The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    On track for week two!

    (X) Monday AM: WT: Legs (Heavy), 20 minutes intervals
    (X) Monday PM: 20 minutes intervals
    (X) Tuesday AM: WT: Chest & Back (light)
    (X) Tuesday PM: Intervals
    (X Wednesday AM: Chest & SHoudlers (Heavy)
    (X) Wednesday PM: intervals
    (X) Thursday AM: intervals
    ( ) Thursday PM: Legs (heavy
    ( ) Friday AM: Full body (Light)
    ( ) Friday PM: ?
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone! Well, I'm still out of the two-a-day scene. My Achilles tendon is still very tender. I don't know what I did, but I know that I need to ease back into the whole exercise bit. I've been spot on with my calories so I think I'll still have a good week, but not exercising is really frustrating! Plus, I've had some personal things come up that are making things even more complicated. My goal for the rest of the week is to just do whatever I can manage and hope to be back on track for at LEAST one-a -days starting Monday!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I already do sprinting/walking intervals for usually 30-45 min. I am wondering if someone could explain the HIIT. the sprinting is a really good workout but I can feel my thighs getting stronger and I am just preparing myself for whenever I need to pump it up.
    I explained earlier,but basically i was doing my usual research on the net,and came across this topic:

    A HIIT sprint definiton:

    HIIT –
    High Intensity Interval Training is ideal for what you want to achieve, two sessions a week will do to start with. This means that after 20mins you should be UNABLE to complete more, this is not a 20min jog, it is a 30 second sprint, 30 seconds at a slow job then back up to sprint level – it is hard, and so will your body be if you take the time to listen.

    I know at this point I am probably sounding a like little Richard Simmons trying to get you to jump on the fitness bandwagon- but if there was ever a bang wagon to jump, this would be the one. We all seek better workouts and we all seeks ways to get the most out of our workout (especially in the shortest amount of time) and HIIT can really provide those answers.

    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    What is HIIT And Why does it Work so Well?
    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the concept of training in intervals, each interval at a different intensity. Different HIIT programs work best for different people, but everyone can benefit form working out are varying levels of intensity (see example programs below). When you complete a cardiovascular session at an unvarying intensity for the duration of a workout your body enters a 'steady state'. This is a state at which your body has adapted itself to the speed you are going and conserves energy. When you complete HIIT you do not allow your body to enter this state and thus allow yourself to burn more total calories in less time. Also, HIIT training is performed at a high intensity which raises your heart rate faster and raises your metabolism longer after the workout. The overall length of your workout are much briefer in duration than your typical aerobic sessions. Some studies, such as one by Laval University, state that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio helps subjects lose/burn nine times more fat than those who trained the traditional way. It makes you wonder why anyone told you to train at a slow pace for a long period of time!

    Example workout:

    Pick any type of cardiovascular method (running, swimming, recumbent bike, treadmill, elliptical machine, etc).
    Make sure you take some time to warm up to get your body temperature raised before you begin.
    Now begin your cardiovascular training at 75% of your maximum ability, stay at this pace for MHR intensity for 30 seconds
    Now bring your intensity down to 30% for 90 seconds.
    Now raise your intensity to 80% for 30 seconds.
    Now bring your intensity down to 30% for 90 seconds.
    Now raise your intensity to 85% for 30 seconds.
    Now bring your intensity down to 30% for 90 seconds.
    Continue to repeat these steps, each time bringing your intensity level up.

    The key step to HIIT is not allowing your body to adopt, adapting to a certain level of intensity will allow your body to fall into steady state and it will begin conserving rather than burning fat. Keep changing your pace, and pushing yourself through each interval. No matter what your fitness goals, HIIT is one of the best ways of helping you achieve them. And the variations are endless. You can vary the training parameters (exercise to rest ratio, number of intervals) to make the workouts harder or easier, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. You can also use any number of exrecises for your training, such as cycling, sprinting, treadmill, elliptical trainers, jump rope, rope climbing, hill sprints, and more.

    Thank you so much. I was, too, getting alot of conflicting information. So thank you. I am going to try that today at the gym
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    So once again school gets in the way yesterday. I have alot of homework to get done because finals are coming up FAST. But thats okay. i was on track with my calories yesterday and bringing it today today i am going to try the HIIT and then do WT on my lower body. I am waiting to move where I am moving this week to start P90X....I LOVE the results it gives me.

    I have a new goal. I am needing to push hard until the end of May. I will be going to Vegas with my boyfriend and bunch of our friends and will be wearing swim suits as it will be warm enough and dangit I have GOT to feel comfortable and confident. :o)

    Thursday - 1st HIIT on treadmill or eliptical (cant decide)
    2nd - Strength training lower body
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Awesome I'm glad posting that helped everybody:

    Another example of HIIT - 30 minutes on Upright Bike: 2 minutes seated on level 1, followed by 1 minute standing peddling as fast as you can on level 17

    Todays Schedule: C25K Week 3 + Jari Love Workout 2 + Sprinters Club
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    I'd recommend doing HIIT on the elliptical. Since the treadmill has a motor, it can take some guesswork to figure out which speed(s) you should be working at. This can be dangerous, because if you pick a speed that's too high for you to keep up with, then you might get thrown off. Conversely, picking a speed that's too low won't give you the full effect.

    Also, the elliptical does have a couple other things going for it. In addition to the fact that you have control over the speed, you can also mix up your training sessions by increasing the resistance during the sprint portion of your session. This will give you another way of getting your heart rate up without having to do max-effort sprints, and it will also help to develop strength and power in your legs as well.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    So once again school gets in the way yesterday. I have alot of homework to get done because finals are coming up FAST. But thats okay. i was on track with my calories yesterday and bringing it today today i am going to try the HIIT and then do WT on my lower body. I am waiting to move where I am moving this week to start P90X....I LOVE the results it gives me.

    I have a new goal. I am needing to push hard until the end of May. I will be going to Vegas with my boyfriend and bunch of our friends and will be wearing swim suits as it will be warm enough and dangit I have GOT to feel comfortable and confident. :o)

    Thursday - 1st HIIT on treadmill or eliptical (cant decide)
    2nd - Strength training lower body

    Yay Vegas! I know you can do it, you have 8 weeks or so and you will be fabulous and confident in your bikini!

    My goal is around the same time, here in Canada we have a holiday on May 23 (Victoria Day) and it will be the first weekend of cottaging! The last time I wore my bikini (December in Hawaii) I was constantly wanting to cover up. I want to look fab for cottaging this summer!

    I've been debating between buying P90X or insanity, how do you like P90X? Is there a lot of cardio in it? (I need the cardio!!)
  • advocacy
    advocacy Posts: 8
    Careful - you need at least one day off per week to recover from your workouts as well as let the muscles grow! Kick *kitten* that you are working so hard and are acheiving your goals! Good luck!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I'd recommend doing HIIT on the elliptical. Since the treadmill has a motor, it can take some guesswork to figure out which speed(s) you should be working at. This can be dangerous, because if you pick a speed that's too high for you to keep up with, then you might get thrown off. Conversely, picking a speed that's too low won't give you the full effect.

    Also, the elliptical does have a couple other things going for it. In addition to the fact that you have control over the speed, you can also mix up your training sessions by increasing the resistance during the sprint portion of your session. This will give you another way of getting your heart rate up without having to do max-effort sprints, and it will also help to develop strength and power in your legs as well.

    Hmm very good points. I might try the elliptical. I find with the treadmill, I lose about 8 seconds of my sprint while it ramps up the speed. ANd falling off is definetly a concern. right now the fastest I am comfortable with is level 9, which gets my HR to about 175... although the internet says my maximum HR (100%) is 190... I "feel" like I can push harder.

    How do you do your intervals? Right now i am at 30 sec sprint/ 1 min recovery
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Careful - you need at least one day off per week to recover from your workouts as well as let the muscles grow! Kick *kitten* that you are working so hard and are acheiving your goals! Good luck!

    For sure! I love my days off! I usually listen to my body, and when it doesn't want to wake up at 5 am, I know it's time for a day off. Otherwise I take it easy on the weekend, doing calesthenics or something like that.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I'd recommend doing HIIT on the elliptical. Since the treadmill has a motor, it can take some guesswork to figure out which speed(s) you should be working at. This can be dangerous, because if you pick a speed that's too high for you to keep up with, then you might get thrown off. Conversely, picking a speed that's too low won't give you the full effect.

    Also, the elliptical does have a couple other things going for it. In addition to the fact that you have control over the speed, you can also mix up your training sessions by increasing the resistance during the sprint portion of your session. This will give you another way of getting your heart rate up without having to do max-effort sprints, and it will also help to develop strength and power in your legs as well.

    Awesome thanks so much. Maybe you will know the answer to this question because I am stumped. I am not trying to spot fat burn but I am wondering if there is something more I can do to just kinda help it out. I am wondering what would be the best (besides squats, lunges 'donkey kicks') would be the best for toning upper thighs and buttocks. I put in alot of work for the other parts of my body just wondering if you or anyone else for that matter knows any other type of exercises etc that will help out in the area whenever I do my lower body workouts?

    Thanks :o)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I'd recommend doing HIIT on the elliptical. Since the treadmill has a motor, it can take some guesswork to figure out which speed(s) you should be working at. This can be dangerous, because if you pick a speed that's too high for you to keep up with, then you might get thrown off. Conversely, picking a speed that's too low won't give you the full effect.

    Also, the elliptical does have a couple other things going for it. In addition to the fact that you have control over the speed, you can also mix up your training sessions by increasing the resistance during the sprint portion of your session. This will give you another way of getting your heart rate up without having to do max-effort sprints, and it will also help to develop strength and power in your legs as well.

    Hmm very good points. I might try the elliptical. I find with the treadmill, I lose about 8 seconds of my sprint while it ramps up the speed. ANd falling off is definetly a concern. right now the fastest I am comfortable with is level 9, which gets my HR to about 175... although the internet says my maximum HR (100%) is 190... I "feel" like I can push harder.

    How do you do your intervals? Right now i am at 30 sec sprint/ 1 min recovery

    I loved P90X. They have three different ones you can do (in the same package) They have 13 discs I believe and everyday is a different workout (they will give you schedule) but if you like the two a day thing and can do it they have the lean version and you do cardio first and then you do one of the strength training (you pick how long in between you wan to seperate them). I had GREAT results from P90X I lost the weight and toned at the same time. However I heard that insanity has alot more cardio and is really hard. I am pretty sure there is a proformance test online and you can do that beforehand to see if your 'ready' for insanity. I have seen awesome results (in other people) with insanity as well. I think its all depending on what you are wanting.

    I was just in canada for spring break. (march 12th-18th) Went to Mount Washington to go snowboarding and then went to powell river to visit a friend. I have to say that I LOVE Canada. The people are SO friendly (the ones that I talked to anyway).

    Well, girl we are going to be confident and not want to cover up our bodies in 2 months...We GOT this :o)
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    Hmm very good points. I might try the elliptical. I find with the treadmill, I lose about 8 seconds of my sprint while it ramps up the speed. ANd falling off is definetly a concern. right now the fastest I am comfortable with is level 9, which gets my HR to about 175... although the internet says my maximum HR (100%) is 190... I "feel" like I can push harder.

    How do you do your intervals? Right now i am at 30 sec sprint/ 1 min recovery

    I actually mix up my HIIT sessions- I find that trying to do the same workout can lead to burnout mentally. I do 5 sessions a week, with a general framework for each alternating day- MWF 15 minutes, TTh 10 minutes. I'm also working at a 1:1 work/rest ratio, so for example, a 30 sec sprint would be followed by a 30 sec jog. You can adjust the ratios over time to increase your cardio capacity as well.

    MWF I do intervals of 30 sec for 10 minutes, 20 sec for 2 minutes and 15 seconds for 3 minutes. The idea is that as I progress through the workout, my recovery periods get shorter. TTh, I do 10 minutes of 15 seconds
    Awesome thanks so much. Maybe you will know the answer to this question because I am stumped. I am not trying to spot fat burn but I am wondering if there is something more I can do to just kinda help it out. I am wondering what would be the best (besides squats, lunges 'donkey kicks') would be the best for toning upper thighs and buttocks. I put in alot of work for the other parts of my body just wondering if you or anyone else for that matter knows any other type of exercises etc that will help out in the area whenever I do my lower body workouts?

    In addition to squats and lunges, here are some other exercises you can do for developing your legs:

    -Glute-Ham Raise
    -Romanian Deadlifts
    -Seated Leg Curls
    -Lying Leg Curls
    -Good Mornings
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hmm very good points. I might try the elliptical. I find with the treadmill, I lose about 8 seconds of my sprint while it ramps up the speed. ANd falling off is definetly a concern. right now the fastest I am comfortable with is level 9, which gets my HR to about 175... although the internet says my maximum HR (100%) is 190... I "feel" like I can push harder.

    How do you do your intervals? Right now i am at 30 sec sprint/ 1 min recovery

    I actually mix up my HIIT sessions- I find that trying to do the same workout can lead to burnout mentally. I do 5 sessions a week, with a general framework for each alternating day- MWF 15 minutes, TTh 10 minutes. I'm also working at a 1:1 work/rest ratio, so for example, a 30 sec sprint would be followed by a 30 sec jog. You can adjust the ratios over time to increase your cardio capacity as well.

    MWF I do intervals of 30 sec for 10 minutes, 20 sec for 2 minutes and 15 seconds for 3 minutes. The idea is that as I progress through the workout, my recovery periods get shorter. TTh, I do 10 minutes of 15 seconds
    Awesome thanks so much. Maybe you will know the answer to this question because I am stumped. I am not trying to spot fat burn but I am wondering if there is something more I can do to just kinda help it out. I am wondering what would be the best (besides squats, lunges 'donkey kicks') would be the best for toning upper thighs and buttocks. I put in alot of work for the other parts of my body just wondering if you or anyone else for that matter knows any other type of exercises etc that will help out in the area whenever I do my lower body workouts?

    In addition to squats and lunges, here are some other exercises you can do for developing your legs:

    -Glute-Ham Raise
    -Romanian Deadlifts
    -Seated Leg Curls
    -Lying Leg Curls
    -Good Mornings

    Thank you so much I am going to go ahead and put some of those in my workout routine today (as I am doing lower body strength training today) :o)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Uhhhh I need to do some serious exercise after work tonight to earn enough calories so I can eat dinner!!!! LOL

    I had a big steak, fries and a glass of wine for lunch.... about 1200 calories i guess?!?!?!

    Oh well, ive been good all week.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Uhhhh I need to do some serious exercise after work tonight to earn enough calories so I can eat dinner!!!! LOL

    I had a big steak, fries and a glass of wine for lunch.... about 1200 calories i guess?!?!?!

    Oh well, ive been good all week.

    Haha I feel you there. I have about 200 cal I can have for dinner right now...(I still have to workout though so hopefully I can eat somthing good and yummy for dinner)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Friday All,
    Missed you guys yesterday - super busy stressfull at work. Didn't get to do my am work out so did 2 back to back when I got home from work. Ended up doing an hour of cardio /with 5 lb weights and another 25 minutes of work on a stability ball with weights. Finished up at about 9:15 last night and I have to tell you it was such a good stress reliever ~ man! I was finally able to let my mind rest from all of the end of month "close out" drama at the office and have some peace. So much better for me than getting a pizza (which was the way i used to deal with it) :laugh: Good to be practicing new habits. Off to a better start on this April 1st with 45 minutes of TJ Cardiomix #2 which is my favorite and ready for a super day.
    Hope everyone is getting after it this morning ~ wishing you all well!

  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Hello people todays workout:
    AM C25k Week 2 + AM Jari Love 30 mins + Yoga Class

    I'm not logging them until I get my HRM :)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I am sure that my interval training yesterday on the eliptical wasnt HIIT but i am pretty sure it was close maybe haha. I was on the eliptical for 35 min and did 15 min of 20 sec rest and 40 second going as hard and as fast as I could, then went to 15 min 30 sec rest 30 second pushing..the reason I decided to step it down is because I couldnt count my heart rate (i dont have a HRM yet and the one on the machine is funky and wouldnt work.) So When I was pushing hard I was anywhere from 200-220 and then on my slow downs I was like 180-190. Def kicked my butt (in a totally awesome way :o))

    My second workout I did a total lower body workout let me just tell you I am so super sore and then I did ab ripper

    Today is going to concist of probably one hardcore workout becuase I have my nephews tball game to go to and then we are going to the race track :o)

    Happy Friday all!!! :o)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hey all!

    I woke up with a splitting headache today, called in sick to work and went back to bed. No headache now, but my body is super super tired. I guess today is now a rest day LOL.
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