, now I know why I'm considered morbidly obese...because I eat like a pig! I eat huge volumes and fattening food...I am admittedly a major food addict and I need some support...I don't know where to start to kick this habit, but I need too. I'm tired of feeling like a slim girl but looking like a huge girl! Day one down, MANY to go :-). Wish me luck! Good luck to all of you!


  • you can do this! just take one day at a time :)
  • it takes awhile to realize just how many calories are IN the stuff your eating. Soon you'll be thinking "that mcdonlads was NOT worth all the calories"
    feel free to friend me
  • MeganMac17
    MeganMac17 Posts: 90 Member
    Writing down everything you eat is the first step! When I first started, I had the same feeling that you are having now!

    Best of luck to you :)
  • nicolebenke
    nicolebenke Posts: 19 Member
    Take it one day at a time and count every little success!
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome :D

    I can't wait to see your progress and success, best of luck to you. Kicking the habit is the hardest part, but in the end, the most rewarding!
  • jenn2782
    jenn2782 Posts: 47 Member
    First step is figuring out what your doing wrong..So tomorrow be more conscious of what your putting in your body. It gets easier with each day. The more knowledge you have the better you will feel. Dieting is all about learning your own body because everyone is different.

    We all have a journey ahead of us and I wish you luck!
  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    Everyday gets easier, just log it all no matter what and soon it will work itself out.

    I am a pre-planner. I'll have what im eating for breakfast and lunch tomorrow in before i go to bed tonight. Occasionally I have to go in and change stuff, but it seems to work for me.

    Also, when i first started, I made myself work off any calories i went over no matter how long it took. By the end of the first week i was exhausted and no longer found the food worth the work.

    Welcome to mfp and good luck!!
  • suehawey
    suehawey Posts: 2 Member
    At least you can admit it and have taken a step in the right direction :) keep up the good work and don't forget to write down everything you eat every day. :happy:
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I was 1000 calories over my limit the first day I started, so I feel ya!

    One day at a time, you will begin to understand what nutrients are in the food you eat, and you will start to eat better.
    Even if you have a day where you are 700 calories over your limit again, track it. MyFitnessPal is a great tool for awareness.
  • 1pek26
    1pek26 Posts: 1
    I just joined this week. I am morbidly obese as well and I almost fell over when I saw that I was over on the first day. I was very upset, even cried but then I realized that before I didn't even know I was over. I wasn't counting or tracking anything. Its a first step for me and sounds like you and I both are experiencing some shock factor. I just wanted to tell you I was there this week too. I wish you not luck but strength.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Good Luck! Take it Slow and Steady so you won't get overwhelmed. Tracking gives you GREAT insight into what you are doing. Stay honest, make/get a Plan and never quit...YOU are worth it!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. The point is you're doing something about it now. I won't sugar coat it, it's not easy but it's soooo worth it and you'll feel sooo much better. You're taking the first steps and that's a huge accomplishment. Slowly you'll get better and better each day. Hang in there.. oh and this place is absolutely GREAT so keep coming back!
  • nissafull
    nissafull Posts: 48
    I seem to have the same problem too! The good thing about this site is that we get to see the daily damage in sobering black white! I also have a dependency on food but trying to find a way to replace it with being a little more active. This is my first week and I have not weighed in yet. Even so, I feel better about myself because I at least have tried to see where I am so weak. I do very well at work because I am busy and don't have access to junk food. I try to eat small meals about 3 hours apart. Information I read said this helps to speed up your metabolism and keeps you from having your blood sugar spike up and down. Getting in water helps as well.... Good Luck with your journey. This is a great site because there a so many of us that feel your pain and understand what this is like. Keep reaching out! Let us know how it is going.. MyFitnessPal on FaceBook is great too.
  • This is the exact reason to track! Don't get down on yourself, be proud of yourself for taking that 1st step. You can do this! :bigsmile:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I think most of us have been there and even after you have been here awhile you may slip up and go way over you just start over tomorrow is a new day if you would like to befriend me you may good luck
  • i put the food in that i am thinking about eating to see how many calories are in it and if it way to many i choose something else to eat because you can take it off after you post it for a meal. i would give it at least a week or two to figure out what you should or shouldnt eat. and it may be that you need to just eat smaller amounts to get the calories down. check the serving sizes on packages and use measuring cups or a kitchen scale if that helps. one of the first things i put in for a meal was taco bell and was appalled at the amount of calories and havent ate it ever since because it was more than half the calories for my whole days goal.
  • jwenzel54
    jwenzel54 Posts: 1 Member
    My first day, I went to work and without thinking grabbed a handful of jelly beans from a coworkers candy dish and popped them in my mouth. I was shocked at the fact that I was snacking without even realizing what I was doing; it was so automatic. Knowing you have to write it down makes you think twice. Good luck, I know you can do it. :-)
  • we all started that way. i know it can be disheartening but, just give one day at a time and you will make small changes everyday that WILL lead to BIG results. You will learn to identify the calorie count just by looking at the food. Don't let the bad days over shadow the great days.. if you wish you can friend me. Good luck and stay strong.
  • fourbcrew
    fourbcrew Posts: 107 Member
    You can do this!!! Day 1 like you said and this is a learning experience...Don't give up we are here for you!!!
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Two suggestions...first, PLAN what you're going to have before you just blindly eat. See how many calories are in the things you want, and if it's too many, find a substitute. Second, and most important...don't just take it one day at a time...take it one MEAL at a time! Best of luck to you!!
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