The people who are losing weight are not eating their exerci



  • Dynetha
    Dynetha Posts: 42 Member
    if you follow the guidelines the work will actually do itself....i don't set any of my own calorie recommendations...i let mfp do it automatically...the only things i change are the amount of exercise i do or how much i want to lose a week....if you've input your weight and lifestyle correctly (sendentary, active etc etc) and how much you want to lose per week it will tell you exactly what to have to just keep your eye on the numbers....sometimes i eat back my exercise calories and sometimes i don't but when i don't it's not because i'm trying to trick my body but sometimes i'm just not hungry enough to eat that many back...but i'm also pretty heavy lol so my plan requires me to eat more calories...but i just joined a few days ago and for the most part my mind and body just "feels" like everything is about right...just follow the mfp numbers and you'll be okay....and don't forget your water and exercise...good luck ms lady!
  • An unrelated way to feel fuller as someone mentioned is to eat more protein and cut back on the bad carbs. Don't necessarily pay attention to the suggested macronutrient ratios on mfp..

    I've heard .75 carb to protein ratio is optimal. That is to say 3/4 of the amount of carbs you eat should be protein.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    When I started using this site, I was working out with a trainer and was just using the site to track what I was eating, my exercise and to stay within the calorie goal that HE had set for me. So I was actually eating MORE calories than what the site told me to. Eventually that evened out and then he had me eating 900 calories a day for 3 days and 2100 calories for 1 day. At that point I was becoming the incredible shrinking ***** and had lost 90 lbs AND I wasn't losing weight (big shock). So I started doing what the site told me at that point and started losing weight again. I was then able to start my adjustment into weight maintenance. Maybe you need to adjust your goals? Maybe take a look at your diary?
  • I eat them.. most of them. its my "Splurge Calories" Any calories I get from working out, i can use on what ever I want. Some days I get enough that I can go to McDonalds and get a kids meal. Someday I have about a hundred left , and I'm just... full. I might have a Luna bar.

    I eat what I want with in my calorie range (for me its 1200-1500) then say If I'm at a restaurant (and I've already plugged my food into mfp's phone app) and everyone is getting desert & I haven't been to the gym I know I can have something small and still join in on the fun. Grabbing something with fruit or low cal. Knowing that Ill still be full by the end of the day, its also a "last nail in the coffin" to work out. No excuse. type of thing.

    Its worked so far. Lost 10lbs this month.
  • Dynetha
    Dynetha Posts: 42 Member
    Hmmmmm. Well I don't know then. I tried eating 1200 calories, then I upped it to 1452 and I've still only lost 4 lbs over 2 months. I have a small frame so I know this fat wants to come off.

    I also work out 6x a week.

    Maybe it's my night time sugar attacks. lol.

    and also the smaller the frame the slower the weight comes a 150lb person is not going to burn as much as a 300lb person...and keep an eye on your calories burned....the more you burn the more you need to eat to lose the weight :-)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I presume this is an April fools joke?
    I'm eating around 1600 cals a day plus my exercise calories and have lost 8 kg (about 17 pounds) in just over 2 months.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hmmmmm. Well I don't know then. I tried eating 1200 calories, then I upped it to 1452 and I've still only lost 4 lbs over 2 months. I have a small frame so I know this fat wants to come off.

    I also work out 6x a week.

    Maybe it's my night time sugar attacks. lol.

    It's much easier to make better suggestions if your diary is open but I'm at about 140 and have been losing in the area of 3lbs a month for the last two. Part of what you have to understand is that you aren't very overweight, if at all, so your body will be really reluctant to give up much more of your fat %.

    Also, if you had been at 1200 and/or not eating your exercise cals your body is readjusting your metabolism. Be patient. Even if slowly, it will come off.

    My suggestion- weigh in 1x or 2x a month instead of once a week. Mentally prep yourself to lose 1lb every other week.

    I know with summer right around the corner, it's tempting to rush and impatience is easy to fall into. But just take your time.
  • Dean31
    Dean31 Posts: 38 Member
    I also eat my calories back and I am losing consistently.

    I avoid hunger by eating small, low calorie meals more often. You have to give your stomach 5 to 10 min to signal your brain that you're not hungry anymore. Don't eat until you're full. Your hunger will go away with a surprisingly small amount of food.

    Also, you can eat all you want as long as you burn off the calories. I saw someone post that they've been doing "extra exercise so that I can eat more of the foods I like, and I know that's wrong"...This is not at all wrong! You can eat all you want as long as at the end of the day, you've burned off those calories and you've met your caloric goal.

    Also, depending on how much you are eating and and exercising, eating back those calories can be necessary or not. For instance, if your daily goal is 1200 calories, and you eat 2000 calories, and then burn 800 through exercise, your net will be 1200 calories for that day, and in that case you can't eat back any of those calories without blowing your goal, so you would NOT eat those back. BUT, if your goal is 1200, you eat 2000, then burn off 1000, then you have a net of 1000 calories, and therefore a deficit of 200, and you can eat those 200 back.

    You really should strive to not let your daily net calories go below 900. If you do, your metabolism will slow and your weight loss will also decrease dramatically. With so few calories going into your body, your body will react by hording the few calories it has and stop burning fat for anything other than keeping your body alive.
  • BStayer
    BStayer Posts: 22
    I always eat at least part of my exercise calories back. I get too hungry if I don't and I will binge almost everytime. Just make sure that every calorie you eat is quality. No candy, no cakes or cookies, and no fried foods. Calories from fish, chicken breast, whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes, and good veggies like broccoli and aparagus are great calories. And no salt. If you eat these kinds of foods and eat back your exercise calories, I can gaurantee that you will loose weight. Of course, the number of calories you eat everyday will determine how fast the weight comes off. Adding cayenne pepper to your meals can help boost your metabolism. It's been known to raise the core temperature and this helps your body to burn more fat throughout the day.

    Hope this helps.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Happy April Fools day!
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    Hey :)
    I've been doing this weight loss Challenge since the first week of February. I have lost 23 lbs so far. At first I had my calories at 1550... then down to 1450 and now at 1350. I never eat my exercise calories back unless it's on the weekend usually for a treat.

    I have lost between 1 and 3 pounds weekly... and I feel like I"m always eating as it is.

    I guess it's really just a matter of how your body is working. Try not to be discouraged, you just need to adjust your foods sometimes to suit your body.

    Hang in there girly.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Has anyone noticed that the people who are losing consistently losing weight every week are not eating their exercise calories?

    Their calorie goals are 1200 and then they also are working out, burning 500 calories and not eating them back.

    I don't think I can do that if that's what it takes to lose weight. I upped my calories to 1452 as it is and then I eat my exercise calories back and I still find myself over eating on days. I don't get how these people are not STARVING all the time.

    If you do this, please, explain to me why this is working for you! lol.

    I'm so fed up that I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale. I went from eating whatever I wanted, and eating like total CRAP to eating healthy (sugar still gets me though, I have a weakness for that stuff) and not losing the weight. I thought it would just be sliding off me.

    Thanks for listening to my rant, haha.

    Maybe you are not measuring your food correctly (eating more than you think you are), or over estimating the number of calories you are burning.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Yep, this must be an April Fool's Joke, not that funny OP!!
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    The ones who don't eat their exercise calories do lose weight.

    They're also the same ones who post threads freaking out because they gained or stayed at the same weight after initially losing....
  • susan2913
    susan2913 Posts: 10
    If you cut back on your calorie intake you will be hungry for a day or two---but your body will adjust and the hunger stops. I eat 1200/day and do not eat the exercise calories during the week. On the weekend --I will eat some--not all-- of the exercise calories.:flowerforyou:
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories back. If I did...I'd be eating way too much food. I'm at 1420 calories to meet a day and I range from 1250-somewhere in the 1300's usually. I'm trying to get as close to the 1420 as I can but it's hard since I'm already eating all day as it is lol (at least it feels that way!) I started Jan 3rd at 188 lbs and today I weighed 154.4. I haven't had a stall in my weight loss and I feel great. This is also my second time losing weight so I know what works with my body and I think that helped a ton this time! Good luck to you!
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    To a few of those people, this is not an April Fool's Joke. What kind of crappy joke would this be anyways? lol.

    Thanks everyone for your help. I'm still confused about what my body wants and needs to lose weight but I guess I should be more patient.
  • nhhartmann
    nhhartmann Posts: 30 Member
    FYI - I am alloted 1200 calories per day as well b/c that is the minimum MFP will give but in my goals it says I am set to lose 1.3 lbs. per week (even though I would like to make it 2 lbs. per week). So, if I want to lose 2 lbs per week, I have to exercise (and use those calories as additional deficit to increase my weight loss per week). I usually just eat my exercise calories since I'm like you - starving sometimes and always liking a glass or two of wine each night.

    I lose more when I watch what I'm eating and get the most food for the least calories which are always fruits, vegetables, fresh ingredients - nothing out of a box, basically. Then I can get full on 1200 calories per day.

    However - even while eating my exercise calories I am losing just slower than others.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have to eat some or I stall. Since I've noticed the calorie burn estimates are a bit high, I aim for 1/2 back. Sometimes I eat them, sometimes I don't. But the more weight I've lost, the more important it's been to eat some back. I eat 1500 calories a day on non exercise days, and 1700 otherwise.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't lose weight if I eat back strength training calories, but I do for running ones......
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